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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. 42 - 97045 2-8 97008 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Welcome back! Promises of frags when your ready, I hit my own shelfs to clear high do can't help you there. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I'd add green slimer Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Welcome to the forum. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Not the thing you wanna rush. A failed seem can be very very expensive IME. For me it was only 5k or so, on a 65g; my buddy lost 120g over night on the floor and not including his livestock was out 30k. Don't rush the seam. Do a water change on the little tank and give it another day. It's just not worth it. You'd be better to bag the fish over night then rush the seam. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. My 3 are doing awesome as well, although I will say my Westside Acro looks better I person than it did in your pic. It's really coloring up for me which is weird Cuz we have the same lights. The other two look like the pics and are healthy but the Westside is the third thing I check when I get home, Wife, Dog, Acro (no particular order) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. IME in breeding fish you can not do to large of a water change if temp and pH are matched. Most successful guy I know was doing a 100% water change twice a week on 20-25 tanks but had the highest success rate in the industry. I used to do. 50% change 2x weekly on my reef when I could get the research grade water for free. No such thing as to much if the new water is perfect. Key with antibiotics is you have to replace whatever percentage you took out. Replacing under will make the bacteria resistant or immune. Just like when a human gets anti biotics they tell you to take the whole thing, same with fish. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I ran mine all night. No one ever complained. I had 2 units on a 120g Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. That Acan is pretty dope!
  10. I think those moonlights are stock. The fixtures I have from Reefstar have very bright moonlights.
  11. Epsom salts are used in treatments of fish where the "bubble" or bouancy is caused by the fish retaining air e.g. anglers, seahorses, etc . It is a substitute for diamox, which is a controlled medication that you need a prescription for (unless you buy from Canada). I have never heard of it being used for popeye in a salt water fish. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, I have just never heard of it. I've never had a fish with pop eye so I never looked into it, but Epsom Salts are used with other fish. If you are going to use it I would recommend a pure unscented form with no added chemicals or fragrance. If you are treating the fish in a separate hospital type tank IME, usually the problem results from poor water quality. I have had to do 50% daily water changes in hospital tanks replacing the same percentage of medication as the water that was changed. To much antibiotic is very bad for fish as well. Going on to a third week , especially stepping down in intensity of the anti biotic would be a cause of concern for me. If the stronger antibiotic did not kill the problem treating with something weaker will likely make the original bacteria much stronger. JMO Take it for what it's worth. Edit: It does appear that people are treating pop eye with Epsom Salts and it has shown positive effects if the popeye is caused by an injury and fluid retention and not by other means.
  12. Very common. I'd suggest covering the aquarium if your going to keep clowns Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Nice job! I didn't know gresham glass would do that. Crazy cool
  14. They had a 20 rimless at Petco? Crazy. I need to stop in there one of these days. Looking good man.
  15. Sandy is not to far if you still have it I'll take it.
  16. These people that drive 2 hours just to see Stu and Josh (Josh was a surprise non advertised guest, we didn't want to pack the place) get so uppity about not loading the pictures after another 2 hour drive home. I think Randy is so stunned by the blue bat starfish that he can't use a CPU yet. Can we get a petition that Andrew is DQ'd from raffles involving lights? Two in a row . . . . . . So much fun today! I'm sure Randy's shots are worth the wait. Thanks for doing it Randy. Nice to have the documentation.
  17. I'm not even home yet! We stayed talking tanks until almost 9. Stopped for dinner. I am getting suspect of Andrew winning the grand prize a at two consecutive raffles. . . I think he rigs it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Where you at? It's kind of a drive time thing for me. I'd rather pay more at a LFS then drive far. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. I had such a great time at the meeting. So nice to hear Josh and Stu speak. After this long in the hobby to learn so much from one presentation as awesome. Had a great time talking to both of you afterwards as well. Thank you! People like you are what is right with the hobby. It's appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'll take the GBTA if your coming to the meeting today. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Does this mean your gonna be able to make it Thomas? Your just dying to use that new PNWMAS card aren't ya Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Carbon dosing is pretty easy with a dosing pump. Kinda just keep the jug full. You could do ammino's, or phyto if you have something cool to keep them in. Some people do trace elements as well, but I never got into that.
  23. One last bump for the day. We'll be getting started right about 3pm. Lucky Lab 7675 SW Capitol Highway, Portland Oregon
  24. Phone pic FTS This is the view for morning coffee Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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