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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Our team is trying to restore your status as quickly as possible. If you could please send me your paypal email address so that we can verify payment I will restore your membership status as quickly as possible. Thank you, Pledosophy PNWMAS President
  2. I'm all construction person needy lately I know. We have a problem with the washer and I think the pipe is going to have to be cut and partially replaced to fix it. Smaller job, easy. I would also like to get a quote on running a floor drain from my current dining room into the sewer system. There is an exsisting drain about 5 feet away so not sure how hard this one is. Would also like a John Guest line run right by that drain. There is a kitchen sink about 7 feet away and a crawlspace under the house, so, that should be pretty easy too. Let me know if you can do it or know someone who can. Much Obliged.
  3. The bod discussed the terms for the Par Meter. The deposit (refundable) is $50 in cash. A simple rule: "you break it you replace it". If you want a new battery to be replaced you can bring one at the pickup and we will change it for you, so you don't risk to damage it while performing the task. The meter comes with box and instructions: if you lose them, you replace them. There will be a checkout sign up. The member can keep the meter for 7 days. There will be a fee for late return ($1 per day). The meter need to be picked up and returned at the same place. At now I have the meter and I am located in Oregon City, pm me for address. I work from home and most of you know that it is easy to get a hold of me. Please understand that it is the first time (that I know of) that we are using some club equipment, so we will all learn down the way: suggestions are welcome. We will use the first southern friend as a guinea pig for the shipping issue So, you can book your week starting from tonight, at 8pm PST . You can pickup the meter starting from Saturday September 13th and return it by Friday 19th. First come first serve. Please help us build a database of PAR reading by posting in the PAR Meter Reading thread, http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?26692-Official-Club-Par-Meter-Reporting-Thread I posted in this section so non-members can know that there is now this feature if they need more motivation to get a membership card If you would like to add your name to the list please speak up in this thread and we will update the list as we go.
  4. I had to clear my cache for it to work after the update but it is working just dandy now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Offsite backups are already in place. Was the first order of business after getting the site back up. Tests were also done to restore from that back up, because what is the use of a back up if you can't restore from it. Can't fix the past, but that will not happen again Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. YOu might wanna give us a couple days. LOL We are neighbors though. I just moved to the real OC. Live off of Glen Oak. Need some friendly reef neighbors
  7. If that was his intent, THANK YOU. That is awesome. I am happy to reimburse Matt for the cost so the domain is owned by PNWMAS Please forward me this email. For clarification I have never been for dissolving this site and took a lot of flack for it very recently. I've been here for 8 years. Not going anywhere. kpfrenzel@yahoo.com
  8. That is more rumors, and is not true. It just goes to show how far a rumor can spread after it is repeated over and over again.
  9. Always a great way to start a post. Infer some coverup... This is a fish site, there is no secret conspiracy to take over the fish club. Think about it. I mean... with all the power I could really make my SPS grow faster.... Come on now. I have numerous people texting me too, it's why I kept posting my phone number on facebook. Heck you even texted me about drywall, but you never reached out and asked about the site, I could have set your mind at ease much sooner. With your leariness of him, I really believe this is true. I think while sarcastic and hilarious in person, he has a very good heart and we are glad to have him. No one was ousted they quit. Simple. There is even a resignation thread. They quit. I do have an issue with all this rival site talk. BP is a rival site, they destroy the reefs. Traditional Chineese Medicine is a rival site to me, grinding up protected species for viagra. I would consider Project Seahorse a rival site since they intentionally and blatantly distribute mis information. Trying to start a site as a "back up" while our site was down is not a rival to me. Any site who wishes to dedicate themselves to the advancement of knowledge on how to care and protect marine life is a friendly site to me. Many of you may not know, I work with another site. I just had my 10 year anniversary there and it was from that site that I was recruited here. Do you think I have a conflict of interest? Am I going to sabotage this site to promote my own? That is ridiculous. Rudy I am more concerned with why one of your employees during the time the site was down registered the domain PNWMAS.com. That is something we are going to have to discuss at a more appropriate time. I edited/ didn't quote Micahs response on facebook. If you knew him you would know that his offer was one to help, as shown by, well him helping all night. The site was not functioning when Micah was given rights and the appropriate security measures had not been implemented. The current Admin team was consulted, they were the one who gave him the codes. It was especially urgent to have a security expert on the site after being attacked with the forum still being wide open. He is the elected VP of the site. He has done nothing wrong since being given the codes. His behavior thus far is beyond reproach. We do not have a non compete clause. The issue of the other forum is widely misunderstood. I think heresay is more appropriate here then "the facts". His work speaks for itself. You can say whatever, but actions speak volumes. He has tried to help since day one, and since being allowed to has done excellent work. It just has not been advertised because while this thread has taken place, he has been busy working. That time line is a bit off. Micah changed passwords at the suggestion of the other Admins and myself to secure the site after he had already closed the back up site. Timeline makes a difference here.
