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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. The other day I made the following post: It was wrong of me to do that. I'm not a perfect person, I make mistakes, more then my fair share honestly. I forget that because of my stature in the club that often times my words will be viewed as speaking for the club. I've been in some form of leadership in this club be it Moderator or now President for the last 8 years. You think I would have learned my lesson by now, apparently I had not. I will try harder to remember the weight my words carry. It is not right of me to represent the club in the way that my post did, as it certainly is not the opinion of PNWMAS. I realize that my words caused a lot of hurt feelings not only towards Rudy, but also towards several members of our site. It was also an unfair position for me to put the BoD in. So to Rudy, the members, and the BoD, I apologize. I'm going to continue to try harder to make sure my intentions line up with my words and my actions. I'm tired of all of the fighting that goes on here. I know that many of you are as well. I am going to try harder to be an example of the solution, and not feed into being part of the problem. It's tough sometimes. I get carried away, caught up in things, I bring things from my outside world here, a lot of us do. But that doesn't make it O.K.,and it does not make my actions excusable. We all have a place and a roll here to fill. Last week I failed at mine. I will try to do better in the future.
  2. Huh, that's weird. I will look into today if no one else can. I'm not sure if I can find a solution, everyone with moderator powers gets the same reports. It has been on the list to fix for a bit, but I didn't know that people outside of the moderator user group were having the same problems. What browser are you using? What type of device are you using?
  3. I'll try to answer the questions directly before I go into my long winded explanation. Please keep in mind, I am not a really good written communicator and if my attempt to translate tech speak into fish site speak falls short, asking for clarification before the stoning would be appreciated. I am doing my best. Doing as much due diligence as possible. This is a large learning curve for most of the Admins and BoD, and after the last conversion, the hesitations towards the next step are with merit IMO. 1. What would be the costs to go back to a different version of Vbulletin? Unfortunately there is no "path for reverse migration", as they say. So basically once we loaded up to this, there is no going back, unless we jump in the time machine and loose a significant amount of time here on the site. We've done that once this year, and while we'd only be loosing a few months and not not a few years, the consensus among the BoD seems to be that we'd like to leave 2012 in 2012. 2. Is there a possibility to get support so that this upgraded version is more compatible with people's smart phones. Short answer is No. To my understanding and some more techy person might be able to describe it more eloquently, the apps we use to look at the forum are independent from the makers of the software we use to run our forum. There is nothing we can do to our software that affects the phone viewing software, other than change our software. I am sure in time that companies like taptalk, will make a forum viewer that supports what we are using now, but when that time period is, no one can say. I do know that taptalk and others similar to it rely on users to make money. So I would guess that if I ran taptalk I would make sure that my software was compatible with the largest providers out there. The plan to switch us to IPB puts us in their cross hairs. I might not need to say this but I will, the Admins and BoD had no idea that this error with V-Bulletin and taptalk would occur. 3. I am just looking at the cheapest and easiest fixes Us too. In part just to revive our Treasurer Thomas... (I just tease Thomas cuz I like him. I'm hoping he is like Beetlejuice and if I keep saying his name he will pop up). In addition to cheap and easy I am sure we all want fixes that are fixes and not just band aids. Our forum is held together with duct tape right now, liberally applied duct tape, but none the less not a permanent long term sustainable solution. Chief did an amazing job for a very long time. Micah has done an amazing job as well. I had discussions with Admins about moving servers back in August, this is not a new thing. At the time when we server shopped we could not find anything comparable to what we have now for close to the price point. Chief really did get us grandfathered in at a very good price on what we are currently using . As times change so does the marketplace and new products come out. IPB is one of those and because of the quantity that they host, the price is less expensive monthly than we pay now, Security issues and backups need to be continually maintained. We don't have anyone that is qualified that is volunteering to do that, and as it turns out we might not "need" one. Although is anyone wants to volunteer to be an Admin, shoot me a PM. More help is always needed and right now if I get hit by a bus, were kinda screwed, so not a great place to be in. The spam on the site is way down the last couple years, something I don't miss moderating at all. Long winded (I know above was my short version (nutty)DOH! ) To continue your analogy, because I love