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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Ya, especially with a dash of salt and maybe a shot of vodka . . . (laugh)
  2. Wow dude your old. If you were a horse . . . . . I could use you for mounting frags. (laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(laugh)(nutty) Happy Birthday!
  3. I recently moved and went from having a 65g reef and a 30g planted tank to having a 125g reef plumbed inline with a 65g planted tank. I had no issue with ammonia, but I did not feed for the first 4 days, and I used a product to neutralize the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. I believe it was Amquel, but I just tossed the bottle. I didn't use much of my old water, but went with mostly brand new water. I don't think the water matters to much IMO, the bacteria live in the rock and sand. JME So far so good.
  4. I have only received negative rep points once, and I stand by the reason I receive them. Infact when the truth came to light, the parasite that left them, had to leave the site, and we are all better for it. Allowing any idiot to give rep points is contrary to there invention. JMO
  5. For the record, you all are nutz!
  6. I hear the invites went out from my PM box. My wife logged in, invited people, and then cleared the history. She's sneaky that one. I actually had nothing to do with any of it.
  7. That sucks Frank. IME raising MG with Tech M does work. I have tried it with other products and not been succsessful. Still try to pull all you can out by hand. If you do it for 10 minutes a day, there won't be to much left for the MG to kill. Controlling the Nems would be similar, just glue a drop of glue for 10 minutes a day or so on each one. I do think the butterfly fish are pretty and some have had good results keeping them long term. IIRC you will need to cut back on feeding the tank so the fish is hungry enough to go after the nems, that is if it acts similiarly to other butterfly fish. JME HTH
  8. Last night was great! My wife threw me a surprise birthday party at the house. I was at the bar and got a call saying the tank had broken and the fish were flopping on the floor, to come home and find a party. Thanks for those that came out, I hope you had a good time.
  9. You guys are Awesome! Thank you. We will be at the Greenway McMennimans (121st and Scholl's Ferry) tonight if anyone wants to come hang out.
  10. I'm from L.A., well L.A. county, and I hate that guy. When he leaves the team I will watch the NBA again. Maybe. I miss Magic, Jabar, and Green.
  11. It's all about Miracle Mud! The rest are just impostors.
  12. Bristleworms are good, what's the worry? You can battle them all you like but they are a standard plague in seahorse systems. Seahorses produce a lot of waste, there digestive track does not fully digest all of the food they eat often. This leaves mysis for the bristleworms to munch on. The best way to limit there numbers is to limit there acsess to food. You can use a feeding dish and siphon out any uneaten food, or poop. Limiting there food source is the easiest way to control them. There are other option such as removing all of your rock and doing a hyper salinity dip. Measure the water to 1.040 and put the rock in a tub with a powerhead. In about 10 minutes the bristleworms will have fled the rock, leaving a pile of eewww in the bottom of the bin. When you dispose of the worms I would seal them in a plastic bag, they tend to have a fragrant smell very quickly IME. There are various traps you can make by putting food in a mesh bag that some people like to do, and pulling out several worms at a time. IMO I think you should go with the learn to love them option, or the ways of removal i have suggested. A wrasse in that size tank is not going to work out longterm. There swim movements are likely to bother the seahorses which often leads to the horses not leaving there hitch, not even to eat. Which is bad. The food competition would require you to feed so much more you would just be making the worm problem worse IMO. Arrow crabs and CBB shrimp don't belong with seahorses IME. A snap from either on a seahorse opens the door for secondary infection, which is the biggest threat to seahorses developing disease. There is almost always an intial trigger IME. HTH
  13. Andy if that is directed towards me, any time. I'd love to pick your brain to. We need to just do it already. I think we have been mentioning it for years.
  14. I can use the 420 off camera with no master unit. It's been a long time since I used the 420, but I do this almost daily with the 580, and did so with a 550 for years as well. It is a bit easier with the Nikon's and newer canon's that have the internal radio slave trigger. the new 580 II also has the mini plug which saves the hot shoe adapter, which is convient. I have never used a Sigma anything so, I have no real opinion there. The light I use most often off camera is a Paul Buff 3200. The thing is huge and bright. On full power 50 feet away I can get F11 at 100 across a 30-40 foot plain. It's kinda nutty. JME
  15. Most ETTL units can be used off camera on a manual setting with the proper hot shoe adapter. If you need help in the studio sphere let me know. I have been doing studio photography professionally for the last 12 years.
  16. 22" tall, over 12" across, no idea on the weight but when I moved it into the new tank I swear it is 300 lbs, or maybe it just felt like that at the end of a day of moving. I'll get pics up soon.
  17. I like the American DJ powerstrip, which you can then mount. Those little screw in wire clips are also quite handy for some things to keep them tied down. Zipties can keep things together if there is a large bundle of wires to contend with. If they really bother you a large piece of PVC can contain several plugs, if put in one at a time, then the pvc can be painted so it is less obtrusive. JME
  18. If your going to go with two, I would put them on timers if not a wavemaker so you can get some randomness to your flow. It makes a huge difference and is far better then running 2 24/7 IME (well not my experience with the hydor koralia evolutions, but with other pups run on wavemakers to alternate current) HTH
  19. Have you tried a fish trap with bait? There are many fish traps that work well, and it might be a far easier option then what you are talking about. There are even ones with manual pulls so once he goes in you can let go of the string nd the door will close. Just grab a beer watch the tank and wait for the sucker. JMO
  20. I'd be interested in larger rocks and the sun coral. PM me with you number.
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