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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Thanks, LPS likes to eat. I broadcast feed before the lights come on every morning. I started with 2 heads of the one on the left and one head of the one on the right. I trimmed the one on the left down to 3 heads in August of 06 when I moved to Portland. I got the other as one head in 07/08 ish. I recently fragged about 50 heads off the kryptonite (many of the people at the Fellman meeting got some), and 50 or so heads off the original Walt Smith one for some of the schools. I usually give new reefers a frag of each and a tyree green leather when they stop by. The pagoda cup in the middle I also got as 1 polyp. Jordan at Waves actually sold it to me as a Paly. It used to be a yellow color but when I switched back to T5's on that tank it turned green. The scroll coral on the right side I got the size of a quarter in 06. When I moved in September it would not fit in a 5g bucket. I have actually been thinking about getting rid of one of the Candy cane colonies, the scroll coral, and the pagoda cup. Ya know if you ever wanna trade some acans for somethin I'm down.
  2. Phone pic. I need to get my camera out for my own tank one of these days Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Halimedia. Just pull it out. It leaves little runners sometimes, but not to bad. It can be a beast if it gets a hold. Pretty plant though too. It actually uses calcium to grow. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks for doing all this Bomber. It's nice to have such knowledgable people in the club we can turn to for this kind of information. I know it helps me out, I'm sure it helps out many others. Fascinating stuff. Just sitting on my shelf at home. Any PNWMAS member can pay the deposit and check it out. Anyone who is interested PM me.
  5. My Bad, it does, it is just not ideal how it does it IMO. I agree with Jeramy that the default should be set to forum and not home in the view new content screen. I can't seem to change the default setting on it, but once you set it and delete your old bookmark, it will default to that. I just wish we didn't have to have everyone do that is all. This thread might help you out a bit. http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/33032-useful-format-view/
  6. There is always the homepage as well. I would like that too, but it is not an option we can set. You are right. I will look into that. Doesn't seem to be something we set on our end.
  7. If you want me to adjust it, PM me. I know post count is important to some people. I've never changed my own back, but if it is important to you, I'm happy to fix it for you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I validated it for you. I'm pretty sure your you by now Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. It may have something to do with you never validating your registration email. I have looked into it and given you a custom user title.
  10. Hit up BlackIce. He has a 300g he is looking to get rid of.
  11. I was gonna ask you if I could post that one, but now no one will believe me when I post the shot with the Black and White that I PS'd in LOL. The FTS of your tank is my wallpaper at work. Everyone asks if it is real.
  12. Couldn't have gone to a nicer guy! Congrats TheClark
  13. So nice to see everyone again! Had a great time. Thanks again to Maxicurls for hosting. I still think we should try the Acan experiment. ;) Let's not wait so long to do this again!
  14. Mandinga has been helping them out. They gotta get better with him around Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Thanks again! My wife loves the one I picked up. Very nice tank Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Awesome! Probably to many cocktails. (Inside joke)
  17. That's a lot of 5g buckets Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. I'd like one too!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Setup a Qt. Best way, only way. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. I just spoke with Sheryl on Facebook, and she really wanted me to pass on her gratitude for everyone that was involved. It is really great to see so many generous people in our club come together to help out a fellow reefer's family. Thanks to everyone who participated!!! :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:
  21. Where is the dislike button? It is better to do it right IME, then to do it with what you can afford right now.
  22. Truly Amazing people in this hobby. Thank you both!
  23. Did you buy this in the auction, just so you can give it away? WOW!!! You're Awesome. :applause:
  24. I should add now that it has been discovered, I will remove it. I didn't expect it to last through the Beta, let alone a few months. Back to football
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