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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. WOW Kelly is on the forum... faint Glad to hear things are still going good for you. Did the macro algaes get eatin again, or are they hanging on? Were you able to get the protein skimmer setup? If not I can swing by and help Monday or Tuesday this week. Just let me know a time.
  2. I keep thinking about setting up a non photosynthetic tank. Filling a 90g right now with no plans. That article is swaying me, even though I know I'd never be able to get those corals. Pretty awesome what is out there. Thanks!
  3. If your able you might want to see if lowering them works for you. I ran a 120 with 2 lights and had no need for more. Our stock is similar. On my 120 I'm back to T5's for the time being though so no pics of that now. Are you getting shadow spots? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. That depends on what you are trying to grow I would say. On my 18" tall tank I can keep acros on the sand and the lights are at 70% blue and 50% white. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 2 would do it, maybe 1 if it were high and you weren't doing high light corals, but generally each unit covers. 2'x2' area Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. My unit turns off when it is full. When I had 400g ish if water I was pulling about 2g a day on the dehumidifier. At our new house I only have 180g or so (for the moment) and haven't found a need to run it yet. The air seems to be a bit drier where we live now. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Mine are mid tank. They are pretty forgiving Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I don't use 90's or 45's for almost anything anymore. Hoses are easier IMO. Better to because you can take the plumbing off to clean it once a year. The amount of biofilm, detritus, etc that builds up over the years is worth having a way to tear it down to clean IMO.
  9. I use a Jebao 6000 for my 120g. I had the same pump powering my 265g system previously. The pump uses way less energy then my previous external pumps, which were all above 300w's. Since it used less energy there is also less heat transfer. I have not run a chiller since switching to it. The first DC pump I saw was maybe 7 or 8 years ago. They have been around longer, but they used to be very expensive. The Red Dragon was the first great DC pump I know of, but it was over a thousand dollars. The one I use now I got for $90 if I remember right. So they haven't been around as long as some other brands, but so far IME they hold up pretty well. JME
  10. By sound I can not hear if my DC pump is on from 1 foot away. The loudest thing on my tank is the light fan. The energy savings alone is significant. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. It is possible to upgrade and move the livestock the same day. You wouldn't need a holding tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. To me it just sounds like this is being made a lot harder then it has to be. Regardless of pump size your not going to be able to turn over a 210g tank with just the return pump. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. A DC pump that would work in a traditional sump to run a 210 tank can be purchased for a hundred bucks. Factor in the decrease in electricity, and not heating the water up. . . Replacing the pump could be cheaper then moving it just for noise. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I'd do two 50w heaters. That way if one gets stuck on, it won't nuke your tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Are you moving the whole filtration system to the garage? If that's the case and you have room to expand and play with stuff great. If it's just noise DC pumps are next to silent, Eheims are just a tad bit louder but also very quiet. I think it'd be easier and possibly cheaper just to replace the pump. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I've been observing my chalices during lights out, kinda ll through the night (I'm not sleeping much right now), and they never seem to have sweepers out more then an inch. They do accept food pretty well, although not full size mysis like some have reported. They will capture the mysis, but never actually ingest it. I wonder if as they grow larger they will be able to. They are a pretty fun colorful little coral. Between those and the new enchinata I got from Unique Corals I don't think I'll be missing a night time feeding any time soon. I already got a new head on the chalice.
  17. As in a pure culture phyto or as in a bottle of somethng? Where ya at?
  18. Just so it is known, after reviews from many that were involved in the TFT program we have switched it up quite a bit. Instead of us gathering donations of old equipment, we now help schools to get brand new systems. There is a program that has a large pool of donors that is easy for a school to tap into. One of the local schools was able to get 3 brand new tanks with all brand new equipment this way, including a cold water setup for an octopus! We still have volunteers that go to schools to help out, speak to classrooms, make repairs, bring livestock, etc(I am visiting 2 today myself). We are just no longer gathering and storing used equipment. After sorting through a truckload of TFT donations, it became pretty clear to all involved a change was needed. The donations we do accept now are things like certain healthy livestock, salt, new heaters in box, new powerheads in box.
  19. I got translucent 55g barrels on craigslist for $25 a piece.
  20. 2 grand to do it nice for fish and coral, and you are frugal and shop used. If you wanna just do it on the cheap, you could probably do it for $500. If you want something really nice you could drop 10k easy.
  21. So dope! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. If your serious PM me. I don't want the barrel. [emoji6] save some space in your car Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. 6 or 7 days is pretty conservative. Very safe. It is possible to do it all at once as well. I have never put corals in on day one, but have done it with thousands of fish (I used to breed). Just make sure to get pure non scented ammonia. I used to buy gallons at the dollar store. There is a formula around on how much ammonia will raise the level to 1ppm. Just try not to exceed that number as over dosing can actually kill the bacteria too. I'm pretty sure Stu does the instant cycle too. As in you put the water and the rock, then the bacteria, then the fish and corals all at the same time. Maybe hit him up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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