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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/33081-scott-fellman-speaking-at-january-meeting/
  2. Your just up all night watching the frags grow. It'll wear off. I have my cultures on a night time light cycle. Only wake up at 4am once every other week or so now to check on them
  3. Sorry your having trouble figuring out the software Jesse. The posts do show up, that's how I saw yours. Try this it might help you out. 1. On the top right click on the view new content tab 2. On the left side of the screen you can select "By Content Type" and "By Time Period" 3. For content type, change the setting to Forums by clicking on the word forum. 4. For By Time Period, click on Content I have not read. You should now see a list of new posts in the middle section there that will include any post that is made in this thread, or any other thread for that matter. HTH
  4. Ya in 2001 I was in an email chain and later found a chat room. Wet Web Media was an incredible awakening in 2002 for me. Then on from there to find the seahorse people, reefcentral, then my local club. I didn't know about PNWMAS when I moved up, I found out about it at a McMennimens a couple weeks after I moved up. Crazy luck.
  5. Just black, I wouldn't want to put you out [emoji6] I think if the blenny is larger than the eggcrate that sounds like an awesome idea. If it is smaller you might be able to wrap your cage with that extra light netting you have. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. This month's PNWMAS meeting will feature Scott Fellman from Unique Corals. The meeting will take place at the Lucky Labrador in Multnomah Village at 12:30pm, Saturday the 17th of January. For those that don't know Scott he has been in this hobby for a long time now. Currently he is probably best known for his insane corals at Unique Corals where he works to put out sustainably collected, aquacultured, and captive propagated corals, fishes, and invertabrates. He was a contributor on Bob Fenner's Wet Web Media's back in 02' where he eventually became the co editor of the Conscientious Aquarist online magazine. He has presented at at least 6 MACNA's that I know of, A couple of IMAC's and at Reef A Palooza. He also flies all over the county speaking to clubs like ours. Unique Corals is also donating some Frags and Gift Certificates for our Raffle. We don't have speakers in our area of his caliber often, this is not one you want to miss!
  7. Ya I can try to figure out how to make it solid if you'd prefer that. I'd hate to see you running around with your eyes sticking out of there sockets.
  8. I think your wife is really attached to that fish and it would break her heart if you were to get rid of it. Utter despair I am thinking. . . So to save your wife's feelings, I will gladly take both of your clams, and home them in my system for you, free of charge. You will be welcome to come visit anytime you like, and when you come I will give you the joy of performing a water change for them so they will know you still love them. Of course you would have to bring your own salt... I'm thinking every Tuesday at 7:30 am. Please make coffee when you arrive so it will be ready when I wake up. It's a fair deal, do you know what they charge for dog boarding?
  9. Sorry I missed this one. Many studies have been done on parasites life cycle being treated with copper. If you want to read papers on it try adding words like Tuna, Salmon, farmed into your search criteria. You can find hundreds from all over the world. There is a lot of money in it, so it is well researched. Since fish are food copper has been tested for years on how it bests and most quickly kills parasites. It is how we have come to the advances in copper medications that we have come to. From Simple coppers to chelated to the complex that we use now. The complex copper that we use today is much less destructive to the fish, although it is still a poison. How long it takes to kill a parasite would be altered by the dosage somewhat but the complex copper medications (which is what we should be using now for our fish IMO) seem to all have a two week treatment period. After the two week period, a normal QT to make sure they "good" and then into the tank. Since copper is a posion, I would not treat for ICH unless there were signs of ICH IMO. Some people do, I even know of some stores that do, but it is not something I would do myself. It would not stop me from buying at a place that does though. I do think a healthy fish can fight off ICH, but I would not say a healthy fish could fight off any parasite. Most of my disease treatment has been with seahorses and IME there if you wait to long to treat for internal parasites the fish will most likely die. Prophylactic treatment of wild caught seahorses for parasites is par for the course. With that fish the only discussion is do you wait a week and make sure it is eating, or do you dip them and medicate them on arrival, I'm a fan of the latter. IMO a parasite is different then a bacterial infection, not all parasites can be fought off by the healthiest of hosts. JMO
  10. I did that for months! I bought an aiptasia, then spot fed it for a few months. . . I have made quite a few. Most of my experience comes from doing the wrong thing.
  11. Pic? If Mike is not interested I've been tryin to find a bigger tank for a few months Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Same salt is only $50 if ya wanna drive up to Seattle. One of the better salts on the market IMO. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. It would be limited to 3/4. I'm not sure what that is as a drain, but the calculator I posted a couple posts up can tell you. Most bulkheads are not designed to attach plumbing to the outside, if you go that route make sure the ones you use are. Personally I'd be worried about the noise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. We don't have one right now. The site is still a work in progress and that page has not been finished. We will make a post about how to renew your membership in the next day or two. We won't be canceling anyone's memberships the first days of the new year for certain. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. As the new year is set to begin one can not help but think about the last year. We do this with our tanks too. So what is the worst thing, and the best thing you did too, or for your tank this year? It could be food, equipment, new fish, upgrade, anything. Also if you are the person that has not changed anything on your entire tank this year, we want to know who you are, so we can increase your brainwashing/addiction sessions. I'll start- Worst thing I did this year was trust a box of salt to mix at the right levels. The alk was below 6 and instead of testing my source water I kept doing water changes to fix what was wrong in the tank. Best thing- I'm split between my Ocean Revives and my wavemaker powerheads. Both make the tank healthier and more fun to look at. What's yours?
