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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Here is the calculator I use Drain Caculator
  2. I have never used that one so hard for me to say. Ocean Revive did have a 48" fixture that mounted to the tank at MACNA and there is an example at Cuttlefish, but I keep asking to buy it and they keep saying not yet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Probably to soon to see any real results yet? I'm still curious so I gotta ask, how's it workin [emoji2]. My wife dipped into my fish tank vodka back when I used Kettle One. Since I switched to Gilbert's she drinks her own. It does save you from going into the liquor store and asking for the biggest cheapest bottle of vodka they have and the looks that come with it [emoji6] Please do keep is updated Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Hope it's turned the corner for you! I have no doubt it will be awesome in time. Sucks you had so many problems. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. I had two T247s on a 90 and was stoked on them. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Pressurized though, not drain right? I used the RC calculator. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. He has a union on the pump so it can be unscrewed easily for changes or pump cleaning. It's a good way to do it. . . Robert Musta helped him with that :P Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Blues for 12 whites for 8 for me. When I was trying to get breeding cycles I would change it but for what your doin that'll get you there. You can back off if you get alages Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. If you go in your profile there are two places to fill in your location. If you fill in the blank one, then it will show when you post.
  10. I spoke back and forth with IPB and it looks like at this time touch devices do not support the IPB emotions by design. There is nothing we can do to change our software to allow happy faces to be used by an Ipad or phone. The only option we have is for people to type the happy face icon they are looking for out. IPB is working on a software release, IPB 4, that will include emotions with touch devices but they do not have a release date for that software announced at this time.
  11. IIRC your tank had been setup for a week or so, then you added new liverock and the nem the same day. I think I read on the other forum that you had ammonia levels of .5 and nitrite of 1. The nem has been in the tank since yesterday. Is that all accurate? I would either pull anything alive in that tank out of that tank and house it with another reefer, or try to go the Amquell and water change route. Ammonia will kill most anything, so having a detectable level of ammonia is going to kill your fish and corals. To lower ammoinia you can use products like Amquell or Prime which will neutralize the ammonia almost instantly. You can also use bottled bacteria's to instantly cycle your tank. Large corrective water changes will also lower the level off ammonia. If you did a 50% change on your tank your ammonia level would drop down to .25. Still deadly but not as deadly. Any fish or coral is going to die in a tank with detectable ammonia. So if you can't use the products and do the water change you are best having someone else take care of the livestock for you until your tank is cycled. Putting livestock in an uncycled tank is never a good idea.
  12. Some fish has it. It might not be visible but if ICH is in a system, a fish has it. ICH can also feed off of other parasites as well, so multiple strains of ICH can cause the parasite to live longer then a single strain would. ICH is an animal, it doesn't magically appear. It has to be put in the tank, for it to be in the tank. There is no way around it. If you take a fish without ICH and put it in a tank that has no ICH in the system the fish will not get ICH. Peng- have you read about hyposalinity?
  13. Do you think you would need to keep the fish in copper the whole 12 weeks to rid it of ich? I think the cupramine treatment is only 2 weeks or so. 2 weeks of copper, 10 weeks of QT in a nice happy tank. I've never used copper myself. I can't speak much to it. When QTing fish I have done hypo, and that worked well for me. My point on the 12 weeks was that is how long the display would need to be fallow of fish before it was cleared of ich. Not that the fish should be treated with copper for that long.
  14. IMO I think the problem with ich is that the anecdotal evidence is flawed, repeated, and the the misinformation is said so often it is thought to be true. Then when it doesn't work, people blame the science. Ich is a widely discussed topic but the information I see most often wrongly repeated is the life cycle is 6 weeks, when studies show it to be up to 11. I realize there are studies for everything,NAND many conflict, and we are left to try and judge the merit of each author. That said I'd bet the ranch if you had a pbt with no ich and put it in a display with no ich that the pbt would not get ich. Ich is an animal, it doesn't show up outta no where. JMO Unless your going to take all of the fish out for 12 weeks + and treat there in no use taking one out IMO. HTH
  15. I'm on an IPAD today so I can see some of these for myself and try to get them fixed. Thanks for the input on Chrome, I'll look at that. I think the site was slow yesterday because we had so many people on.yesterday we peaked at 59 people on and our plan is for4 0. Looks like we're gonna have to step up a level in service after all. It's great to see so many folks enjoying the site. In view new post try setting your content in the window on the left to forums instead of home. I think you'll be happier with that. HTH Edit- Correction, our current plan allows for 40 users.
