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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I wish you were not so far away. I'd be all over this. If you still have it in a month, maybe we can make a deal. I'll be in the area then.
  2. There is some talk that bottled bacteria is better because it will not promote a monoculture in your system. It does cost some money, but it's worth it IMO as opposed to waitin for months. JMO Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I am thinking of building a water change station in the garage. Apparently the wife does not thinks we need 3 bathrooms and wants my stuff out of the current water making area, which she insists is called a bathroom. (Silly girls) I was thinking of going pretty basic. 2 55g barrels on a stand. I had thought of elevating them a few feet off the ground. Just making a stand out of 2x4's or something. One on top of the other. Putting two 1" bulkheads in the bottom of the Fresh water, with one leading to the salt mixing bin, and one leading to a hose to fill up the ato's. Salt bin one just have one bulkhead which would lead down to a pump, so I could pump water into the house. I was going to put a float valve on the Fresh water bin and just keep it full. Does this all sound legit? Anything I should be considering or not considering? Thanks
  4. Some corals are more tolerant of sand then others. Personally I would be careful with what you put there with that fish. Not to say you can't put anything there, but a mouth full of sand can be pretty hard on a chalice and several other LPS. IIRC Brads tank is a 400. All things can expire. How old is it?
  5. I still have it. Jeramy never got back to me about picking it up.
  6. Traffic was bad everywhere. Scott almost missed his flight home we were stuck in traffic on the 205 so bad. My UC coral is absolutely glowing in my tank. I've been looking for that orange enchinata for a couple years. I'm really stoked on it. It's my favorite raffle win in years. I am still amazed how generous Unique Corals was donating so many cord for the raffle. Glad to hear so many people had a good time. Makes the work to put it together all worth it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Turn out was pretty good. Scott wanted to pass along his thanks to everyone who came out. It was nice to have so many people from the Seattle area come down as well. Nice to meet so many new people and see so many old faces. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I'll bring the mixing pump and hose for ya to if your just borrowing it. As long as I get um back in the not to distant future. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Sure thing bro Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I got a 30g brute I can bring ya tomorrow if ya want. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Jack, the Xenia would be appreciated if you had time to bring it down. I won't have time to drive up between now and then. We're good on leathers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. One of the tanks has clowns. Looking for a 100-200w heater. Matty that heater I got from you a couple months back went in one of the tanks too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. If anyone is coming to the meeting tomorrow and has some extras the Tualatin High school tank and the Pioneer tank are in need of some items. We are looking for: Macro alage (decorative so not cheato) Soft corals Working Heater Maxi Jet 1200 I will be visiting both schools on Tuesday, so if you can bring them Saturday I will home them until I can deliver them. Thanks ahead of time
  14. Matt just put that up on his tank out in Sandy.
  15. Looking good dude. Fill that thing up.
  16. They are in their own tank upstairs. I am down to about 15 of them. Been handing them out when anyone comes over Why, do you need another? I can bring it Saturday for you. I do have three or four small ones in the display. They just popped up and I haven't taken them out. Wife wants a 180-210. A birdsnest is a type of coral. It's the pink spikey one in the middle of my pic, and towards the left middle of Ninja's pic. Tank looks great Ninja!
  17. I can't believe Fellman didn't send any frags for the raffle. . . O.K. Maybe he sent 8!!! I'll post pics soon. So excited to open the bags. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Mines doing pretty good. I'm kinda regretting that I'll be tearing it down soon. Just a phone pic. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Welcome to the Club! Hope you can make it to the meeting this weekend, we've got a great speaker coming in. Tank looks like a good start. Welcome to the obsession Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I'd hit up James at Envision Acrylics. He does great work for large tanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. My wife told me once if I came home with a bigger tank it better be big enough for me to sleep in. So I bought a 6 foot tank that I could fit in and swore it was a misunderstanding, that I thought she wanted a bigger tank. Now she wants me to get one that is even bigger. Wife's come around in time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Sorry your having troubles, but if you want help you did come to the right place. The evaporation can be minimized through the selection of equipment. I evaporate about a gallon a day on my system that holds 130g or so. It's not enough for condensation on the windows at my place. I used to live in an apartment with not so good insulation and had to run a dehumidifier there with my 30g system. Dehumidifiers aren't to expensive and do a good job of pulling moisture out of the air IME. At the apartment we would pull several gallons of water out a day (much more then the tank evaporated). Other ways to minimize evaporation would be to vent your canopy, especially depending on what kind of lighting you are using. Sometimes venting can be as easy as drilling a few holes. You might be able to lower the temperature of your tank as well. You could drop your heater down to 75-76F or so with what you have stocked in the system. Lowering the temp would also help with evaporation. If your pumps are causing heat DC pumps tend not to get very hot at all and seem to help minimize evaporation as well. The moisture problems, or reef fog is really only a battle for a few months a year with most people. It is something that can come with larger tanks, but it is manageable if you want to keep it. Hope That Helps.
  23. There is a 450 that just went up in our classifieds. It'd look pretty sweet in your living room!
  24. pledosophy

    I need teeth!

    You can borrow my dremel if you want. I'm still in your neck of the woods 3 days a week. When I made my teeth 10 years ago or so I just cut them out with a dremel. I mounted the dremel face up in a vice clamp on the side of my workbench and then used a cinderblock as a guide. Pretty easy to do. You could use a drill that way to not a dremel I suppose. If you don't have the clamps your always welcome to come over. . . I do have an Apex to play with...
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