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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I have been using miracle grow in salt water systems for years. I have never used it on a reef directly but did use the phyto I was producing to feed the reef. I will share my biggest bone head move when it would not stand out as much and I have more time to type
  2. This site sells aquacultured ones Seahorsesource.com
  3. Happy Birthday Frank. I do have to say, you look damm good for being 70.
  4. Yorba Linda is not close to Vivid.
  5. Sorry Eric, we are not ALL as smart as you He didn't ask for ALL the stores, just the good ones . Taking a trip to 405 Tropical Fish, Alantis Aquarium, Reef Collector, Fish Collector, SandBar, Window to the Sea, Seaside, etc would all be a waste of time, and are all within 10 miles of HB. If you visited them all you would miss some of the good ones.
  6. I probably misses the boat on this, but if your gonna be in town and you have the tank, I would love to pick that up from you.
  7. pledosophy

    Zoa Lighting

    If it were me, if you plan on doing a retrofit kit and having a canopy with the new system, then I would just buy a light now for the new tank and use it over the zoa grow out tank. I run 175 MH on my 125g and like it. You could go with 250w MH's or all T5's. If you plan on going metal halides just buy your desired wattage light now and hang it over your grow out tank. It will save you money in the long run and get you on the way to your goal. Picking a bulb like a 14K would give you a balanced color and IME eliminate the need for supplemental lighting with zoa's.
  8. I'm from Anaheim! Small world. Look up Tongs Tropical fish in Fountain Valley. It is right off the 405 and Magnolia, just south of the freeway. That is the closest best store for both of you. If you need some other recomendations the tide pools at "Little Corona" an be awesome at low tide, really look close. We used to find octopi there and play tug of war. Huge star fish, more then three feet across. Lots of urchins and anenomes. If you like beer, check out the Yard House, there are several, but the one right next to the Aquarium of the Pacific is quite nice. The view while eating at Las Briscas in Lanuna Beach is also pretty awesome. HTH
  9. (clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap)(clap) I think I love you man!
  10. Last year my mother in law Diana moved in with us. She was suffering from Terminal cancer. Getting to actually see what cancer looks like . . . I haven't smoked since, and for the first time, I haven't even had a craving since. Been over a year. It is worth it in the long run, although it can be hard, just keep it up.
  11. It might be time for me to come down now. I am looking for a large piece of tonga for my 125. Do you keep the inverts in stock, or do I need to preorder? Can we work out a weekday/night? Thanks.
  12. Bristle and peanut worms will not hurt your corals, your fish, or your inverts. I would just let them be. When I moved a few months ago I put all my bin in rocks to move it. When I unloaded there was 9 or 10 bristles in the bottom of the bin, I scooped them up with a net, and put them IN the tank. They are goo. IME 6 lines are not good at bristle worm removal. If you really hate them, given what you have in corals I think a leopard wrasse would be good if your tank has been setup for some time and you have a lot of pods.Otherwise an arrow could make an interesting addition. JMO
  13. Leopard wrasses will eat bristle worms IME. What type of corals are you keeping? There are other options as well. IME bristleworms and peanut worms are desirable in your system. They are good cleaners.
  14. I would go higher on several of the prices. 9" green monti cap- $100 easy, maybe more. A volleyball sized shrub of purple whip gorgonia, I would add a lot to that, you won't find one to validate the price on line, it is that rare to get a large colony. I have been growing my frag out for 4 years and I have 9 stalks now and it is under a foot tall. The 6" frag was $40. 20"tall 10" circumference 15 branched, tan candelabra gorgonian, I would double that, but honestly you won't find one that size for sale. 30+ head green/purple frogspawn, I would go $10 a head. 6 various Ricordea $80, stores here sell them for $25 a ric. 25 orange zoas $50, that is a bit high to me. Depends on the zoa. Depends on the size,a pink bubble, I'd pay a lot for. I've never seen one for sale. Orange scolymia, $50? Serious? Did you say brown and the size of a quarter? If it is a scoly depending on size easily 4x as much. To get large colonies you are going to have to special order, and special ship, I would include all charges you will incur.
  15. There are some nifty salt water planted tanks out there too. In a 24 you could do some ochotodes, some red grape, maybe a short branching codium, a twig of sargassum, and even a mermaids fan for some added texture. A non photo gorg and maybe another non photo coral and a unquie fish like a leaf or angler. . . Could be pretty awesome. Not many great salt water planted tanks out there. . . I happen to know someone who could donate some clippings to your cause as well.
  16. Am I reading it right that you are going to have a 60g cube display and then a 55g sump/refugium/remote DSB? I think I am missing an element here because you wrote the return pump was going in the 60g. Sorry to ask so much upfront but I want to make sure I give you the right advice so I need to understand fully. I don't want to tell you something you have problems later because I read something wrong.
  17. What are you trying to accomplish with the DSB? Are you just looking for nitrate removal?
  18. How are you "burping" the seahorse. Is the seahorse actually floating when you burp him? One of the causes of GBD is thought to be CO2, does the tank the room is in get ventalation? Are you running a protein skimmer, if so HOB or in sump? What is the temp of the tank? Any past disease history? That will get me started on a permanent cure, I might have a few more questions later.
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