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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I will defenitley take the sequence dart. Would you do the dart, the two heaters, and two of the ice caps for $250?
  2. Mods can't change your name. You need to ask Chief to do that for you. I think he charges a nominal 6 pack of his favorite brew as a fee . . . but I could just be making that up.
  3. Wow man that is scary. I hope they are O.K.
  4. Some of us choose not to do any business via PM. It is a protection for both the buyer and seller to do everything out in the open. This is also why the rules of the site state you have to post a price in your thread. I personally will not discuss business at all outside of the public forum, unless we are exchanging phone numbers to schedule a meet up, I don't like to post my phone number on the web. Some of the people you think are "just here to screw around" have a very long track record (years) of positive transactions in this club. You are wrong in your assumptions. I understand you do not know how to post pictures on this site, if you need help with that I am sure many of the members could lend you a hand. There are places were you can set up a free account and load pictures on this site, shoudl take you less then 5 minutes. Also if you subscribe to this thread you can choose to receive email notification when a post is made, the same as when someone PM's you.
  5. How old is the pump? Did you clean it first? If you haven't soaked the pump in white vinegar, I actually like to run the pump in the vinegar I think it works better but that's JMO, I woudl try that. If the pump is clean, it is mounted on a pad to reduce the noise, and the plumbing is made to absorb the vibration, there is not much else you can do besides replacing the pump. JMO
  6. Should there be 3 "x"'s in that name?
  7. What did you say? I can't hear you over the noise of the pump . . . I am a freak about noise. So, I feel your pain. There are a few things you can do to help out a bit, besides replacing that pump. Setting the punpm on a soft rubber surface like a rubber mouse pad will help to minimize the vibrations. Having some sort of soft plumbing coming off the pump, so everything is not hard plumbed helps out a bit as well. Make sure the pump and pipes are not vibrating agaisnt anything. Between the lot of that you should be better. If it is stuill to loud for you, there are other cool pumps out there IMO, that are quiet. HTH
  8. OOO Me me me! ! ! I'll text you at a more reasonable hour.
  9. Just don't forget to PM me when it goes live. I thought you were going to part this out a few weeks back. (scratch)
  10. Not sure what happended here. What is being talked about now is much different then what some of us originally talked about. I am down to pay for the shipping for Sean and I, and possibly others who live in the area or who can pick up in the area. Between the people around town we can work out holding the frags for people to pick up. I already have a couple grand of zoa's in my tank what's a few more. I am not cool with picking it up at a store that is a 45 minute drive from my house, each way, or work out some schedule where I have to be at some undisclosed place at some undisclosed time to pick up my frag. My schedule is hectic, it does not work for me, the $40 shipping for convience is far easier. If that is the decision of the group I will pay for my shipping seperately, I can have Sean's shipped with mine since we live less then a mile from each other. If other people in the area want to meet up or have me a hold a frag I am willing to do that, they can chip in what they like for shipping. I mean no disrespect at all to Vanz, I think he knows this. I am greatful for him making me aware of this offer. If people from different regions want to be invovled in this and do not want in on the box being sent to the Beaverton area, I think you should work this out in your own region. My offer extends to anyone who can make themselves available for pick in this areawithin a reasonable time frame. I do not think it is fair to ask Patrick to take responsibility for this, or to put up with the headache that will follow what is outlined here IMO. He probably would do it, he is that nice of a guy, but it is not something I myself am comfortable asking him to do. JMO I really would like to thank Sean for opening up this oppritunity to all of us. It was very kind and thoughtful. Thanks Homie!