  16. I'm sure someone was pretty stoked on it . . . I think I had him on the phone within 5 minutes of him posting it up. I've bought from him before so I knew it would be in immaculate condition, which it is. He even included a probe in it for me. Thanks again for the great deal, and showing me the tank!
  17. Hi Karen, The site only allows 10 happy faces per post. It is the most we can allow with this software. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. TheClark- It's your turn. Do you wanna come pick it up?
  19. You have to dose calcium and alkalinity seperately. If you mix them before they go in your tank it will not work. You also have to dose them in balance with each other as that is how the tank will use them. Your getting some good advice in the 2 part recipes here. If it's to much to do Brightwell makes a great 2 part solution. Cost ya about $40 for both bottles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I would try to get liverock from a tank being torn down or someone reaquascaping. Liverock has so much beneficial bacteria in it, I think IME it is the best option. The more porus the better. I'd find aqua scapes you like and see if like the branch rock or more traditional. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. Would your skimmer fit in the 10g? Nice silent return pumps are no longer a myth and can be had for not very expensive these days. I ordered mine online since no local stores carried it and had it to my door for like $110. Might be worth it if your other option is drilling outside and running the plumbing and all. Edit- Added: If your going to make your refugium that large I think the 1000gph running through it is fine IME. Refugiums do fine turning over 20-40x an hour IME.
  22. Just so weird, since the PM's were sent on the last version of the software and everyone else got them. I'm not doubting you, just saying it is weird. I'll play with it on the IPAD over the weekend and see what I can get fixed. I appreciate you as a squeeky wheel. If your having these issues other people are likely having them too. Our whole goal here is to include everyone, it's why I volunteer all the time. Thanks for sticking around and helping with the feedback.
  23. Depends on the size if refugium you end up with. I wouldn't do 1000 gph through a 10g. Do you have the sump, skimmer, and 10g already? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Well I Pm'd you three times about Beta testing, and posted the link for everyone to try publically. . . Sorry ya never made it in over the several days it was open. We had to take it down and reupload it several times. The IPB conversion software wasn't compatible to our version of V Bullet to the Head 5 so it took quite a bit of work. I wish ya would have been able to make it. Most of the problems your experiencing I'm not hearing from others. It would have been nice to avoid them all together. Of the problem list from the Beta test we have fixed almost everything. One of the issues requires coding and we will have to hire that one out. I'm trying to get all the things we are going to hire out done at one time to save the club some $. Managing other peoples money makes me cheap The mobile version is a bit limited, especially when using 3rd party software e.g. taptalk. There is nothing we can do to control the tap talk interface. If using your phone or IPAD there is the option on the bottom of the page to go into full view mode, which would give you the full site. I haven't played with the site on the IPAD much. I'll give it a look over the next few days and see if I can fix more of the issues. Is that the format your having the most trouble on? I'm happy to try and fix stuff, I just need the most specific details to get it done. On the bottom right corner of the screen here when replying there is a more reply option which will bring you to a screen where you can select the happy faces. On a PC you can select them from the tool bar in the posting window, click on the happy face, or by clicking on the ones on the bottom of the screen there. IPhone emoji's and talk taptalk ones won't always translate just yet, but some will. No worries on fixing your signature. You just had your code a bit wrong. Easy to do. It is definitely something we will talk about. Other things can be added to e.g. PM storage, number of images in your signature, number of HTML links, etc, etc. There is an amount of data associated with those things and we no pay for how much data we use, so to me it makes sense for people that pay for the site to get those advantages. Don't ya love PC's! You can run chrome on your IPAD too. . . That's how I read most sites when I do use ours. I see you like the new smiley. There are a few fun ones. If you find any you want me to add let me know and I can import them.
  25. Bridge City is having a sale too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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