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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I use it 2x a week. 7mL every Monday and Thursday. I dose Red Sea Ammino's A and B at the same time, also at 7ml each. I have been using these products together like this for about 9 months give or take. IME I have noticed great polyp extension in my SPS and better growth. My favia which had not grown in several months really took off. Before dosing Ammino's I was not having good extension and very very slow growth, the addition of the Ammino's seemed to help that. I was turned on to the product after talking to Frank about his system, and then convinced when I saw Travis dose it in his system. The amount I dose was recommended by Travis (Upscales) and I have just stuck with that and been stoked on it. It does look like you peed in the tank for a bit so I wouldn't dose right before you have people over to look at the tank. I turn my skimmer off for a few hours after I dose, just waiting for the water to go back to a normal color. I don't know if this is needed or not, but it is what I do. HTH
  2. In Robyn's case the seam of her tank gave way due to a manufacturer defect. I am not sure if a floor pan woulda been helpful for them with the way it came out. I had a flood once. Pipe blew out of a bulkhead on a closed loop (which oddly enough wasn't running at the time). It didn't leak, it blew. Lost 60 gallons of water in less then a minute. Splashed off the wall behind it all the way to the ceiling and 4 feet the other side of the tank. Not sure a floor pan woulda helped there either. That closed loop had been plumbed for over 10 years, never had a problem until it did. Maybe we should make a thread on ways that tanks have failed, so we can design one that won't We can use my new tank as a guinea pig I'm guilty of having my tank ran through the GFCI in the wall. Maybe something I should change with the new setup soon. Thanks for the reminder
  3. It was a great game to watch. Mr. Jones has a bright future ahead of him.
  4. I'll bring a few to the meeting for ya Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. pledosophy

    Club Cube

    Nice work Andrew. Now I know how to get things done around here. Just threaten to make Vanz a mod and... *POOF* things happen.
  6. I bought a rock of valonia. Aka bubble algae once Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. pledosophy

    Club Cube

    Becareful what you ask for Sean. I'll get you a decider ring to fix this thread when I get to a desktop. Thanks Bro! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Fracking eh you cylon Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. IME I try to get rid of the critters, but leave the bacteria in tact. I do this by "cooking" the rock. I just feed the cooking tank pure ammonia to keep the bacteria alive, and any pest critters, they don't make it through. The anaerobic bacteria in the rock is what converts nitrate to 02. If you do decide to bleach the rock, just plan to compensate for the nitrate removal another way. JME Curious, Brad, what pest did you end up with?
  10. What? I thought we had you converted?
  11. Lucky Lab is very family friendly. I actually stay away weekends in the summertime because there are to many kids on the patio running around and my dog gets scared. She's a wimp.
  12. Thanks for the help guys. I moved them forward a bit out of the shadow of the pagoda. Cool little corals. I spot fed them last night and was amazed out how much they open up. Very cool. I'll let yall know how it goes. I m afraid a chalice addication might be growing. I've just had the one for so many years, now I have 3... already found a 4th I want.
  13. Thanks guys! You are all very welcome. It is still a work in progress, but there is progress. Cheif might have some time this weekend and we are hoping that we can implement the new subscription software and bring the return on the banner adds (I know we all miss the adds right!). We have a couple more things to add to the homepage as well but those might take a little more time. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions and the patience.
  14. I think the Nuvo's are pretty slick looking as well. Jeff at Cuttlefish and Corals has several sizes setup on his counter. It's worth going to see IMo Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It appears the thread that link goes to was deleted by the poster. [emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Here is what he is looking for Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Air Water and Ice. They are still a sponsor I just ordered some harder to find plumbing parts from them. I got my RODI from them too. Love that place. There has been a very very long debate on which salt is best. IMO you get what you pay for. Kent is the cheapest but after having a bad experience with them I am sticking to Reef Crystals or Red Sea Coral Pro for the immediate future.
  18. 68kb? Not that is not a size issue lol. Non club members are allowed 1mb. Did you attach and then post the file? If you can't get it email it to me at President@PNWMAS.org. I'll put it up for you. I probably can't resolve the posting issue tonight, but I can put it up for you.
  19. A picture for some inspiration
  20. You'll have to host your photo externally and link to it, or, make it much smaller. Photobucket and flicr are popular sites to host externally. HTH
  21. I picked up a couple of OME's today. I know they need low light/shaded area, but are we talkin like sun coral low light, or just not up on top of the tank? I have a larger pagoda cup I was thinking of trying them under, but it would be very little light. Any advice is appreciated. Tanks in Advance.
  22. Keep us updated of how that goes. I just got an APex and part of the reason was so I could control my wp40's.
  23. Looks like for right now there is no way to change the background of just one area, so for now, I have made the background everywhere plain. I will try to come up with a solution ASAP. More important for the site to be usable then pretty. HTH
  24. Rockwork looks great. I love that piece of wood. Not really a coloring agent but you could do it with cyclopleeze. Put in a bunch and watch it blow around. It will show you where things "get stuck" as well. I'd remove the filter media why you do it so it doesn't get filtered out until your done.
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