  16. Huh, so in your experience you didn't have to keep dosing... crazy. With Carbon I have to dose everyday, for years now. If I take a break the levels rise again. I think you guys are talking me into a new product. *Subscribed*
  17. Really glad it helped you. I've always tried to keep the sump turnover low and then run a closed loop for the flow in the tank. I switched from that to powerheads for all the wave action and love them now. So much I do not mind the look of a powerhead in my display, which was something I said i would never have. Just to easy. Edit: Here is a link to what I use Flow Accelerator
  18. It's crazy how far it has come. I was stoked on getting an ATO unit in 02' and now I just bought a controller that will email me in Mexcio if my return pump goes off so I can enable my back up return pump... from Mexico! I had the latest and greatest lights when I started, Power Compacts. I even had one of the first all in ones for salt water, it was an Eclipse, and we took out the filter pad, placed in rubble rock and called it a refugium. People were running these Foam Faction filters... My return pump used to take 300w and sounded like a small boat motor, now it is 9w, silent and pushes more water then the boat motor. The changes already have been amazing and hard to keep up with as a hobbyist. You used to have to be part inventor just to be in the hobby, not so much now. Given how far we have come gives me hope that my ludicrous ideas of what is next is actually obtainable. 1. Dosers for all elements we choose run off of probes that auto dose to maintain levels based on where you set them. You want you Ca to be at 450, you program it in, when your Ca drops to 449, it dumps a little Ca in your system, self regulated by a probe. Same for Alk, or Strontium, even for some Ammino's if you choose. I think someone will rig it, then someone else will patent it and sell it as a box that just goes in your sump with refillable tubes, like the chemicals were hand soap. 2. Auto feeders for frozen foods that don't require drilling your college fridge. 3. Advances in lighting. Just watching what Bomber is doing I can't wait to see the next steps. LED's have changed so much even in the last 5 years. The technology is still growing and I can't wait to see it evolve. Plasma lights? Are we going to see those come into play? 4. DSR method of reefing will grow IMO. It's getting to easy not to do water changes with the ease of carbon dosing for nutrient removal 5. Cycling a tank is going to become as common as peeing in one to cycle it is now. Bottle bacteria's that do instant cycles are available now and I think will become the common way to cycle a tank, same day. 6. Probiotics added to all fish foods. It's starting now, I think it will continue 7. In 20 years I think a wild collected coral will sell for more then a captive raised frag. They will be more rare. 8. I think Clean up crews will have less snails in them (unless stomellas, which people will pay for), and rely more on shrimps. 9. Aquascapes made of man made rock, sold as one piece, per tank size. 10. Designer corals will be made by transferring zooxanthellae from like species for certain looks. (In 20 years I might be able to spell zooxanthellae as well, but that might be to much to ask for)
  19. I have used BioSpira as a bottled bacteria to instantly cycle a tank. I know Stu uses a bottled bacteria to cycle the cold water stuff as well, not sure on the one he uses. I have also used Prime and Amquel as an ammonia stabalizer. I hadn't used either in almost 9 years until a couple months ago when I moved across town and proactively dosed prime in to the system before adding the fish. IME Amquel is great at neutralizing ammonia. I used it as part of my breeding regiment for awhile. I was doing 4 10% water changes and 2 50% water changes a day and was still having ammonia issues so I would supplement Amquel to make the ammonia no longer toxic. The Amquel is what finally did the trick for me. I think most would use a product like Amquel in an emergency situation, not as an everyday thing. But when you have 5 10g's that are being fed 6x a day with no filtration on them at all, you learn to love Amquel. It is great in hospital tanks, or emergency QT tanks as well, especially ones where the medication would kill the bio filter. So if one needed to treat for something like vibriosis, or even ICH really and had to set up a Hospital tank it'd be good to have on hand. Or if your prone to not keeping your QT tank running and buying fish spur of the moment. JME
  20. Welcome to the club! There is a ton to learn and read. This club is a great place to meet some other reef bugged people for sure. What are you hoping to grow in the 150? What kinda stuff you looking for tips on? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I got a bad box of salt on my last move. I was changing water like crazy thinking moving the tank caused some problems, turned out trying to fix it was the problem. It's an easy thing to take for granted that your freshly mixed water is good. I lost most of my acros. But I've made such good friends in the area I got most of them back. Great people around here. I'm planning to do a floor drain but also to have it come up through the sump as an emergency overflow, skimmer drain of sort. I guess my plan differs from yours in that I will only have to pump new water in, my pump won't need to take it out, that's what the drain is for. Did you put the drain in yourself? I tried to hire a couple guys now but no one shows up. Sorry to hijack the thread. I hope you keep it updated, I'm looking forward to the second test. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Crazy cool! That's nutZ. Maybe it is a magic bottle Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. I can come help ya if you want, your not to far. I've plumbed a few tanks in my day. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Where do you live? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Dope! Just make sure to be testing your new water change water, especially with that high a level of water changes. I'm looking to setup auto water changes in the future by utalizing a floor drain. I'd love to see how you have this all setup sometime Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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