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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I understand and respect your position, but I am going to miss your input. Thanks for all the work the last few months Jeff. You have been a big help to us all, as well as making things more fun. Cheers
  2. I think the late fees all go to Brad! When you return the meter I'll give ya your $50 or if you want to be in charge of it again, I'll pay pal you the moola now. Just pm me your paypal
  3. oh and folks... http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?35060-Club-Par-Meter-Booking-Thread
  4. Ya you mailed me the check, and I have still never seen the meter. You told me when the person returned the meter to me, to give them $50. (nono) I do remember soemthing about a late fee of a dollar and day (whistle).. amortized over the time period (naughty)... I think you owe me 37.50 and a frag of that rainbow milli and the meter, then we're square. (naner) Seriously though, I still have your $50, I can pay pal you or give it to you when you come to the October meeting if you like. I don't do checks so can't mail one.
  5. Chris did you juice up those photo's or find them like that? the noise around those edges are ridiculous! The pixels are actually breaking apart the vibrance and clarity have been altered so much. Look at that defined rim around the last picture. Then how the reds and yellows merge into each other... You shouldn't juice others photo's and post them man.
  6. The PNWMAS is very proud to bring you: Stu Wobbe of Cold Water Marine Aquatics October 19th 3:00 PM Lucky Lab in Multnomah Village YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Stu Wobbe is one of the leaders and lives on the forefront of the Cold Water Reefing movement. Recently featured in Coral magazine he is a pioneer in the collection, distribution, and husbandry of these animals. He has paved the way to fill a niche in the market and his work is and will continue to expand our hobby in a new direction. Most of us don't know that much about cold water reefs, and there is no one better to fill us in. Stu will be giving a presentation complete with pictures, that will not only introduce us to several of these animals, but also show how to setup a cold water reef for continued success. A meeting for such a cool guy needed a cool location and Lucky Lab in Multnomah village has opened it's doors to us. The club will be providing some free pizza and sodas, but the kitchen will be open if you want to order your own. This is definitely something you don't want to miss.
  7. You might try googling the PSAS or the Norhwest Reefing Group Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Dude! Where ya been man? Does this mean we are going to see ya about more?
  9. If it is draining to much you can always use a siphon hole, or two if you are paranoid like me as well. I went with the siphon breaks for my systems and have not had a problem with it in 10+ years
  10. IME I would just skip it all together. They have never lasted for me and if you plan on them not failing you will have a problem one day, however if you plan on them failing you can avoid that problem, but then you really don't need a check valve anymore. I have tried a few different kinds, never had one last for more then 3 months. Also in the application of your return, I would not want to constrict or depressurize there IMO.
  11. Happy Birthday Jay! Try to use a big font so a man of his years can read it
  12. http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/obama-to-create-worlds-largest-protected-marine-reserve-in-pacific-ocean/2014/09/24/e2ecaab4-433e-11e4-b47c-f5889e061e5f_story.html While some will say it is a political move, I think the fish and corals will be happy either way. Hopefully the larger area will increase the fish populations in the area and not affect the fisherman to much. What do you think?
  13. Calfo states an SPS colony can grow from a single polyp . . . [emoji43] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I can bring it to the October meeting if your are coming.
  15. I got long polyp green tyree leathers for days and days, all sizes if ya want one. I'm in OC Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. You know once there full of water she'll be mad for a few days but she'll get over it. My wife told me once if I bring home another tank I better be able to sleep in it. That's why I got the 125, bit of sarcasm bringing home a tank I fit in. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Well I do have that 90g just sitting empty right next to me... you could do two builds... Start the 90g today.
  18. Cheif, You held this site and club together for many years. I am not sure we would even be here without you. Thank you for all the work you have done not just in restoring the site but for us over the years, and over the last several weeks in helping us noobs get everything where it should be. The work you have done here is admirable. You did your best, for a long time, and I hope that in retrospect your work here is something you are proud of. I appreciate greatly what you have done for this site, this club, and this community. I have nothing but respect for you. I am sad to see you go, but I know you have been wanting to step back now for several years. You've been the stable rock for this club as long as I have been here. Thank you.
  19. IME you just can't trust Emeralds. They have a good reputation in some ways but when it comes down to it, just can't get the job done. Then next thing you know they are attacking random things. . . IME I would stay away. I prefer syphoning out, maybe into a filter sock to remove them and then clean the sock. Has worked for me in the past. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Boiling lemon juice injected with a small hypodermic needle into the flesh of the aiptasia work amazingly well IME. Just don't do to many at once for pH levels, but I have done 25 in one session on a 265g system Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. So I'm the only one who thought it was a pico tank huh..... (laugh) If you want help posting pictures on the site I can walk you through it. You might have to change the resolution size and dpi of the image you are working with. 640x480@72 seems to work really well IME.
  22. Glad your O.K. Roy. As someone who is recovering from having a bum arm for the last year and a half I know how hard some fish chores can be. I am able to drive up and help you out with the tanks if you need it. Just let me know if you need help, serious.
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