  10. As I stated earlier today, I will have a more "official" post about what happened and what we are doing about it tomorrow. I would have rather waited but it seems there is so much conjecture and misinformation being presented right now that a response is needed at this time. At a time when I would have expected hard work being praised to log in to threads like this is very disheartening for the team, who is now as we have always done, tried to do what is best for the site. I have been working in the back so to speak for 8 years now, I think some of that tenure would garnish a benefit of the doubt, it is hurtful that it does not. There has been so much it is hard to know where to start, but when you eat an elephant it starts with the first bite, so here goes. I'm going to do a bit of a summary before answering things line by line, which I will do. I was the one that asked Jay to send Micah the passwords to the server and allow him Admin controls. That happened with me, if you want to place blame, place it here. When the site went down I think we were all content to allow the Admins to handle it. Upon speaking to Darryl and hearing the suggestion that a complete wipe of the site was in order and we would loose all the data we had ever collected, it was my position as well as others that I was able to speak to that we should try to preserve the site. At that time Darryl told me their main priority was switching servers to which I told him our main priority is restoring the site and it's data. All of it. (I have still not lost hope on this) IMO the data that we have all accumulated here over the years is a direct history of who our club is and how far we have come and it sickens me that we lost so much. I will take a partial responsibility in what was lost. As the President it is my job to make sure the site is functioning as it should and while I did ask the questions and was told the site was being backed up, it was not. The lack of back ups was not malicious on anyone's part. It was a mistake. One that could have been easily avoided, and multiple layers of protection are now in place, thanks to your VP, Micah. The former Admin team just did not have the capability to set up backs ups in a manor in which I thought was "safe". My condition is that backing up on a server is fine, but we need a physical back up at one of our homes incase the server is attacked. We also need a restore plan beyond a backup because who cares if you have a back up if you can't do anything with it. After my first conversation with Darryl I was under the impression the site would be back up very soon, we all were. The entire time it was down I was never given a timeline of more then tomorrow night. After the site did not come back on as expected I contacted Jay, and received an update. As time moved on I also spoke with Adam who was working with Jay, and received an update from him. Jay and Adam were doing their best and everything they could to restore the site. The work they did is admirable and appreciated. Speaking with Adam he was still of the opinion that the current Admin team might not be able to restore any of the lost data. Adam was also very nonchalant about the loss, but granted he had just stayed up to 4am trying to reload the site so I know his heart was in the right place. I think to a person who has dedicated 8 years to servicing a community they feel is important and an Admin here under a year maybe we were feeling the hit differently. When I spoke with Adam about instituting backups for the site I was not satisfied and he dismissed my request for an off server backup as being "emotional". Not having a backup to this site is unacceptable to me. Adam called me later that afternoon to tell me the site was up. I was on a computer when he called and even with him on the phone with me I was unable to access the forum. He instructed me on how to use some back slashes and php's and a few periods to get to the site. IMO if I can't find the site while on the phone with the IT guy, then the site is not up. Micah as the VP and I had been in contact almost everyday the site was down. From the beginning he had volunteered to help, and with his expertise as an IT professional as well as his job running a large Admin team, I thought it was time to seek help elsewhere. Micah is not only the VP, but has been in this community for a very long time. Once Micah was given codes by Jay at my request things started moving very quickly. I made the request to Jay after my conversation with Adam where I was not able to access the forum. Did Micah loose faith at one point and think that