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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I've only met Travis once, but Tom has been great to me at least 50 times. It's a swell store.
  2. The same message was also sent to me, but on a different site by a different poster. Still waiting to verify the IP from the other site. Tangled web we weave. . .
  3. I can set my camera to increase saturation, contrast, and sharpness to get the look out of the lens without editing software. I could technically state I had not altered the picture. Most people do not know enough about cameras to set there color to neutral before taking a picture, I don't know if this is intentionally deceptive, or just ignorance. My monitor is calibrated, as is my software. When I post things for sale they are the exact color they are in my tank. If your monitor is off, that is on you, I did my best. As someone who has been in the professional photography world since 96', and who worked at a lab editing photo's, and who studied print making in school, most of the photo's I have seen in this hobby are altered. If you want to make a list, list the ones who don't, it will be much easier.
  4. Right side wall about 7" down from the top. That way I get a good current across the sand, but the sand stays put. The output on them is very wide, they can go many places but it you want a wave, you need to keep them down in the tank a bit from what I have read. JME
  5. Unless you want to keep a wrasse, then no. I tried making a "sandpile" for my wrasse, but in a couple months the sand was everywhere, not much but everywhere. Sand will grealy limit your options for current as well IME.
  6. You have excellent taste in fish.
  7. They brag about there HD, but post no pics!
  8. My coworkers father is in the hospital after using to many moth balls (Napthalene) in there home to combat a pest problem. It is not something you want to live around.
  9. My wife bought the PS3 last week. Now you can understnad why I have not been online so much. I sure hope my wife never reads this, she is convinced the PS2 would not work on the TV, but the PS3 is pretty awesome. Still it would be fun to play some of the PS2 games I like also. I wiggled and jiggled everything but the clarity did not ever improve. Maybe I have to old of a PS2 or something, I'm not really sure. It goes through the TV antena input, same as the cable would, but the cable TV goes into the PS2 splitter if you follow. The Wii is in the RYW plugs.
  10. I use a strip moonlight made by EcoSystems. It's a suction cup attachment and fully subersible. I keep mine in the canopy though. http://www.marinedepot.com/Ecosystem_LED_Accent_Lighting_Moonlight_Blue_Submersible_LED_Light_Fixtures-EcoSystem_Aquarium-EC5111-FILTFILDSB-4-vi.html
  11. If you have a pair look for the shrimp fry at a half hour or so after first light. They will be towards the top of the tank. My peps have fry every couple of weeks or so in each of my tanks. Mine never make it past a couple hours in the system. I did used to have a system setup to harvest shrimp fry for feeding seahorse fry, but that has been some years. The majority were always at the top of the tank, released at the first sign of light, usually around 5-6am back in that apartment. JME
  12. IME my bryopisis did not start to disintergrate until after three days of being over 1800 ppm. JME
  13. Thanks Frank I hear every noise from my drain now!
  14. I use a hammer and a flathead screw driver.
  15. The use of the gate valve on the herbie helps to control the air in the pipe to silence the noise.
  16. I have an internal duroso and an external herbie. The internal duroso is a bit quieter. IMO the herbie is pretty much a duroso with an air valve. So with the hole in my duroso's I incude a hose with an air vavle for a similar affect. The reef just has a herbie as a safety drain, or if I need to power a reactor. JMO
  17. To gain weight, drink more, and spend ridiculous amounts of money on my tanks. Hey I'm trying to be realistic.
  18. We almost bought an $80 8' cable when we got our PS3 last week. I didn't know any better, but then at the line to the register was a $20 6' cable, I wish I would have known about cheaper. The $20 works great to me, I don't have anything to compare it to, but the pcture looks good.
  19. Oh good I was worried. I tried to get clever once and plumb my closed loop intake in the overflow box, in a power outage teh tank would drain to the highest point on the closed loop return. Glad you didn't make the same mistake. The spa strainers are dope. I have a blood shrimp that lives on mine, just cleaning it all day long.
  20. Did I read right that your closed loop intake is inside of the overflow box?
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