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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. It's hard for me to take quotes from Eric, up on his high horse, seriously anymore given his experiences in the hobby. I was very shocked to hear the number of 2.4 million blue hermits a year are being harvested, it is hard to believe that has no impact. The comment about the last cold snap in January killing more critters then the aquarium hobby as a whole was also eye opening, on a different level. JMO
  2. I'll take it. I wish I would have seen this the other night, but now I have an excuse to come back over. I'll bring the Czar if I can find some more.
  3. I used a compression T and then added a ball valve to it to turn it on and off. We live in an apartment and if we tapped the line, we would have to pay to replace the pipe. The Compression T thing just screwed in and was done. Took me less then 5 minutes, and I know very little about plumbing and I am not handy. JME
  4. IMHO if you name a fish Yellow you can't complain when they turn out to be a coward.
  5. The shadows are the reality . . .
  6. My mind totally went to the gutter, and I was thinking about oldest profession . . .
  7. My Sn stands for beg for/seek wisdom. It is meant more internally then externally, as in I beg for/seek wisdom, not conceitedly like you should beg for my wisdom, which would just be kind of ridiculous. I picked the name up in Jr. high school, originally it was just Pled (which if you get me really drunk i will tell you the story, but it's not something I am to proud of) it later became my stage name as a rapper and a graff head. I now use it or some variation on most of the sites I belong to. There are people I have known for 15 years, I have keys to there house, but they don't know me outside of the nickname. One day I will just go by my given name, maybe when I get old, like 30.
  8. Don't have the words. Sorry just doesn't seem to cut it.
  9. Naw man no hard feelings at all. I made that post to kind of bow out to you and to sincerely wish you enjoyment of the new pump. See the smile That's real.
  10. (whistle) Maybe non members of the site are not so likely to follow through . . . (whistle)(whistle)
  11. Sunlight Supply is based in Vancouver, any of the local stores should be able to get those bulbs fairly quickly and without to much shipping costs I would think. I have never had a problem getting them myself. JME
  12. The beer is your problem, you need to switch to vodka.
  13. Why yes, yes yours is much smaller then mine
  14. Nothing was hidden. Everything was put out in the open. It is not uncommon for people to sell fry. Buyer be ware.
  15. If the Dolphin is 2400gph I will take it. I can't drive up until Saturday.
  16. I also sent a PM on stuff but have not heard back . . .
  17. IMO you are over stocked. I do tend to stock fairly conservatively but IMO 2 clowns and the 20g is full, and if they are full grown the tank is over stocked. With the fish you listed I say feed no more then twice a week. Also what are you feeding? How much? How often? Adding more rock can help, sometimes. If there is to much rock and not enough flow it creates places where detritus can build up and this will contribute further to your problem. I don't know what your rock or flow situation is, so I can't really tell you for sure. IME adding dead rock to established system is I always get an algae problem on that rock for a couple months at least. If you have the ability to "cook"the rock first I would. If you are unfamiliar with the term cooking rock I can explain it a bit better. Thanks for the expert compliment. I am not an expert though. I am just a guy who has already been through what your going through, a few times. No biggie.
  18. My green nem does that a couple times a day, my RBTA a coupel times a week. Same tank, just different nems. My percs host in an RBTA and a frogspawn. I got the GBTA for the other clown, but he likes the euphylia so he hasn't gone near it. Hard to tell what clowns will take a fancy to. Mine have hosted in xenia, frogspawns, hammers, sacrophyton leathers, and now an RBTA. THis is all in the same tank, they seldom keep a home for more then 6 months. JMO+E
  19. I want to try these too, but I just bought that chiller and still need to buy a pump and some more actinics in the next few weeks. Please do keep us up to date on how they do for you. I am very interested in using them on my macro planted tanks.
  20. Sean, my bad I didn't see this post earlier. Do you want to handle it with that site, or should I contact them. It's kind of your thing, but if you want them shipped here and need my credit card or paypal let me know. You can just call me if it's easier, you have the number still I assume. If not PM me. I'm pretty stoked so many people are going in on this box, it means I get to meet you all. Very cool.
  21. Your lucky Brian didn't go "old school" on you. . . R.I.P Mandinga
  22. I always thought it was his cell block from the pen . . . . hahahaha
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