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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Auto dosers do make life so much easier. What 4 things are you going to dose? Can I convert you to the ease of VOdka?
  2. Making the move to Portland is a big decision, one that my wife and I made too. We've been here for 8 years now, love it. Hardest part for us was not the weather, it was the drivers, which coming from Chicago will be a shock for you too. People here drive the speed limit, or under, and actually let you over with a blinker. Weird huh. It took sometime but now I am the guy making fun of the dude doing 70 on the freeway, saying he musta moved here from Cali. I came from a reefing community down there, and did the same thing as you. I found some great people here and have made some awesome friends. Overall the people in the NW are pretty nice, I think it's cuz they live in the Northwest. Let us know if you have any questions about area's of town or anything like that before ya move out. I know that was a big help to us. If you want to keep any of your livestock you can ship it ahead and I am sure people would babysit it for you. I know I wouldn't mind at all and usually have an extra tank or 3 around. At the same time, the community here is full of coral farmers and we have some incredible LFS's as well. If you guys are driving out, there are some great stops along the way if you have a few extra days. I made the trip from PDX to Midway by car a couple months ago, so would be happy to give suggestions too (like staying away from Sturgis if your not into bikes that week....) Good luck on the planning. Hope to see ya around.
  3. Nice! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Not to shabby homie Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sorry Randy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. 3rd times a charm [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Oldie but goodie. This pic is from like 02' but it's always freaked my wife out.
  8. Not sure where you moved to but Uptown on Scholls and Allen might be worth a look too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. The phosphate level of pellet food can vary with type, and manufactor. Elos is incredibly light in phosphate IME Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. If it is your RO water, that is a simple cause and not to hard of a fix. Knowing your TDS will really help. If you don't have a TDS meter I am sure someone can let you borrow one. Some LFS will test your water for you, I know Upscales does (that's mainly where I shop) not certain of others in the area. Even if you fix the cause of the problem that will not fix the problem immediately. If it turns out that your RO is the only cause a three day period with no light and a large water change will get you a lot of the way towards fixing the problem with the algae. I find carbon dosing (vodka man myself) to be the easiest long term preventer and since you have a skimmer that is an option for you. With most tanks I have helped it is not just one cause but a combination of causes that leads to algae problems. There are many ways and methods to setup a tank, but sometimes when methods that work on there own are combined they don't work as well anymore e.g. A sandbed in a lot refugium will decrease the efficiency of your protein skimmer (J. Adams and R. Shimek). It could very well be that you have one or two contributing factors for the algae. Sometimes removing the root of the problem is enough to fix the solution over time. Sometimes it's not or we don't want to wait that long. I'd go into looking and fixing root causes first. Common ones include: Wrong spectrum of light High nutrients To low of flow that is allowing dead spots Over feeding Protein skimmer undersized or not working Source water (rodi) Source salt Dirty filters Combination of filters that prevent each other from working well Lack of a way to biologically break down waste Your problem is likely one of those. That said fixing the source of a problem might be very slow to fix the problem itself. Sometimes a little help is needed. JMO Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I'd replace any seals on a keg you get from Mainbrew IME. I love that place but you really need to replace all the O rings IME. Legging is soooo much easier, your might stop bottling soon. Noce to drink the beer in a few days instead of a few weeks too Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Definitley interested in the reactor. I'll take the package and get the C02 tank to Sasquatch pending a pic of the reactor and a brand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Sponges are filter feeders, so they don't need direct feedings but will just pull the nutrients from the waste in the water. Sometimes foods that are higher in silicates will really help them to take off. Foods like phyto and oyster feast in my tank seem to help them grow as well. When my population gets to high I just syphon them Out during a water change. While it is annoying when they encroach in corals sponges are very good for you tank, not only do they filter the water but they help to feed corals as well. Good luck Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Carbon is your friend right now.
  15. That is absolutely amazing. Nice work. To think all this so you could feed the fish friends more! Your my kind of guy. Thanks for keeping us updated on the progress. This has been fun to follow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Things do change on the second floor
  17. Your doing that thing again where you make a false assumption, believe it to be true, get angered by it, act on it, and then make accusations based on your false idea. I did not did through the archives to retrieve the post you deleted. Our software does not even support that. You know are software does not work that way. I did quote your post last night after you posted it, and responded to it line by line. By the time I posted my response you had deleted yours. There was no abuse of power in quoting a post you put up Kim. Let's really a stretch.