analogies, our reliable nissan has clunked out and the patch job that has been done by the mechanic is not going to hold for long. In fact the mechanic all the other mechanics said was the best, said our nissan might drive us home, but it's time for a new ride. The mechanic can't fix it anymore, and the last 3 mechanics we had before all said, this thing is a clunker. The BoD has been looking at a used chevy malibu that comes with a full maintenance package for the life of the car. Won't get that girls, but will drive us from A to B. There is some separation between software and server that we have had before, what we are moving to would be more of a package deal, that would include both. You have a good memory, the current cost of the server is right about $400. In addition to that we pay for another account to automate 1 of our back ups to online. That account costs another hundred a year. We do have to pay every time we upgrade the software, that was a couple of hundred this year, but it is not a reoccurring expense. Plus we pay domains, etc. The total cost to operate the forum in that capacity is right around $500 annually, plus any outside things that might "pop" up. I am being pretty general here, I could be off a little bit in each way, Thomas can provide the exact numbers if it is felt necessary. Part of the problem that we currently have is that our back ups for the most part are not being done on our own server. For now people are lending us space out of the goodness of their heart, and that goodness has been fueled by Micah's generosity. While it is an O.K. short term solution, it is not a long term solution for us to take up space for free places. My original idea was that we would buy a few hard drives for the club and then have two people in charge of backing up the site on a rotating schedule (two people so in case of catastrophe we don't loose both backups). But as it turns out, that is not an option either. So one of the problems we are facing is paying for a secure place to store the backups, and one that can be automated. The second problem we are facing is that we really don't have anyone with the skills that has volunteered to do all this work for us. I can fill in for now, but I am not an IT guy at all. Knowing my own skill set tells me, we need to get some help here. While the people we have can take care of the day to day stuff, the amount of work that goes into maintaining a site on the back end, things most users never even think about, is more then the current volunteers are capable and willing to do. So our second problem is that we need someone with a particular skill set to manage the site. We also have many other problems right now, the biggest which you mentioned is the site being hard to navigate on a phone or tablet. The way IPB works is it offers several plans. The plan we are looking at costs $30 a month, so $360 a year, which is actually cheaper than what we are paying now. If our site grows the monthly cost will go up, depending on how much bandwidth we are using. (right now the $30 price is for having an average of 40 users online. If we bump up to having an average of $65 users online, that would increase the plan price to $45 monthly) The benefit to this plan besides the cost savings include: 1. Backups are maintained by the host and in case of site failure the host will reboot the site for us. So if what happens in September were to happen again, 3 of our guys wouldn't be scrambling to spend a hundred hours in a week trying to get the site back up. It's included in our package. 2. The package we are looking at comes with an Admin for security/network issues. So the work in blocking spammers, and plugging holes is done by their professional, not our guy. Basically for the last 8 years we have been relying (I say abusing with all the love in the world) guys like Chief, who step up, jump in and make it all happen. So in this transition we would be relying on a professional to do this for us instead. This package we are looking at solves two of are largest behind the scenes problems, and it's cheaper then what we pay now monthly. In addition to that since IPB is one of the larger forum providers in the world, app makers like Taptalk are very dedicated to keep up with their changes, were as what we run now, not so much. As I read about it, the whole thing actually sounds to good to be true. But as I dig into it, contact Admins of other sites for their experience, visit their forums, it does seem that IPB is pretty legit. I'll admit there has been some learning curve for me, as there would be for most of us trying to research this, so if anyone else wants to dig around your input is very welcome. I still feel pretty strongly that we need to continue to keep our own back up copy of the forum in a separate location, but that has been paid for by the site now and is good through next October, so that decision will ultimately be someone else's. There will be a cost to have a professional migrate the site over for us, that quote was for $650. That is a one time expense.There will be additional expenses for anything else we have them do to the site, those are charged hourly. Since they handle this particular software all day long (one of the largest in the world), they assure me they are very speedy in their work. I have not heard back with a quote for the list I gave them.
  4. Congrats man, long time coming. I'll visit them often. I love that place. Between that and Moloko's, Mississippi is the spot to be.
