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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. The "mystic monti". I'm stoked on it. Dipped, glued, on frag rack with polyps open. Sweet piece. Are you the guy that was stuck in traffic? I shoulda asked who. If I woulda known it was you I woulda got it for ya. Thanks for the deal J-Dog, look forward to next time. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. About once a month Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Man I just met with him 20 minutes ago. Let me know if you can't find anyone and I'll see if I can meet up with him tonight for ya Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Well I have a 65g acrylic in my garage, drilled for a closed loop, with a stand if you decide the nano is to small. . . My shrimp just hides all the time. I think the melansrus wrasse might be the issue, but not gonna pull the wrasse to find out. I can't help ya on pelagic nano fish, I don't know of any either. :(
  5. My Blood Shrimp is a jerk too. He lives in the back of the tank, and sticks a part of himself out every few weeks. Haven't seen the whole shrimp in 6 months easy. Hope you like the Kessil
  6. Agreed. Try it now. Thanks for doin all the work man, your Dope! I'll bring cash for you on Sunday.
  7. Sad for the fish but a good reminder that crabs are opportunistic predators and will eat just about anything they can. IME with Emeralds crabs they will try to take advantage of whatever they can.
  8. No Man, you can't. Nah dude. C'mon. Say it ain't so Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I'm still in as long as there is room for everyone else that wants in.
  10. This might help you with the Photo. Good Luck! http://www.pnwmas.org/topic/33184-having-trouble-posting-photos/
  11. You will be very close to Upscales which is in Tualatin. Also Cuttlefish and Corals is on the way and that is in NE Portland. Those are the two I frequent the most. If your up for adding an hour to the drive, then The Premium Aquarium is also good in Salem
  12. I'll look forward to meeting you as well! Always fun to meet new people. I'd leave some time after to stop at some of the shops in the area too...
  13. Leng Sy at Ecosystems used to do this. He would get huge fish and cure whatever was wrong with them in his systems. Don't know if he made any money at it.
  14. The top off water I've him probably did not hurt him at all. If you did a very large top off and there was a sudden change in salinity maybe, but the top off water landing on the urchin was not likely the cause of the death IME. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. As far as collecting the Tiger pods many people feed their reefs are found up and down the Oregon and Washington coast. The ones I culture were collected in Oceanside, and have been given out to 20 other reefers or so now. Easy to grow out. Just need some water, a window light, and some ulva. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Long Beach Cali is still coldwater. It's also where I am posting from! I'm not aware you need a permit to collect seaweed, but I could just be ignorant in it. Ulva is a seaweed that looks similiar to a thin lettuce. It grows in cold and tropical climates. It's a great algae to put in pod cultures because it can handle the swings that neglect brings IME Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. If you see any ulva on the beach you wanna collect I'd love some. You could bring it to Fenner next Sunday?! I'm trying to increase my number of old cultures Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Welcome to the PNWMAS. It's been nine years since I made the move, I landed in Beaverton originally as well, just moved outta there 6 months or so ago, but I am in that area often. I have a ton of extra rock that I was going to use for a project and ended up scrapping the project. I've kept it in an aerated 75g since September. Way more then enough to fill your 40g. When you get settled hit me up and I'll hook ya up. Upscales and Cuttlefish are the two businesses in the area that I do most of my business with. There are several other stores in the area as well.
  19. Zero white acros in my display Brad except for this rare colony which in selling frags of only on April 1st Did you see my new clam and starfish? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Here is the cony the Tyree Artic White Acro came from. If it is starting to color up the best thing to do is remove it from the tank, out it in a 5 gallon bucket and add 1 part bleach to 2 parts water. Take it out of the bucket let it air day, rinse with water, and reintroduce. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I heard this one was discovered in the west Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Go Jody! I don't care which I just wanna play Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. This is one of the reasons we have the forum. At MACNA Julian Sprung and Jake Adams did a co presentation where they talked about the amount of people who leave the hobby and their time in the hobby. They stated that over 60% left in the first year, and 80% by the second year. Of the "study" they referenced they stated that over 75% of those leaving left to discouragement based on failure. The amount of people in the hobby now compared to 10 years ago is drastically declining. Helping each other to learn what does and does not work, will lead to people having better success, which should equal happier reef keepers. That is the spirit the forum was founded on. Personally, I would not put a tang in smaller then a 55g tank, and then only if it were one of the bristletooth's (kole, tomini, cheveron, etc). Other species would require a 150g or larger IMO. Tangs I have seen while diving are just to active and cover to large of an area to be housed in a smaller system. I'd love a poweder blue or a naso, but in my 120g, I just don't think it would be fair to the fish. That's just my opinion from my time in the hobby. Everyone is free to do whatever they want, I only share my experiences because I am trying to help others not make the same mistakes
  24. Upscales is my shop. It's been my shop ever since Waves closed, I've been to Upscales 9 outta 10 times I go to an LFS.. I like the people that work there (even if Barry is an A's fan), I get great advice I can trust when I need help, they get some incredible livestock. It just fits my needs perfectly. That said if I'm in the area I will go to other stores. I really like Cuttlefish, he always has great stuff. TPA has some awesome stuff every time I've been in. Some of the guys there are great to chat with too. I stopped by OIAB a couple weeks ago and they had some great stuff. If you haven't been there in a year you won't even recognize it as the same place. We don't have the quantity of stores we used to have in the area (I think less then half from 10 years ago) but what we do have is certainly exceptional. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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