  18. Welcome back! If you need password help shoot me a pm with your info and a temp password and I'll see if we can get you into your old account. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Welcome to the Club. Not sure what direction your going with the reef tank for the school, but Stu Wobbe is speaking at our club meeting next week about Cold Water tanks and some of the animals found right off of the Oregon Coast. It's Next Sunday. It might be fun to teach the kids about what is actually off of our shores and not just the coast of Fiji. I'd love to hear more about the curriculum you are planning, and what level you want to take it to. I might be able to give you some help, or advice on where to look, etc, etc. There are so many directions to go from the natural Ecosystem methods to the more high tech methods, to the proper and improper way to mix them. Personally I think for a class it would be good to break it down to the symbiont level if it is a High School class. There are some great articles on Symbiosis by Todd LaJeunesse out of Penn State. He might help you with some curriculum stuff to if you are interested. He specializes in not just corals, but the smallest workings of corals and how they have evolved over the last millions of years. If you want to get in to the Ecosystem Genre, Julian Sprung and Leng Sy are great people to read about. Leng actually grows substrate in a laboratory designed specifically to filter tanks by developing a complete ecosystem down to the bacteria film. Julian Sprung was one of the first to do this as well. Walter Abby is another good name to read on the ecosystem method as he pioneered a refugium and specific alages to propagate to clean the tank. I'm kind of a fish nerd.... I'm cool with it. Serious if you need help, please let me know.
  20. Welcome back, been awhile. IME a 150g tank won't harm the floor at all. I had a 125g and a 90g on the same joist with a 50g sump and did not have any sagging at all. The tank was there for 4.5 years. This was on a non load bearing wall as well. I am planning on a 200g right now, also not on a load bearing wall and while I have plans for a floor drain and water lines, I am not even considering structurally enhancing the floor myself. If you are worried about it, it is very easy to jack up the floor underneath or add support to those beams. If you don't want to do it yourself I think even a handy man could do this for you, but of course a contractor might do it a bit cleaner. I would look into a floor drain if I were you though, oh SO nice. JME
  21. Let's be honest here Kim you sent it to more then that. They sent it to me. Let's at least be honest. If we can't be honest there is no point here. Everything I have stated I believe to be true. I really do. I could be wrong and not have all the facts, but I have done a significant amount of work to try to find the truth. Neither Karen or Robbie should have had access to that account either, even more so since it was tied to your personal bank. I am just more secure with my money I guess. Our bylaws state specifically who has access to the clubs funds. I understand that there was a level of non chaulentness (I don't mean that bad it's just the best word I could think of) to the way the club was run in years past and especially regarding fianances, but as the President of the club it's kinda my job to protect the club so finding out someone changed the password and we couldn't get to the TFT money or transactions records which we are required by law to have... kinda irked me. Furthermore I can not believe that for 3 years that account was never transferred to the club account. (I know it is true, I can't believe is just an expression). I mean, you were the signer on the club account. It would have taken you two minutes to transfer it over to PNWMAS server. That blows my mind. I didn't call the police, I met with them. They instructed me on how to proceed. They told me to give you a timeline and see if we could resolve it. I was less then eloquent that day, which I have apologized for. In fairness to me, I didn't do it an hour after I found out, I waited 10 days after you locked us out of the account. After I wrote you that PM, which I really do feel bad about, you had the money to us in a couple of hours. It took another ten days to get the transaction records. That's to long Kim. Going into someone else's account and changing the password and not giving up the account for 20 days, I have an issue with that, when I am the one supposed to be protecting this club. Telling someone if you do this, this, and this, and I will give you your money back... How was I supposed to take that. I'm not really new either, I remember when you started, and how we met. I am sure everyone in the club is thankful for your contributions. I bet you probably spent a bunch of your own money taking care of TFT (I know I have), your own gas, your own lots of things far far beyond stamps. When you volunteer someplace you often times end up doing a lot