  5. Anytime. Usually it seems no one is interested in this kinda stuff so. I think it's cool people are.
  6. Like I said to start with... I'm working on it . Nice to have folks talk about it too. Right now we are kinda in the proposal process with IPB. We asked them for stuff, they came back with a quote (No one has heard from Thomas since, I think the poor man fainted. Can someone check on him (nutty)(clap)(whistle)). Then I asked them for some more stuff beyond what they normally do. I basically gave them a list of the problems we have now that the members have reported and asked how much if any of that they could fix for us. My hope was to just have the pro's do it, so the transfer starts out all nice like. They said it would take a couple days and they would get back to me. I heard back from the tech who would handle us and he was going out for the Holiday but would get us a quote when he returns. Once we get the quote we will have to take a vote in the BoD to approve the spending on the money. Then write back and schedule a time.From the time of accepting their offer to getting the work on the books is usually within the week. Our site would be down for a coupla hours. I have inquired with a couple other people to see if they're are less expensive but equally good options that would get us to the same place. The guy I was hoping would help us out seems to be on holiday for the last 10 days, but if he is willing to help us out we can compare the quotes. The other companies I have contacted to get a quote from are not interested in helping a forum of our small size. Just not enough money for them to take the job. Good question, I wish I knew. I know he was having some computer problems, then we kinda stopped hearing from him. I've always like Derick, he was my first choice to add to the Admin team in Sept, and if he wanted to come back and had the time I'd make him an Admin today if the BoD was still cool with it. Since Sept 9th or so it has just been Micah and I doing the Admin work (Admin role for me has been things like change user groups. Micah did all the heavy lifting). Right now I am the only Admin. No one else has volunteered to help out. The lack of participation is another great reason for us to transfer to the IP Board. With the transfer we will really only need a forum admin. That skill set is easier to find than a Micah for example.
  7. Sounds like a lot to put in a tank at once. I think you should let me babysit the torch for ya 😃 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I'm happy your back man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. All of the BoD is up to date on the plan if they have logged in this week. There has been an ongoing discussion both on the forum and in Hangouts. Not much response or input since were waiting on the company now, but MicAh helped us with the layout immensely before he stepped down. The plan going forward is very very similar to what Micah has stated here. Only difference in what is being proposed is that IPB the company would migrate the site for us. I agree with Brad about professionals being good at their job. Micah is a great Admin. Best of the best. IPB has professionals that do nothing but migrate our software to IPB. So we are essentially moving towards having a member of IPB do the migration for us, and then doing the minor adjustments from there. I'm sure we'll be taking Micah up on his offer to help as long as it's on the table. I haven't known Micah that long, but I'd go with him "into battle" anywhere. Micah's research into this plan is something that should be responded to with gratitude for his work IMO. When a volunteer does so much for a club the proper response is thank you. Getting the forum up and running after the hack was a lot of work. Building a new site and implementing the protocols we have now was a ton of work. This next step will be a ton of work. We're not talking about a hundred hours here, we're talking about an emense amount of work that had taken place with only the best and purest of intentions. It sucks the new software doesn't work, but it's no ones fault. If you want the work to be done to fix it, let's have some appreciation for all the people who have done and are doing the work now. If someone has a better idea for software and hosting options that can do what IPB has offered to do for us I would welcome that input, but just tearing down a sound plan without offering any alternative is not helpful. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. When you open your message center, the top box will be your inbox preview. This works a little differently than the last software. In that preview you will see a snipit of the text someone sent you, but not the entire PM. To see the entire PM you need to click on the subject line. Once you click on the subject line the entire PM chain will open. To respond type in the box that says write something. So far for me on the new software PM's seem to be working fine. I have used it on 6 different machines now and I am unable to replicate most of the errors that are reported. Which is kind of frustrating because it limits my ability to help. So the more information you give me, the greater chance I have of finding the problem and fixing it. If you are getting an error a screen shot of the error message is a huge clue for me, but if it is just not working, I have a hard time diagnosing what that means. Some of the problems we are experiencing are due to the software, and we can not fix/change them. We are working on moving the site to another new software and new server which "should" fix most of the problems (no doubt another learning period), but if I can fix things before the transition I will. Please be patient with me, I'm not an IT guy and being the software is so new finding the correct information to fix the problem can sometimes take me hours. I'm doing my best.
  11. pledosophy

    SPS Growth

    Insane Brad! Thanks for sharing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Micah I wouldn't count yourself as off the hook yet if your offer is still good. I know you love my IT skillz! My IT skillz (they require a z for proper description) are one of the many reasons I have been working out a plan that includes migration from a professional with experience migrating our software to what we intend to switch too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I'm working on it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Let's all step back for a minute. Since when is anyone on this forum not allowed to post there experience with a vendor? The same way that the critics feel entitled to post there experience, I am entitled to post mine no? There are some that say that as a President of the club I should curtail my opinion, but I believe the opposite. I believe as a president of this club it is my place to be honest with my experiences. I did not say don't buy from Golden Basket. I did not say Golden basket is a crook that defrauds consumers with over saturated photo's. What I said was this is when they are open, go buy from them then. As a consumer and previous customer I have been unhappy with my purchases on multiple occasions from Golden Basket/Java West. Enough so that I stopped purchasing from them, even though I have a GC for them. That is my honest experience as a customer. Why someone would call me names for being honest about my experience makes no sense to me. It makes as much sense to me as a sponsor ignoring the forum rules and posting for sale items in the general forum. I as a person am allowed to share my experience with vendors. If it is swayed because of my position in the community, so be it.I earned the position I have in the reefing community. My representation is an honest expression of my experience, and the same as it is negative towards one it may reflect positively on another, because that is what my experience has been. As a member of this community my priority is always towards honesty and towards the community and not based on where the money is coming from. You can always count on my experiences with a product or vendor being honestly portrayed, whether they are a sponsor or not. If my honesty offends others, so be it. I will not apologize for representing to the community an honest reflection of my experiences. Infact, IMO it would be wrong of me to do otherwise.
