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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I feel bad for the cop. While the pepper spray may not have fanned the flames, I wonder how many years she is going to be asking herself if the fire extinguisher would have put them out. Such a shame. If the protesters plan was really to set a retail store on fire, we're better off without them around. He could have killed people. What happen to the peace and love part of being a hippie? PLUR LIVES !
  2. If the brain is not interested in mysis, you might have to work up to them depending on there size. Before I target feed my LPS, I always turn off the return pump and add a bit of cyclopleeze and wait about 10-15 minutes for the feeders to extend all the way. If you feed often the corals will get better at accepting food. If you feed at a consistent time they will be ready for you as well. My brains will eat just about anything but usually the brains get target fed krill. JMO
  3. Looking good. Now you just have to plumb the salt water reserve tanks directly into the there respective displays so you can flip a switch and refill the tanks then turn the pump off via remote control. Sorry, I saw it at Randy's house today and was jealous. Really he has it in his garage.
  4. That's actually a pretty good price for a dragon. I have seen them go for double. If I could afford the huge temperate tank to keep a pair, the fish would be cheap. My friend is breeding them in his home, 3500g just for the breeding pair.
  5. I only know Ray and Zach. Never met a Mark.
  6. A UV will only kill what passes though it, which will not be much of the beneficial bacteria as most of it is benthic. A UV will kill or sterilize the pods that go through it. Make sure to use a prefilter before the UV. You also need the appropriate amount of gallons per hour for the unit. Running to much water, or not enough is also bad. IME they are a benefit for somethings but I don't use on unless it is on a fish propagation setup. JMO
  7. Up all night Frank? I have a 1" drain on my 65g, it works O.K. Depending on how much flow you want from your return pump, bigger is better. 1" should handel about 600 gph. My return is a 3/4", which is fine for my needs. Just keep it the same size from teh pump to the bulkhead.
  8. Tank, stand, and canopy of the better ones. I think he still has the scratched 125
  9. I'll be taking that setup off his hands when he gets back in town. (naughty) Worked it out last week.
  10. I would do two MP40's IMO. Especially being in the living room for noise. Closed loops are great because they are so easy to hide, but with some work you can hide powerheads pretty well as well IMO. Having the alternating powers of the Vortechs will be very handy. Congrats on the new tank. Let me know if you need any help moving stuff around.
  11. Sooooooooooooooo. .. . . You better watch out buddy, I have made a deal for a new tank and I'm gonna give your thread title a run for the money
  12. Been there to man, it sucks. Rebuilding is fun, so is LPS. If you really want to go all out SPS I would upgrade the skimmer if it's on the edge and look for a refugium some how. They like to be fed, a lot. I toss in 5 cubes a day to my 65g. HTH
  13. Thanks Miles, that link is going to cost me at least $500. I'm a 20th of the way there . . . group buy for the shop
  14. Why are you a bunch of MH haters? You could run a 70w viper and be great on that tank. Lot's of nano systems run MH's. A 10g is most likely 20" long, I'm not even sure you could get a high output T5 for that size, but you might be able to. For what your planning to keep an 18w PC bulb would work fine, but the halides do give the shimmer, which is pretty cool and something I miss since switching my tanks to T5's. I will be going back to the MH's soon.
  15. If your serious I might be interested int he tank. I have been looking for a similiar setup for some time now.
  16. That's what Ray does now, and before actually.
  17. I should have explained better, the link above talks about floating fish in the ocean.
  18. Until we stop shipping our electrical waste to China so there children can take apart the components, to recycle/reuse them, while being constantly exposed to toxic materials, we have no place to point a finger at them. We can only take responsibility for ourselves.
  19. IME dying corals leads to dead corals. It was much more common IMO a few years back.
  20. I think names shoudl be named. Otherwise this just allows the person to continue to rip people off. JMO
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