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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. You're the man! I'm getting Scott's system when he gets back in town. I'm pretty stoked on the whole thing. I won't be setting the system up until I move, but want to have all the pieces so when I move I can just move my stuff from my tank now into the new tank there. Should be fun.
  2. He did the same for me today. I bought a wrasse there last week, it died the next day. I went in today and got my free replacement and he even tested my water for me as well just to make sure all was well. Thanks Patrick.
  3. I would also like an MP40. Sending PM as well. What is the final price?
  4. I'm trying to decide between two or three 250w's. I would like to stay with 2 for heat reasons and $$ reasons. I mainly keep LPS so thout it the lighting aspect would be sufficent, I will have 5 or 6 SPS colonies (when they grow up) but I don't want a crazy shadowy tank either. Do you think two 250's with Lumanarcs would cover the tank. Also for the supplemental actinics should I run 2 60" T5's and stagger them or 4 36"ers. I'm also going to look into VHO's instead for there colors. Any help greatly appreciated.
  5. Ah thanks for the update. Living vicariously through you was begining to get to be slow going. The aquascaping looks good. Should be great for your setup. Is that refugium just being held up by eggcrate?
  6. Getting them to eat and keeping the tank temp down you can easily double that lifespan. 7 and 8 year old seahorses are not that uncommon with more experienced keepers. When I started people thought they lived a year, two at most. IME there are easily a hundred fishes you can keep them with and not worry. That's why we spend so long on the article. If you need any help with them along the way let me know, if I don't know I can probably point you to someone who does.
  7. If you do upgrade tanks, you can always order the MP20 to 40 up kit for $150. **Posted by the Guy who is getting a 125 and ordering the kit**
  8. The bacteria is on the rock, it's not in the water. When you move stuff around a lot of things get stirred up and then sucked up in the water, which is why I would change it. You can do a 100% water change and experience no cycle IME. JMO
  9. Sorry Mark, I'm flattered but I don't swing that way . . . (laugh)(laugh)(naughty)(naughty)(rock2) Some crabs are pretty cool, I'd like to get a nano tank and a decorator crab for my desk at work. They're just cool.
  10. I have the same tank and a MP20 is fine, but I do run a closed loop as well. JME
  11. I've never had a hitch hiking crab. Just wanted to take the chance to rub it in. Not ever Mark. Not even one.
  12. I wouldn't try to save all of the water, I would replace much of it with new water. You will probably have to do this again in a few days since your are replacing your substrate. Keep a close eye on ammonia an nitrate for the first couple weeks. I would also feed a bit less then usual. I might even skip feedings for the first few days. After you take out the cc, then put in the rock, then put in the sand, then put in the water. Once it clears out some then put in the corals/fish. It might take a day for the tank to clear. I scrape coraline often too, sign of a healthy system or not, I like my backround to be unspotted. I scrape it at least once a month. Some spots that require moving more then one or two rocks do get neglected. HTH
  13. I had a 75g with a stress fracture. Improperly made. SO it HAD to be destroyed. You'd be amazed how hard you can hit a glass tank with a hammer and have it not break. That was fun. On the breaking glass fun trip, my work does custom framing. Our last shop was on the 3rd floor. The trash chute went down to the basement. It would explode! That was also fun. Breaking glass is cool.
  14. How much did they charge you to fix it? I have a broken one too.
  15. What are the dimensions of the sump? I need something to fit the ASM G2.
  16. If you part out I would be interested in the 250w MH setup w/ reflectors and the ph Monitor.
  17. I have a 250w MH Ballast, Light, and reflector you can borrow for a little bit. I won't be setting up my tank until after the move. I also have a skimmer (your old one) and some powerheads you can borrow if you need also. I'm still waiting for the new skimmer impeller but I think it comes in today.
  18. Yup. The water out of the tap here is pretty clean. There are a few other reefers in my area who do the same thing. I am not sure what the water is like in your neck of the woods.
  19. I think I'm $70 in for everything which is: Di Unit Tubing 3/8" splitter to john guest john guest compression ball head. I'll try to find my camera tomorrow if you need it. I just told the guy at HD I wanted to connect a refrigerator icemaker under my bathroom sink. The fridge uses the same size tubing as the input of my DI unit.
  20. I have found it fairly easy (meaning I could do it myself) to hook up a DI unit under the sink in the bathroom off of the cold water line. The unit can stay under the sink when not in use and is turned off with a ball valve. When I want to use it I run the hose to a bin in my tub and let it fill up. When I am done, it goes away again. I have an adapter that screws onto the output of the faucet, but this has been easier for me. JME
  21. My homie recommends a 3000g circular tank with at least 5 feet of vertical swim room, I think his is 8 feet. They also require low temperatures close to 63F if I remember correctly, but I could be off on that. He has trained his to frozen foods. He trains the fry to frozen before selling them as well. Raising the fry is similar to other syngnathids. I do know people who have kept adults in smaller tanks (1000g range), but not bred them in smaller. Also not everyone keeps them in a circular tank. I have seen a pair of juvies (6" or so) in a 375g at a public aquariums back room.
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