  11. IME using that product it works, at first. Then you have to re dose a month later. Then a couple months later you redose again, but the problem is not gone, so then you have to do the double dose you read about on the side of the package. That works, at first but a month later it pops up again. So you dose the product, do the re dose, then do a triple dose and now it is gone. A month later, I looked for another solution. For the record after each dose I did a 50% water change. That product is an anti biotic, but it is not strong enough to completely kill off the bacteria, so it kills off all of the weak cells, leaving the strongest to multiply. Then repeats. After a few doses the cells are now resistant to that anto biotic and it has no effect. Now that you have anti biotic resistant bacteria things are much worse. A light amount of research into cynaobacteria will reveal it is one of the oldest things on the earth. It can double itself in as little as 20 minutes given ideal conditions (which include a moist environment with a good temperature (78F range), with a food source (any nitrate). Our tanks are perfect for it. The bacteria is completely photosynthetic. So if you remove the light source for 72 continious hours, you will kill what is present in your tank at that moment. . . mostly, but enough where what is left will not be a problem if you have your additional nutrient problems in check. IME turning the lights off for that long of a period does have detremental affects on some species of corals especially acropora and caps. I have not experienced a problem with the other species I keep, which are plentiful. After you do a period of 72 hours with no light you need to do at least a 50% water change, then follow it up a few days later with another change. If you neglect to do the two major water changes a period of nussiance aglae will follow IME. Algaes will go sexual and release sopres after an extended time period with no light, so doing the change will remove much of these spores before they seed and cause a further headache IME. There are many factors to cyano which include excessive nutrients and a low pH. Most hobbyists over feed, by a ton. Reading about your tank you are over stocked, by a bit IMO. The increased amount of bio waste created is contributing to your problem IMO. I would cut to feeding your fish a ridiculously small amount 2x a week for a couple weeks as well and see how that improves your situation. IMO if you want to keep the fish you have you need to start looking at a larger system or a significant increase in filtration. JMO Hope That Helps.
  12. Madreefer, in honor of you "light porter" I am drinking a glass of water.
  13. Let's use this thread from here on out as an oppritunity to congradulate those who have choosen to try to help to improve this site. Volunteering to help this site is something that should be met with happiness and praise. Thank you's are appropriate. . . Game On!
  14. I have not heard of this paradise of wonder. Thank you. Is anyone else as in love with the Hop Czar as I am. My he reign forever. I am also quite pleased with the new North West Pale Ales as well (as opposed to India). Having to go to a liquor store to buy beer is crazy, but a light stout should be against the law.
  15. Since you asked, 1. The load time is to long, if it wasn't your site I would have left. 2. The profiles are a bit wordy, no one cares where you lived for 6 months in the third grade. I stopped reading there. 3. If you spent all that time showcasing the art, IMO you should have nicer portraits of the artists, but I'm a portrait photographer. 4. There are not enough tatoos on the site yet. JMO I like the site overall but since you asked for criticizm thought I could offer what I could. GOod Luck.
  16. Happy Birthday Chuck. (clap)(clap) The Big 70!
  17. It is also the one we do the meet and greets at. Just a coincidence every employee knows my name . . . I swear. I didn't call it a meet and greet just so I could invite friends ot to the bar. Really.
  18. Is that horse an erectus? Can I help you prime that pump? Can you show me how to start a siphon? The LFS has a killer deal on some hose. Your cool unless someone complains. Most of the mods kinda like to have fun. Some of the sites funniest threads have been deleted.
  19. Oh ya we know. BTW do you know Rogue is up here too. Bridgeport ahs a place in town also. My wife and I make a trip every year to hood river to sit ont he deck of Full Sail. We make a trip once a week to the local McMennimens, the one with the 300g something reef tank so we can drink there beer to. So what beer is from utah? (laugh)(laugh)(laugh) (naughty)
  20. I would try to hit up Isaac at TCM, Tim at Westdise, and Nick at Rosecity. If you dothe mapquest thing Nick is fairly close to Isaac. Tim is a bit out a ways.
  21. I brought some up from Cali a few years ago. When I put it in the tank it had shriveled to one single sad pulsing hand, but it came back and came back huge. I think it needs to be acclimated very slowly and IME it does not ship well. There is some speculation it uses iodide, but I don't think it's nutrient uptake has been defined for sure. IME once it is established most varieties grow very fast. I would keep it isolated on an island in the sand. JMO
  22. Made the list tonight too. I like that site, I'm going to join as a member too.
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