the PNWMAS was never coming back, sounds like it. I was being told the same thing by our Admins. Did he start another site which he has since taken down and dedicated himself here doing hours and hours of work to make THIS forum better. Yes he has. The attitude towards Micah from this group right now really needs to be one of thanks. Not only has Micah helped to rebuild the site but he at my request has installed security measures and fixed loopholes that previously existed. Honestly I am not sure we would even have a site to have this conversation if it was not for Micah's work. There has been no deception that has come from the board of this site, all that has happened is a group of passionate and frustrated volunteers doing what they can to have an online reefing community in our area. Upon receiving codes to the site Micah did change all of the passwords for Admin. The passwords that were in place were the same ones as "pre" hack and the hackers had an open door to our site. It is common sense to change those passwords. No disrespect to anyone but this alone should be a clear key to how much help our Admin team needed. No one was removed from any position, the only people leaving there positions did so by resignation. This morning when Darryl resigned he used his Admin access to go into the panel and demote himself. He was not ousted he resigned. Based on my text with Adam he was not able to get his password to work and felt that Micah had some how intentionally locked him out. That is just not true. When I went to bed last night our Admins were Jay, Micah, Darryl, and Adam. Today Darryl and Adam have recused themselves. No one demoted them or asked them to step down. They did so of their own free will. In times of trouble true character is shown, Micah stepped up HUGE for this site. Any questions about him, should have been answered. I will be going line by line in case I missed any specific concerns.
  11. I"m sorry to see you go Darryl. Very unexpected. I do hope that even though you have stepped down from being an Admin and your role as an officer that you will stick around and enjoy the site. I feel I need to address this, since the vagueness of it seems to be leading some people to the wrong conclusion given our current situation. Recently the board has voted to approve updates to our software, two of them, one of them Darryl asked for. So I'm guessing that is not it. After speaking to all members of the Admin team while the site was down it was clear that more help was needed. The VP of PNWMAS, Micah is an IT professional and was added to the team so he could help. After speaking with Chief it was I that passed on Micahs willingness to help. Darryl was not in favor of bringing in more help. As far vicious and malicious actions done to good people, there were none IMO. The actions that were taken were done to bring the site back online and for the good of the club. It was not a personal dig at anyone. Yes the passwords for all Admins were changed, but that is a common security measure after an attack like we suffered. It would be inconceivable to leave them the same. All Admins including Darryl were restored, the keys to the kingdom so to speak, are still in Chiefs hands, like they always have been. With Darryl stepping down and Chiefs request to be in more of a support role I would not be surprised if Micah were to become our Lead Admin, but that is an opinion of mine, and not the decision of the board at this time, but it is something I will be proposing. Our Admin team is still working to restore the site. The Officers and Board will release a more indepth statement as to what has transpired and what actions we have taken to protect ourselves in the future very soon (hoping tomorrow) There is really no secret plan and I assure you there was never malicious intent to hurt anyones feelings. Looking at the situation it was very clear that the Admin team needed help. I did my best to try to get help where it was needed. I'm not even sure what this means Darryl. Regardless of everything that has happened, I am sad to see you go. Wish you the best.
  12. Welcome to the Forum. A 55g is a very good size to start with. Good Luck.
  13. Very nice selections. Enjoy.
  14. I think I found one locally. Thank for the offer. Really do appreciate the generosity of this forum.
  15. The blades of the impeller are completely gone. It's just a plastic nub that is left. Dsoz, I am gonna see if I can find anything a bit closer to Beaverton. If not I'll hit you up. Might be weird to see your place though, last time I was there you were still a frog spawn fiend.
