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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I used to think that way too, but then I hD a conversation with Anthony Calfo and later with Leng Sy who both steered me towards less, in the 3-5x range. If you are just running socks in your sump then you are right. The more water through the better. There will be a point of diminishing return, not sure where you'd hit that. You could max out your drains ability though and be fine. If you are running a refugium, a protein skimmer or even a heater to some extent a lower I turnover is better. Your protein skimmer needs contact time with the organics to pull them out. If the water moves to quickly it will be less efficient. I don't really understand why/how but when I followed the advice my skimmer did start working better. I guess simply put more contact time = better skimming. Sy took that same approach with the algae and mud in his refugiums. That contact time would allow them to do the filtering, and less contact time would decrease their efficiency. If your looking for ways to improve water polishing maybe add some filters in your sump baffles? Travis made a little insert for his outta egg crate and that blue filter media (sorry the name escapes me... Poly something). I like high flow in my tank, but low flow through the sump. Hope That Helps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. They won't be as white, but they will be clean. I never really cared if my filter socks were white. If you look at my tank and notice my filter socks then filter socks are the least of my problems [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Did you guys see the James Cameron movie about him taking a submersible down there? It's a good movie for ocean nerds. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Excited to see the pics. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. For now until I can get the hompage done, if you go to the view new content tab, you can filter it with several options, including 'those that I have not read". It is not as good as the homepage option, but it should get you where you want to go for now.
  6. IMO you want to shoot for about 3-5x the tank volume through your sump per hour. For in tank flow, as long as the fish can swim and the corals open IMO I tend to be on the high side. 30x or so is pretty average. I left that long ago though. Depends on what you are keeping in there.
  7. Did some and some then went to the emoticion oracle and did some then some more finally a then a with a side of and then finally a Emotions are working again
  8. I just rinse mine in the backyard with the hose. I never worried about bleaching them.
  9. I have about 30 tyree green leather frags if you want one [emoji6] I'm working on the smileys. I actually got quite a few new ones loaded in, I just can't figure out how to get them in the post section just yet. Work in progress Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I hadn't even noticed it wasn't there. I'll add it to the list when I can get back to a desktop. Thanks for catching that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. What kind of movement you lookin for? I run about 3x tank volume thru my sump per hour and am pretty happy in the 3-5 range. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Work in progress [emoji2] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. It looks like the PM's that are lost are not going to be recoverable. :( We have tried all we can, and at this point we are just going to have to accept they are lost. It does suck I know. If anyone had anything important, besides Doug, please PM me and I will help you to recover your individual PM's.
  14. I have a few Eheim 1262's but I did replace my return pump with a Jeabo DC model. I find it to be a bit quieter and I like the feed option. It also uses less energy. Every pump on my system is now a DC, even the skimmer. I am kind of a freak about noise, so, it was worth it to me. Before switching to DC pumps, Eheims were my go to. I have owned several different models and always been happy. Never a problem IME.
  15. Dude that's a sick sump! Clean... Seriously though, your a light snob. AI 26 on an in sump frag tank. [emoji1] Can't wait to see it all full Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. That is a lot of PM's! Good thing we have batch delete now.
  17. I'm very happy you like it. It's been a lot or work.
  18. I find when carbon dosing I have to spot feed my LPS. I can't seem to find a middle ground between carbon dosing and not spot feeding IME. I do also feed several times a day so there is food present more often. Then again if I wasn't feeding several times a day, maybe I wouldn't need to carbon dose... I'd be curious what is in that and if it is actually any better then other carbon sources like sugar, vinegar, or vodka. $15 bucks isn't bad, but if your paying $15 for 500mL of some vinegar with sugar added to it that would kinda suck. Not saying that is what Red Sea NO3:PO4-X is because I don't know, but vinegar, sugar, and vodka all seem to do the same thing. If you do decide to go with carbon dosing, make sure to remove your GFO. It will make things much more effective IME. HTH
  19. Nice! Look forward to it. Let me know if you need a hand getting it up at all.
  20. Looks good dude! I like the stand too. Slick Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Your the bomb Micah! Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Using Taptalk you are not seeing your PM's under the convos tab? Do you see your PM's from a desktop? Button is on the top left. Are you receiving new PM's like the one I'm gonna send ya right now. Really sorry about the troubles Jay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Thanks Randy that is added. I had that fixed on the Beta, I thought it transferred over. One I remember what I did to fix it, I will certainly do it again.
  24. Make sure in your browser it just reads "PNWMAS.Org" A few other people have had a similar problem that their browser auto fills a recent address. Since we switched servers as well as software, all of those recent addresses are not longer valid and would display as that code. I am guessing that is the root of your problem. If you still have troubles please let me know and I will look into them. I am using Chrome at the moment, so I think it would have to be something beyond just that. HTH
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