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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Whatever time is good for the most people is the time it should be at. I am not sure if I can make it earlier, but I think I can be there by 6ish if your all still there. Don't plan the times around me though, my schedule could change pretty quickly. Do you want to do the PM thing again or should I?
  2. I purchased an Aqualifter back in May for an ATO pump. Last week it stopped working. I saved my box and receipt but the store I purchased it from is no longer in business. The box does state it has a one year warranty. So I googled the company, found a phone number and left a message on a custmoer services reps number. They actually called me back. They didn't ask what I was using it for, they didn't ask me for a copy of my receipt,t hey didn't ask me to send the pump to them, all they asked me was for my address. There sending me a brand new pump, free of charge, I don't even pay shipping, and they apologized for there pump not working. I'm pretty stoked. Thanks Tom Aquarium Products.
  3. I meant for the Meet and Greet at the pub, not the meeting.
  4. WOW that sucks. I almost went to see Patrick instead of Upscales today too, boy did I luck out. Dennis, you need a Subaru Sorry you had a crappy day.
  5. How about the 3rd? I think it is time we had some fun together again.
  6. Snowpunk, I do find it fitting you started this thread. Funny the same thing happenend while I was at Upscales, then to freezing rain, then back to snow. I was stoked to get to try out my Subaru in the snow for the first time.
  7. Sorry that won't quite fit, I need to find something 17" long or under. Thanks and good luck.
  8. Ya let me know what the measurements are I have a tight space I am working with.
  9. The TV and PS run through the same connection and the TV is fine, so I don't think it is the cable. I could be wrong, very easily I don't know to much about electronics. Would that fix it? That is what she wants to do. Her birthday is Thursday but I feel kinda guilty getting her a PS3 ya know. I haven't even tried the Wii yet, I wonder how that looks. Guess I need to do some research.
  10. I have a few zoa's and a neon green sinularia I could frag for you.
  11. Are the dimensions a standard 10g? I need to add a new bay to my sump and this woudl be kind of perfect if it would fit in my stand.
  12. The new TV is a 50" 1080p. All the hookups are the same as they were on the last TV. The cable is a slip on and it is all the way on (I just checked). The PS2 cable has a built in splitter that the TV cable is attached to and the cable TV looks phenominal ( especially comapred to my last TV). Thanks for the help.
  13. So the wife got me a nice sized TV for Christmas. When I went to hook up the PS2 the screen is now very staticy. Black and white spots like an old school TV set. Is there a higher resolution setting or something on the PS2 I need to change? Thanks
  14. It is because the tail spot is new. I had issues with my tail spot and midas, but maybe since you tank is larger you won't have them. My tail spot was a jerk. Attacked everythin. I think he thought he was a damsel. Looks like a Midas from Kenya?
  15. Isolate the leak before you start cutting. food dye can help. IS the tank drilled/plumbed externally?
  16. I hope your pH probe is broken, or your corals are all brown! An average under 7? Freaky!
  17. pledosophy

    Why not

    That is unfortunate there site is not going so well. Perhaps there is something we could collaborate on for the benefit of both clubs. I'm not quite sure what though. Nice links there John. Some of the planted tanks are quite cool.
  18. pledosophy

    Why not

    There is a fresh water club in town, they do have there own forum, which has a salt water section. IIRC they are the Greater Portland Aquarium Society. While I see how this could attract a few more members I don't think we should compromise who we are to attract more people. JMO
  19. As anyone tried using magnets to hold it in place? I suppose the size of the magnet would be dependent on the size of the rock shelf.
  20. If you need someone to look in on your tank, I'm right down the road. Maybe we could trade, I'm leaving for a week coming up too. LMK
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