  15. IME I have never been happy when buying online from Goldenbasket. They are open to the public on Friday and Saturday. I would suggest if you want to buy from them going there when they are open so you can see the frags AND the lighting conditions they are under before buying. JME Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. We're all dying with anticipation John. (worthless) Seriously though so members are talking about doing a shrimp setup so pics of yours would be helpful to them.
  17. On the top right of the forum window you will see your name. It is above the search option. Next to your name is a little grey arrow. If you click on this arrow it opens a drop down. Go to user settings. Once you are in user settings it automatically opens to your profile. Next to the word Profile in the tool bar is a greyed out word Account, click on that word. As you scroll down you will see different options. One of these is the conversation detail option. In that area you can enable your signature, and by clicking on the blue writing edit your current signature. Hope that Helps.
  18. Do you have a refugium I am not seeing in the photo's? I was going to peak and see if you could direct your light from the side of the fuge instead of the top and use the reflector on the light as a blocker of some sort to lessen the stray light coming into the bedroom, but on second look at your photo's I don't even see a refugium that would require a light, or help stabalize pH in the off hours. Strangely enough the reef is not pitch black at night. There should be enough of a way to direct the light so there is not so much spillage.
  19. You gonna let me play with it if you win?
  20. Thank you very much. I miss that tank sometimes. I lost most of it after a light accident, then replaced the water logged light with an LED and nothing ever did well again. It was one of the LED's from 08 ish. They didn't grow algae well. Live and learn, maybe one day I'll do another.
  21. I prefer the writings of Randy Holmes Farley for anything chemistry. I don't mean to discredit others, or be an elitist, but he's never steered me wrong in all the years I have been conversing with him, and he always writes me back if I have a question/problem. I went back and double checked. I was off on the 120ml number, that was before he left vodka for vinegar (I blame AA). Vinegar dosing he got up to 410mL per day, which is about 2 mL per gallon for his system. At that point he started noticing the tank doing more poorly. Can you imagine how long it would take to get to a 410mL dose if you were increasing by .4mL a week? That is when you get the people stating that vodka did not help them IMO. They give up, they go onto something else. I helped a guy on here with carbon dosing last year that after 9 weeks and him being at 9mL a day he gave up to try something different. A couple months later he returned to carbon dosing and found his dose to be 10mL. He was that close the last time. IME on my 65g with a 30g sump I started with 1mL and increased by 1mL each week until I hit my target. Did the same thing on my current tank. On my last system which was 265g or so I started with 3mL and then increased by 1mL daily. That is the routine I followed and that is what I recommend. If you have a 50g you might wanna do that at .5mL instead of 1mL. If you have a 25g, then maybe start at .25mL IMO you also really need to not be running GFO when carbon dosing. The chemical removal of the phosphate won't give the bacteria enough of what they need to grow and carbon dosing will not be effective. IMO carbon dosing is more of maintenance then to fix an exsisting problem. JME
  22. I don't know, I keep inviting you out but you don't get back to me :P
  23. 48 hours to go brown, 48 weeks to color up. They will in time, just takes time. Looks like you got a few in there too. If it were me, I probably would limo tint the acrylic on the front of the doors, or just paint them black. Does the light in the living room at night actually bother you? I kinda like mine, plus it keeps the neighbors away cuz they all think I'm growin something else. (I actually just showed my next store neighbor my phytoplankton cultures after an odd conversation, much friendlier now) I don't know man, (scratch) new kid friendly ride, buying childish fabrics as you call it at the Walmart, cheapin out on the booze....you sure you don't have anything else to tell us? (naner)
  24. You could rig it for dwarf seahorses if you don't mind hatching the food. It'd be a great home for a small angler if you wanted to try one again. Shrimp are pretty easy and require next to no maintenance depending on the species you go with. The more fish you get in their the more maintenance your going to have to perform. Just depends on how much work you wanna do. IMO dwarf seahorses would be the coolest thing. They'll love the mangroves, you can get some small branch rocks or dead acro skeletons, they can live and breed in the same tank.
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