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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I've never been a shark or a whale . . . :(
  2. do the MH's come with reflectors, and ALL of the wiring? I am interested, but the PFO wires are a chore to get a hold of since they closed.
  3. My wife used to be until i told her I was full on tanks. No more work for me. Now she wants one or two in every room. She is really insisting on a FOWLR for our living room. Dwarf seahorses in the reading room, some type of tank in the bar, and maybe another tank for the bedroom. She also thinks I should grow out some corals in the garage and make some money. I must resist. ;) No one tell her me secret plan, it is working beautifully!
  4. The $60 corals are a better deal IMO, he has some nice stuff in. Even my wife was impressed. I can never take her to the LFS, costs me 4x as much, I got out unscathed that day only because we were going to Ikea. She tried to get me to buy and setup a tank for an octopus!
  5. Damm Frank, that hot pink chalice glows in my tank. Pics really don't do it justice. Thanks so much for that and all the others. Props to Frank!
  6. Personally I prefer much larger sizes, just about the biggest sand you can have before you start getting into the crushed coral sizes. IME the smaller sand blows around like crazy in my tank, but I do run quite a bit of alternating current. JME
  7. I'll take Acan 15 too. Is 15 the price??
  8. I would like the Red Chalice.
  9. If there is a disease issue that happens in the QT tank I use white vinegar, if not, I just drain it and let it sit until the next time I need it.
  10. Nice Frank. You should come over, see my new setup and show me how that thing works.
  11. We need to get some bids on putting in a French Drain for our house. I had planned to do it myself, but with my new work regiment, it's not gonna happen soon and my wife wants it done yesterday. Does anyone know a good landscapor/contractor that would be interested and has experience with these. I need to get some people out to bid.
  12. same principle as all carbon dosing including vodka, or ethanol. It's just a different media. I tried vodka dosing, but sugar is just more user friendly IMO.
  13. I am a reformed water change addict. At one point I was doing a 50% change twice a week (got free research grade ocean water). I then went to 50% once a week. Next was 50% every two weeks. After I got the tanks balanced I never noticed a difference after cutting back the changes so I slowed. Then I learned of carbon dosing . . . My planted tank had 3 water changes in 2 years, all of them were associated with flat worm dips. Before I moved in April it had been 6 months for my 65g reef. Now that I have a 125g reef plumbed into a 65g planted tank, I don't know if I will be doing water changes or not. So far so good, it's been about 6 weeks without any. My corals are doing better then ever, but the alage is not so good right now. JME
  14. I did that for years. I ended up dosing one packet once a day until nitrates hit zero and the algae went away. Then I would dose spuratically when I would think about it. It took me a few weeks to build up to a full packet. I did this after doing 35% water changes weekly for a couple years. Sugar is just easier on the back. I don't really do water changes anymore. I will go months at a time now. I also have stopped dosing sugar since setting up my new system, but I do have a 65g refugium now that is sucking up all of the nutrients. If your water is cloudy, you are dosing to much. Just dose enough until you see the nitrates drop, then continue to dose that amount. JMO
  15. Roy have you seen them catch it, or eat it? Different IMO, same as with some gorgonia. JMO I have mine under a 175w MH but fairly shielded from the flow. It's only been a few weeks, but so far so good.
  16. A little of both I think. Welcome back Matt.
  17. IME fragging sacrophyton leathers they have always grown the " little fingers" and I always frag from the cap. JME
  18. I started glass, switched to acrylic, and am now back to glass. Acrylic is nice because of the ease of setup, but I drill a tank once. Easier to pay someone to drill the glass and be able to clean it every day with a magnet, then to drill the acrylic one myself and then have to clean it with a scraper and get all wet twice a week. JMO
  19. You sure it's a Kuda and not a fisheri? Hard to make a great ID from the pic. The kuda complex of the hippocampus does confuse me often. Maybe I just want it to be a fisheri so you can catch me a pair and I can pay you a lot of money for them, but they are the prevalent species in your region according to the books. The first picture did make it look like an ingens. I have seen a couple of huge ones, over 18" tall and close to 8" from pouch to dorsal fin. That would have been really exciting to see in Hawaii.
  20. All arrangements have been made for Brad to pick them up. All is well, just a PITB for Brad.
  21. Next batch should come in 14-17 days. IIRC ingens can eat bbs as a first food. Are you sure you need rots? Let me check around a bit. There are not to many people breeding ingens in the U.S., no one that I know of selling them, besides Elizer out of Mexico. Best of luck, let me know if you have fry questions.
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