of the donating to it. Same with me, I don't get the recognition for it either. Just the way it is I suppose. I've probably put 150 hours+ in the club in the last 35 days or so. It's a thankless job. That said, I still have to follow the rules. There are Bylaws, we have to abide by them. The missing receipts are a big deal to some people. You would have no way of knowing this but when we first got the transaction report it was me that went digging through years of posts in the BoD forum to match up what you had spent money on, in a large part to prove it was not theft. I asked others for help, but no one wants the fun jobs. I spent 50-60 hours one week straightening out the finances. We all have done a lot for this club, but no one is above the rules. It is a group club and those rules have to be followed. It is a shame that so many people in the last few years stepped out and you were in the position you were in. I actually feel bad for you in that spot. Although I am starting to understand why so many people quit. You try to do the right thing, but it's a thankless job. It was great of you to do those things. I like to give out corals and help people with their tanks too. Part of being a reefer I guess. Just fun to share. You know the G.C. thing, happened in 2011, it would be on the forum, but I couldn't find it. Maybe it was in a BoD meeting, but there were no notes. I even asked others to help me find stuff. I asked a couple people about it who shoulda known, they did not believe me when I mentioned it happened. I can only go off of what I have. It seems like a large hole in documentation happened. Which is why the new BoD and Officers have spent so much time and money to try to get everything documented, shared jointly offsite, and the transparency that comes with that. I know what you have done on this forum, I've been volunteering here for 8 years if you recall, but you never bothered to give me the benefit of the doubt either. I was actually really excited to get to meet you back in May before I found out you weren't gonna make that meeting if you remember. Since then, seems like things have changed quite a bit. What did the members of the club deserve? I think the club deserves that when you accept a position your going to fulfill that role. When you don't fulfill that role, and it affects a large number of people, those people have the right to know. It's not fair for the new people coming in to get flack that we can't do such and such because we haven't collected dues from a majority of the sponsors for years before they got here. That's not right either. There is a fairness on both sides. I know no one likes to be called out publically, I know I don't even when I do deserve it, but running an election to take a spot in a club there is a responsibility to it, and that work should be known by the people you are representing. I really like Karen, I always have. Feeling might not be mutual right now, but I have always liked her. It felt weird writing that for me. But just saying the last secretary seemed odd. Let's just face it, it seemed weird. Is it Karen's fault there are no BoD minutes from last year, nope, there was never a BoD Meeting. I understand you the Officers and BoD had problems getting people to help out, but when we had the vacancies this month, a post in General had tons of volunteers. I'm not going to go into the Darryl situation, everything has already been said to many times there. That is an assumption, but it is not true. That seems to happen a lot around here. People assume things, and then get mad or worry about them, which is always kinda quite odd when those who know what happened know it is not true. Actually half the BoD and Officers were elected in May/June (Micah, Debird, Jeramy, Matty, and I, Jeff until a few days ago). 5 people have left, that was their choice, not mine. The people that were appointed were actually not hand picked by me, I know the bylaws state I should have done it that way, but I like to confer (you probably remember that about me when I was a mod and you were on the BoD, hasn't changed). We had a BoD/Officer meeting with 4 out of the 5 we had left, and voted on who was appointed. My appointments were all voted in. I sent out some questionnaires and we all sat down and went over their responses and tried to choose people on merit (not saying there was anything wrong with the people we did not choose). I actually didn't hand pick or appoint anyone without talking to the other BoD and Officers. The one person I really did push for was Robyn, and I think that has been one of my better moves thus far. There has been a lot of confusion in this club for a long time now. A lot of assumptions have been made, are being made. I am trying to be as open as I can be. This is all of ours club. Everyone has the right to know what is going on. I am happy to discuss or answer any questions in a friendly mannor. But the ammount of hostility that is coming towards myself, the BoD, and other Officers has been unwarranted.
