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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. That's a crazy detailed picture. Thanks for postign that
  2. I have a couple still. What size are you looking for? What do you have to offer in trade or purchase price.
  3. My wife likes to dress up our dogs. Here is the basenji on halloween.
  4. Grassi, I'll let you know. I live over by Frank, I think I recall him saying you were going to stop over there for something or other, if you want to save the gas we can schedule it for around then. 7Max, it is called halymenia, common name is dragon's tongue. It will grow fast if there is not much competition. It will keep it's color better in lower light IME. I have some between the blasto and the green leather polyps there.
  5. I think almost half of those photo's are from one of our members.
  6. And closed. We need to be a bit nicer to each other. Madreefer, I understand your mad (sorry could not resist the pun), I am not the one who deleted your thread but I can tell you why it was deleted. Whom ever did delete the thread should have sent you an explanation via PM, apparently something was missed. I apologize on behalf of the mods for this break down in communication. Since this thread has taken place so publically, it is clear you would like the resolution to be such. In your threads you stated you and your wife had started a business. You can not advertise a business on this site without being a sponsor. It is a pretty black and white rule. Your business has a website, it is running a promotional offer. Since you are now calling your self a business you have to follow the rules set up for businesses who wish to operate on this site. This rule was in place long before your posts, and as moderators we are here to enforce the rules so they are fair to everyone. We can't have you advertising your business without paying the sponsorship fees as it is unfair to the rest of the sponsors. In the last 24 hours I have personally banned three other members for promoting there business without consent. Your kind of a special case. If you would have just made the one post in the Non reef classified section it might have been fine IMO, but choosing to make multuple posts in various forums on the site lead you to the classification of spam. Normally spammers are removed immediatley from this site without warning or cause for explanation, since you are clearly not the typical spammer, and probably unaware IMO that you were violating these rules, this action will not be taken against you. Perhaps there is some flexibility that can be made for your case, but it is something we will need to discuss. I am not sure given the situation how much flexibility we have, it is not soley my decision. Again I apologize for the break down in communication. I hope we can resolve this amicably. I do wish you the best of luck with your endeavor.
  7. I'll hook you up. Beer is at my place though, it's in a fridge, really close to the tank with the algae. You can pick what you want,
  8. IME I have not seen a benefit from dosing Iron on planted systems. I have read several articles where people have run side by side experiments and no known benefit has been shown from dosing iron. When you are dosing Iron there is a definite indication when there is to much present as a slime algae forms. When this happens, you just stop dosing for awhile. I
  9. Take the sand off of the runners. In between each stalk there is a "runner" or vine like thing. Pinch the vines with your fingernail in between each stalk to seperate them. Now if one of those pieces goes sexual you will not loose all of the spieces, just that piece. If the vines are attached everything attached to that vine will go sexual, if you keep them in smaller pieces, you will only loose a small bit at a time. You mention halymenia, and I think I see taxifloria in the picture. Then you also say your nitrates are zero. I would guess the algae is starving for food. It is also theorized that algaes excrete chemicals to kill off other algaes but I have not witnessed this in my planted systems. I would guess the algae is hungry. Clip the runners (you should make this a practice of all vine based algaes IMO) and feed the tank a bit more so there is available nitrate and phospahte. I use bioballs in my overflow boxes since they are known "nitrate factories" and I kinda feed a grip to the system. I am able to keep many species of algae in close quarters this way. The concentration of iron is seawater is very minimal and no tests have been done showing it as a benefit, that I have ever read. If you do dose, stop dosing when you see the slime algae disappear. JME
  10. Diamox is a bath treatment it disolves in water. I am not sure if it if reef safe, I have only ever used in a hospital tank. Let me know if I can help. I'll be out of town tomorrow but back on Friday.
  11. I would do a 30g water change and run a copious amount of carbon. There is something wrong with your water. Replace it and filter out contaminants. JMO
  12. I'll be next in line for the meteor shower, just let me know when to come pick up.
  13. I have a reef and a salt water planted. I would love to add a non photosynthetic tank, and another tank with some angel fish. I would do 10 tanks if I didn't have to work.
  14. If you do the math, water changes that have trace elements consistent with sea level will not replace the lost elements unless you are doing a 100% water change. The percentage of water changes we do as hobbyists (10%, 20%, 30%) replace that much of the trace elements. Eventually if the tank gets old enough the only elements that will be present will come from the water change (so once the argon is gone if you do a 10% change you will then have 10% AR of normal seawater). That said, I don't think argon does jack for my corals. Some thigns are helpful, but I do believe there is a lot of snake oil in this hobby. Iodine for instance is not actually good for corals, and does get replenished in there food. They sold us iodine for years, recently *(maybe 5 or 6 years back) switching to Iodide which is beneficial for our systems. Iodide is definetly something you should test for if you are adding as certain levels are toxic to inverts. Strontium is a bit different in my mind, as far as I know there is no ill effects of over dosing. I also supplement iron in my systems which I don't have a test kit for, but I do know the first sign of an abundance of iron is a diatom algae so when I see that algae I lay off dosing. Just my ramblings.
  15. There are some very cool non reef safe fish, but since I am so into corals, I can't see having a tank without coral. FOWLR tanks can be cheaper to setup, or just as expensive. All depends on how you want to go. JMO
  16. That tank is amazing, but I can't believe they didn't hide the pipes a little bit better. Miracle Mud is dope Andy! You can't swim in a ferrari
  17. xspace if gone. Bye bye,. Shaywood, I would switch to another provider immediately. JME http://www.seahorse.org/Lunarpages.htm
  18. Let me know how it goes Nick. I need a 100 lbs or so. I have to come buy to get some more rock from you too. I want to get a sand that will stay still, but still has a small as possible size to aid with denitrification.
  19. I think you should take your spam somewhere else.
  20. So what are you using? I have always used an argonite, but am having an internal debate on grain size between the sands that are .2-1.2m an the ones that are closed to 4.0mm. Does the larger grain lead to less sand flying about? I would like to have at least a 3-4" bed in some places for the wrasses chinstrap and potter's wrasse. I haven't setup a tank in a while, 125 on the way.
  21. Raising shrimp sucks. It is a lot of work. There canibals. IME I kept the adults in a pool strainer wrapped in mesh, and had a decent amount of flow going through. When the babies were born (usually every couple weeks or so at first light) they would be blown out of the strainer before they could be a snack. Worked descently. You have to keep similiar sized shrimp with each other, larger shrimp will eat smaller ones. I did the green water thing for awhile because I had a lot of green water at the time and it worked alright. I would do mysid shrimp not ghosts. Ghosts grow slower and don't reproduce as often IME, but that might have been something in my system. I used to keep several hundred ghosts at a time, never saw any fry. If you want to start let me know and we can talk more. I still have the hook ups on the starter cultures as well. Cost is about $110 for a 1000 shrimp, including shipping.
  22. Goeman's book is probably the best reading material on the subject IMO.
  23. Buying bigger will save you more money in the long run.
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