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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Can you screenshot me a copy of that and email it to president@pnwmas.org Limit is set to 20mb. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I want to setup an auto feeder for my 90g. The only resident is a Yellow tang at this point. Any suggestions on a good flake t put in the feeder?It's an eheim feeder if that makes a difference. Thanks!
  3. The "problem people" with the importing of animals are no longer affiliated with the aquarium. They did have a rough first year with animal deaths, but that is rather typical of new tanks and part of the learning curve. In my dealings with the Aquarium they have always seemed concerned with the well being of the animals and have continued to improve their systems to take better care of them. They are not the greatest aquarium in the world, but they are worth supporting IMO.
  4. Old school LOL. You mean you mixed the water in 5 minutes and then tossed in the livestock? Temperature is easy. Bacteria reproduce faster at higher temperatures. So if you raise it up to 84 or something the bacteria will increase their growth rate exponentially. The sponge is pretty much just a sponge I keep in my sump, so when you want to setup a new tank, or a qt tank, or hospital tank depending on the med, you have an active biofilter that can be transferred over. It's pretty low tech. I actually keep one zip lined to my return pump also to minimize noise. You can watch the rocks if you prefer. Just make sure not to get your ammonia level above 1ppm, or you'll be cycling that thing forever.
  5. 80 for reef. 72 for seahorses. 55 for cold water. Temperature affects metabolism for reefs and cold water, and bacterial growth for seahorses. 65 for seahorse fry tanks IME Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Damm homie, I set up my 90 on Thursday and it's cycled. You want some rock of a sponge of something? A month is a long time. What's your temp at? What are you raising your ammonia to? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. As much as possible! As long as the your not blowing the flesh off of things. Try to have the water moving past, but not pointed directly at.
  8. I might be able to make that this Tuesday, I will let you know if I can.
  9. A link to what post? I am not selling my rock yet. Still have one more tank to setup after this one.
  10. The rock does have sponges on it, but the sponges I was reffering to earlier are more like filter sponges that I use to colonize bacteria so when I start a new tank or need an instant qt, I can drop them into the sump and be pretty ready to go. I think Scott Fellman talked about it to during his presentation.
  11. Thanks Mitch, I probably have another 2-250 lbs in my garage of liverock that has been running in a tank with a protein skimmer, a phosban reactor, and some powerheads. It's all covered in pods now to since I dumped one of my cultures in there. I have more then enough rock for this tank, and to upgrade my other system, and then I will probably be selling some as well. You never know how they are going to fit together.
  12. I never really dug eels. It's one of the few fish I do not like. They kinda creep me out to be honest. I think the two you mentioned are beautiful, I like the blue ribbon eel as well, but not gonna go eel route. It's kinda funny. I aquascaped the tank last night, with the water half full. When I see it today, it looks great, if the tank were 5 inches lower. I did wanna keep the rock work minimal, but I always want to put more in while I am doing it. We'll see if it lasts. Gonna finish filling and plumbing today. Maybe get a fish for it. (All the Liverock is well seasoned, plus I have two large sponges from my frag tank going in.
  13. A Hawaiian Lion and a Trigger could be fun... I did the rockwork, not sure if I like it or not yet. Tossed some sand in. I might move the leather from the frag tank over tomorrow. Give them someplace to go for now.
  14. I heard he keeps riding around the tank on a small bike and spraying Mitch with his little flower lapel.
  15. I have blinds, they are just open since it is so sunny today. Nem garden sounds cool too...
  16. Those fish are DOPE! I think a 90 is still a bit small for one. They like to swim quite a bit from what I remember.
  17. That does sound fun... I could still use my fridge to autofeed, especially once I hook up with you and get the cultures going as well.....
  18. Oh I know where the tank is going, it's filling up now. Just not sure what I am going to put in the tank yet. I'm thinking either minimalistic SPS tank. 2 or 3 rocks (I have some large rocks), a yellow tang, and a cleaner shrimp. Or an LPS tank with a ton of movement. High nutrient system. OR a non photosynthetic tank. One of those..
  19. That is a good trick for sure! I have never thought of doing that. Edit- If you want stuff for the kids to frag, I can bring some easy to frag coral by. Mushrooms anenome's and leathers are pretty easy to frag. I am sure I could come up with a few others too.
  20. Zoa's might not be the best thing for the kids. They can be pretty dangerous when fragging if you are not careful. One of the local store employees ended up in the hospital a couple weeks ago from a zoa fragging incident, and he has been doing it for years.
  21. I have to decide between 2 skimmers, a PCI 2000 recirculating, or a Bubble Magnus PS2500. I have two sumps, an old style trickle filter with room for a skimmer that would take up the whole stand, or a smaller one that has room for only the skimmer, that would take up half the stand. I have room and extra tanks to put next to it if I want to do a display refugium.... I think that is going to happen. I have to decide between using 2 Ocean revives, or trying some of the other LED's I have accumulated... I have about 300 or so LBS of LR that has been "cooking" in a tank for 4 months (Can't believe it has been so long) so that's all ready to go. I will probably use Jeabao wp40's, and put the Gyre on the other tank. I do have a plumbed fridge if I go non photosynthetic... the tank is in my office, so it might be nice to have a place to stash beer upstairs... Now I just need the RODI to pump water out faster
  22. Finally have some free time, so I thought hey, I got this empty 90 right here. . . I have all the equipment. . . Now just gotta figure out what I'm gonna put in it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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