  22. I'll post my reply here too I have seen the top of this before, all but the last paragraph. This is the PM that you sent out to several people about 3 weeks ago about me. I know you set it to them, because several people sent it back to me. The PM in there from me to you I did write. I also later wrote you and apologized for the tone in which I spoke. At the time I wrote the PM it had been 10 days since you went into a club account, changed the password, and had not contacted anyone in the club to tell them what that password was. Part of the fault was our own, that password should have been changed immediatley when the new term took over. But just because the password was not changed did not make it right for you to lock the club out of money that was to be used for the TFT's. Kim, I am sorry you took my words on the Quarterly report to mean that you were stealing. I did not say that. I don't even think that, and when others looked at the transaction history, I actually defended you stating that I did not think it was theft. What I did say is that the spending of the money was not tracked and that receipts were never given to the Treasurer or the Secretary. We have asked both of them several times if they had any documentation and they do not. I could post the PM's with them stating such, but I think you will take my word for it as you know you did not give receipts. When you logged into the TFT account, which has been managed by the club for a long time now, evident by your posting in the BoD forum about the spending of money (sometimes, not all the time, there were several transactions that were missing) it was wrong of you to do so. You had been out of a position of club leadership for several months, you changing the passwords to a club bank account and not immediately telling us the password seems pretty shady. Yes you did transfer the funds, 10 days after you locked the club out of the account. The BoD had to continually ask you for the password which you had changed and it took 20 days from the time you changed the password until we again had access to the account. It seemed very suspect when you had locked us out of the account, but when we viewed the transaction history, it seemed much more suspect. We actually spent a long time trying to make sense of the accounts. Searching through old posts by dates coinciding with the transaction records to try to make sense of where the money was spent on. We found quite a few posts, but several others were not documented. So when I say there is no record of how the money was spent, there is no record of how the money was spent, even before the hack. We did get several email strains from you, about how certain money was spent. I didn't mention this before but that also rose several suspicions with people. It seems many people on the BOD and Officers were not aware you were using TFT funds to buy G.C.'s to pay people for helping. Also when I wrote about donations not being tracked and mismanaged, what I meant was several of the things donated we have no idea where they are. We talked to you about several of the things. You stated different people who you gave things to, but none of those people had those things. None of um. I am not saying you stole them, but they were mismanaged since they seemed to have disappeared. I appreciate that you think I should confer with the other Officers and BoD before I post a report like this. I indeed have. This report has been up in the BoD forum for several days asking for comments and was shared in the clubs new drop box account so I could get some help with my grammar. This was not a secret to anyone, the majority had read it.
  23. I have seen the top of this before, all but the last paragraph. This is the PM that you sent out to several people about 3 weeks ago about me. I know you set it to them, because several people sent it back to me. The PM in there from me to you I did write. I also later wrote you and apologized for the tone in which I spoke. At the time I wrote the PM it had been 10 days since you went into a club account, changed the password, and had not contacted anyone in the club to tell them what that password was. Part of the fault was our own, that password should have been changed immediatley when the new term took over. But just because the password was not changed did not make it right for you to lock the club out of money that was to be used for the TFT's. Kim, I am sorry you took my words on the Quarterly report to mean that you were stealing. I did not say that. I don't even think that, and when others looked at the transaction history, I actually defended you stating that I did not think it was theft. What I did say is that the spending of the money was not tracked and that receipts were never given to the Treasurer or the Secretary. We have asked both of them several times if they had any documentation and they do not. I could post the PM's with them stating such, but I think you will take my word for it as you know you did not give receipts. When you logged into the TFT account, which has been managed by the club for a long time now, evident by your posting in the BoD forum about the spending of money (sometimes, not all the time, there were several transactions that were missing) it was wrong of you to do so. You had been out of a position of club leadership for several months, you changing the passwords to a club bank account and not immediately telling us the password seems pretty shady. Yes you did transfer the funds, 10 days after you locked the club out of the account. The BoD had to continually ask you for the password which you had changed and it took 20 days from the time you changed the password until we again had access to the account. It seemed very suspect when you had locked us out of the account, but when we viewed the transaction history, it seemed much more suspect. We actually spent a long time trying to make sense of the accounts. Searching through old posts by dates coinciding with the transaction records to try to make sense of where the money was spent on. We found quite a few posts, but several others were not documented. So when I say there is no record of how the money was spent, there is no record of how the money was spent, even before the hack. We did get several email strains from you, about how certain money was spent. I didn't mention this before but that also rose several suspicions with people. It seems many people on the BOD and Officers were not aware you were using TFT funds to buy G.C.'s to pay people for helping. Also when I wrote about donations not being tracked and mismanaged, what I meant was several of the things donated we have no idea where they are. We talked to you about several of the things. You stated different people who you gave things to, but none of those people had those things. None of um. I am not saying you stole them, but they were mismanaged since they seemed to have disappeared. I appreciate that you think I should confer with the other Officers and BoD before I post a report like this. I indeed have. This report has been up in the BoD forum for several days asking for comments and was shared in the clubs new drop box account so I could get some help with my grammar. This was not a secret to anyone, the majority had read it.
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