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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. IME with a 120g with two wp40's I have one at the top left of the tank that points towards the middle/front of the glass. My other is at the back right of the tank, a little lower on the wall and it points down a smidge behind the rocks. I keep one on Else and one on W1. I change the two every once and awhile. I also have mine plugged into a powerstrip, so on occasion I turn one off, then the other off and the first one back on. So far it seems to be working fairly well for me. My return is run through a scwd so that helps alternate the flow as well. I do have a 30g I am using to grow some frags. I have a WP40 on that one too. It is in the top right corner and blows at the glass on W1. It handles a 30g just fine. Placement will depend some on your rock work. I try to get mine off the back wall a touch so I can push water through there. I try to make a circle of sorts. HTH
  2. I am interested in the 240g. Do you know if the tank was made by Charles or just the overflow? I would like pics of the tank and the stand. You can post pics through photobucket or flicr if you like, or email them to me at President@pnwmas.org.
  3. I haven't seen Tim in a few years. Last I spoke with him he had no tanks at all and was focusing more towards being a chef.
  4. Apparently that is true, but I wouldn't get to used to this format Congrats on having no life, I mean helping the community so much.
  5. What size tank did you guys try it in?
  6. My buddies taking his tank down and his favorite fish is his lawnmower. I'm thinking of keeping the blenny so he can come visit. Has anyone done one with a Midas blenny before? Experiences? Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Mounting Brackets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate the look of hung LED lights personally. I tried doing the floating canopy and all that, but I just never like the look. I hear Oceanrevives new lights mount also.
  8. Seahorse is open? !!!!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'm gonna go ahead and close this one down now since it seems to be cascading down hill. If anyone would like to read the precursor that has some more information about the plan being put in place, you can find it here http://www.pnwmas.org/forum/main-category/out-of-bounds/563223-is-there-anything-in-the-pipeline Micah, I realize that the several members of the club pushed you out. I think it is a very kind offer for you to make to want to help the forum. It shows great character IMO. After the site is migrated I would like to get a team of people online that day to fix all those lovely little problems we know are going to be there. I would really like for you to be on that team. I also should thank you publicly for being so available to answer all of my questions to plan the move. As someone who has known you for a short while, but who has been there with you through this process I can assure everyone that what seems to be foul play, certainly was not IMO. Chief, My favorite thing I have read today. Brad, Wouldn't that make my life easy . I am one to stick to the rules, (well I try to anyways I don't always succeed) so this needs to clear the BoD and the funds need to get sent by the Treasurer. I can't spend that amount of the clubs money without a vote, and I can't spend club money without the Treasurer. It would be illegal. I know that Officers/BoD members have done it in the past, but that is just not a line I can cross. Working with a BoD is much different than what I am used to in business. Much slower, much more involved. I had no idea. There have been some times where I just wanted to "do it",but fact is, this face is to pretty for prison Everyone, Even through everything this forum has been through, it is refreshing to see how passionate everyone remains to keeping the club going. I do want to remind everyone, we are all volunteers. We are putting in as much time as we can. When we have put the word out we are looking for help, if you didn't offer to help, your gonna have to bear with us while the job goes slow. The average person does not know how to migrate a site to another hosting company while setting up a Beta trial/stress test. Most people on this site can not automate a back up and then run a fire drill to make sure the back ups can be reloaded with a new software. How many of us know how to block requests coming from China for new membership? Neither did the volunteers who run this site. Some of the volunteers here are still uncomfortable with the simple mod panel, heck it took us a week to figure out why everyone was seeing the flagged posts, so this is way out of their scope. The same amount of time it would take most people to learn these things, it is now taking members of the board. We are putting in the work to learn what we need to, to make the educated choices, to get the club where we ALL want it to go. At least we can agree on us all wanting a better working site I hope. The best way to encourage the BoD's and Officers is to appreciate and thank them for the work they are doing. No one wants to volunteer an afternoon of time to log on and find they are not being treated respectfully, being talked down to, being called names, etc ,etc. Let's show some appreciation for the people who are actually doing the work to get this all going. I am very happy to report that just since I have been out to dinner and back that the BoD has approved a budget for me to use to have the site professionally migrated to the new software and server. I hope to get things on the book on Monday, they generally have a 3-5 day lead time. I am not sure of all of the details yet, but the approval of a budget of what the BoD has given me to step forward is unprecedented in my time in this club. The Officers and BoD take this all very seriously.
  10. I wonder how long until this makes it into our hobby http://phys.org/news/2014-12-bright-future.html
  11. Kim that is where almost all of my effort is being spent right now. I think the software for the site kinda sucks right now too. It is a crappy situation to be in. That is why I am working on fixing it. Sure it'd be nice to get help, but since I'm kinda doin it alone right now, and until a couple weeks ago, I had no idea what any of these buttons did, it's slow. Until it can get done, were gonna have to make due with what we got. I'm doin my best. It's not really a money thing for the site, it's a time thing. Randy, Good afternoon to you too. I am here volunteering so we can help people learn about fish and coral. I'm not one to think this is the only website or club people should go to. It is a hobby, it's supposed to be fun. If people are having fun in the hobby going elsewhere to learn about fish and corals great. I think everyone should be able to have fun on their hobby forum. This is a club about fish and corals. Phrases like thinly veiled attempt at damage control, and defending it from those who would see it destroyed really have no place here. That is way to serious for a local fish club man. Whatta ya say we all get back to talking about fish and corals. That is what we're here for right?
  12. I use plastic rods (hangars) and zip ties in the past. I once built a PVC pipe and ran it as a closed loop and rock structure, that worked well. My rock work now is just stacked on itself. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I'm serious. I have no idea. I'm on the phone. I'll check when I can. We all know how well the site works on the phone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Whatta ya talking about? Links are allowed. There are the classified link rules but that's it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Glad to hear things are moving along for you. Rockwork looks dope. I missed this thread before
  16. if you wanna email me the picture I'll upload it for you. President@pnwmas.org
  17. I do appreciate you letting us know. I'd like to get all the annoying stuff out of the way too. I spent quite a bit of time on it. Based on info from V-Buletin there is not much else to be done, so if you are still seeing them, they might stick around for a bit. If we are going to migrate to the new software/server it's no use spending another 8 hours on this if it is not affecting the use of the site beyond being annoying. If anyone else would like to look into it, please feel free. I'd be happy to look at and try out anything you find. I just can't find a solution that I haven't already tried. You have probably already done this, but have you tried clearing your cache? PM's on taptalk are pretty spotty. I've had some not show up for a few days. Unfortunately there is really nothing we can do at this time to make taptalk work better with the software we upgraded too. I wish I had a better answer for you. Again if anyone wants to look into this besides me and can find a solution I'd be happy to try it out. Otherwise I think we're just gonna have to resign ourselves to this is what we have to work with until a migration to a new software/server can be accomplished.
  18. If it doesn't sell here try Craigslist and tag home brew. Us brewers by those up all the time. Especially with some left. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. It'll take care of itself IME. No worries Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Can I get the used panworld? I'll PM you for payment Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. The way V Bulletin seems to have it set right now is that if you are a moderator of any forum on the site then you receive the flagged reports. Since you are a mod of the The Premium Aquarium Forum, then you receive the flagged posts for all forums. There does not appear to be a way to change this that I have found. Questions to VBulletin on the subject appear to go back to March but it does not appear that they have added any ways to manage the flagged report settings.
  22. Chief is the message you can not clear also a flagged report?
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