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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. We could do the guest room first . . . (nutty)(naughty) (laugh)(laugh)
  2. The wife and I are going to place an offer on a house, but the house needs some work. Mostly minor stuff like painting, switching counter tops, moving some plumbing (laundry room from just inside the garage out to the garage), some electrical like installing new light fixtures. We're not handy. Does anyone have any good recommendations for us. It would be nice to get some estimates and plans before we close so once we close we can have all the work done in a couple weeks and then move in. BTW tank moving party date to be announced at a later date. Thanks.
  3. When you are ready to get the seahorses let me know. I know quite a few of the breeders in the U.S. I might not be able to get you a huge discount, but I can tell you who has the best stock around, and steer you clear of ones that will cause problems down the line.
  4. IME if your water quaility is good once the nem finds a place they just hang out there. I have uncovered power heads now in my system as well as a closed loop intake and it has not been a problem. You can also cover powerheads with several things including netting or screen to decrease the size of the intake holes. HTH
  5. Wow man. Just wow. I love it all. The aquascaping sticks out the most to me, but that stand and canopy sure did turn out well. Maybe one day you can teach me how to do that. Very cool tank.
  6. I might be interested in the heaters and the sequence pump as well. Depends.
  7. If you part out I might be interested in the Bartlets, the sand, and the Icecaps. PM me if you go this route, I don't want to miss it.
  8. Do you want to change your thread title so people know your slanging more then just an RO? LMK
  9. Dude you missed Rose City. If you haven't been there in a year, you haven't been there. I would put it on your list for next time. Probably good you might have ended up having to pan handle for gas money to get home. Glad your liked our shops.
  10. Hey if your driving up can I give you my cash and have you pick mine up too?
  11. Oh I guess Frank is out of luck then . . . (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh) (naughty)
  12. pledosophy

    Fish Room

    Let me know if you need some help designing some seahorse breeding/ fry systems. I have some cool ones that are proven. Cheap to make too, no glass just plastic. Easy to clean. . . I'd enjoy helping you out. I haven't had my own fishroom since I moved up to Oregon. Wife and I are looking for a home now, which will have a fishroom for me. I hope you love it as much as I loved mine.
  13. That sucks man. How much do you need to make to stay? These times are tough on many people for sure. There are jobs out there, just keep your chin up, you could still land on your feet.
  14. Can you get a clearer shot of the cornet? Maybe a close up profile for me. Sorry to be a pain on the request, I am just curious about something. The snout looks a bit off, but it could just be the angle. Reidi are my favorite seahorses I have ever owned, mine got over 8" I have seen one over 11". The fry are a pain in the butt, but if I can help let me know. Such a fun species. IME feeding live once a week, the seahorses went back to frozen without a hitch, pardon the pun. I would feed artemia for my "fasting day". On the other hand my Reidi never ate frozen and I had to feed them live ghosts every day for 6 years, the joys of WC's. Got expensive.
  15. Unless your feeding the enrichment to live food and then feeding to the seahorses I think you are wasting your time IME. Most of the enrichment just comes off in the water, very little actually sticks to the food, and then makes it through into the seahorses digestive system. It does add a nice little cloud they exhale through there gills after they snick something though . . . If you want to feed them enrichments I think vitamin C is good but beta glucan is going to be your best bet. You can find the powder capsuls at most health food stores. Just feed the capsul to a bag full of brine shrimp, wait a half hour or so and then feed that live brine to your seahorses. I wouldn't feed live to often, maybe once a week or so. If you feed to much live food they start looking at the frozen food like, "Where's the live food, I'm not eating this." Then again some seahorses are actually scared of live brine, but yours being captive bred should not be, I ran into this more when working with WC reidi and comes. I only know all of this because I tried for quite some time to figure out the enrichment thing. In the end I found I could keep very healthy seahroses longterm (5 years +) without feeding enrichments and by only ever feeding fresh water foods that contained little of the HUFA's. Oh, since they are eating the PE, I would just feed the hikari to your reef, the seahorses need all the protein they can get, especially at there size, so a snicked hikari is a waste for them. Sorry I'm so opinionated. HTH
  16. Pssssssssssssssssssk, I bet you could part out the dual 175's to that nice guy down the street . . .
  17. If they'll eat the PE I would ditch the hikari. The read the protein content ont he packages, you'll see why. Are you using garlic for an appetite stimulant? IME it doesn't really work. Seahorses have no olfactory senses. O.K. they do have something resembling one, but it is theorized to be inactive or to be used to recognize a mate. They can't smell food. IMO I think this leads to the hard time training to frozen for WC seahroses, they don't smell it but there senses are activated by the movement, which is why you blow the food around the tank with a turkey baster. Some people believe that garlic acts as an immune system booster, but if this is your intent I woudl switch to feeding artemia beta glucan. JMO
  18. What brand of food are you feeding?
  19. If the food does fall out of the dish, they will still eat it. They are not that picky. Infact if they eat to fast and some of there poo looks like a shrimp, they will eat that too. If you split up there feedings until small multiple feedings a day, they will grow faster and ultimately be healthier. Those horses are still very small.
  20. That sucks I've been looking forward to Isaac opening up. I got to see the preview too, it was pretty impressive when I was there. I thought the shop would do great. Bummer!
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