  16. If you add to much CUC there is not enough for them to eat, and they will all starve and die. Not good. This is what I was going to recommend. For a 40g I might get 4 to start. You could also look at a Queen Conch, very cool, but large snail. It might actually be to big for your tank. 1 Queen conch and 5 nassarius snails take care of my 120g just fine. It really doesn't take much of a CUC to get the job done if it is the right critters IMO.
  17. Anyone got a spare laying around? Maybe you did the mod and don't need it I can buy, or trade for a frag of something. Otherwise I'm gonna have to spend the $20 and just buy a new pump to run my phosphate reactor. The impellers local go for the same price as a pump on line. Craziness.
  18. I have a bunch of the nuclear greens I could trade whatever for. I also have a 40gb in the garage in descent condition, and a 90g drilled with plumbing if you want to go bigger. Trying to clear space in the display and the garage.
  19. What dosing procedure did you use with the antibiotics? How much, how long, what tank volume? Also what was the tank temperature? Have you ever tried using other meds like say a triple sulpha with neomycin? Have you ever tried using Diamox for popeye? I know it works with syngnathids and puffers. Never tried it with a clown myself. Part of the thing that really sucks when you breed fish is when you sell them to places or people that don't take the best care of them.
  20. What dosing procedure did you use with the antibiotics? How much, how long, what tank volume? Also what was the tank temperature? Have you ever tried using other meds like say a triple sulpha with neomycin? Have you ever tried using Diamox for popeye? I know it works with syngnathids and puffers. Never tried it with a clown myself. Part of the thing that really sucks when you breed fish is when you sell them to places or people that don't take the best care of them.
  21. thanks for letting me know. Second time today i got turned down on a probe. Some alien joke is there, but alas this is family friendly.
  22. I think the tank looks DOPE! I think the pictures might look better if you turned the exposure compensation down a third to two thirds of a stop. The whites are a bit blown out, so the change should allow the color your eye sees to come through. Plus, I kinda wanna see it to. Great tank.
  23. Anyone remember Reefermadness? I thought they had the most insane corals, until I went there and realized there straight out of the camera shots had a camera set to +5 saturation. I have a friend that works for a company that will remain nameless. When she got her photography job she did not realize the camera came preset to super saturate (as mnany lower end cameras do). Upon learning she set it to neutral, so I respect that site and would buy from them. I have paid $125 for a coral frag, most I ever spent. It was a tyree long polyp green leather frag. Size of my pinky nail. That was 6 years ago. I have sold 50 or more frags for over $50. I did ship 20 of them to So cal to be sold where I got $75 a piece for them. Two days ago I tried to give one away, it's 5" across. It was not worth the guys 30 minute drive. 6 years ago that was a $500 dollar piece. So while things are expensive sometimes, often it changes. I am happy with my one expensive coral purchase. It funded my hobby for a bit, and honestly it was my favorite coral for a very very long time. First time I saw it i wanted it so bad. So that was worth it for me. To the rest of my tank, I have never paid more then $20 for any coral (although I have traded that leather for quite a few cool other things). I prefer to grow out frags. Means more to me I suppose. Would I ever buy a 1500 frag. I don't know maybe, but at my income level now, I'd rather go to Cancun for a week and go diving everyday, which cost me less then that last Jan. I don't judge those that do, or those that sell them for what they do. As long as they are honest and true to represent it is all good. Shame not all are.
  24. O.K. no one make fun of me for this, but I can totally relate and congratulate you on your success. Mine was a mandarin goby. So 2 weeks into the hobby, I bought one, for my 18 g tank. Named him Goby Juan, as a Star War's type reference. He lasted a month, so I got another, who my girl friend now wife, called Goby 2. The story continues a coupe more times that first year. Finally many many years later I was not an ignorant noob and was setup for one. I've had this one about 5 years. My wife started with Goby 7 and now calls it goby 23 or some other outrageous exaggeration. Moral of the story never name a fish anything one, and I know where your coming from. Hats off to you. I still look at goby 123 with pride in my eyes Although if that fish ever dies I will buy a new one the same size and never say a word about it to my wife. 11 years of teasing over a damm fish.
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