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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I love mine, works great! I wish I would have gotten the strongest one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Your Welcome. It works on just about every website. You could always try reading glasses too... My wife keeps suggesting them for me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Try pressing control + on your keyboard. It might help ya.
  4. I am sorry if the removal of the unlimited edit feature feels like a punishment, it is in no way intended to be that. The BOD do not sit around and think how can we punish the members. The conversations we do have are about how we can make the club better and more functional. I have reached out to many current and former members of this club over the past year. Trying to figure out why so many people come and go, and what the club can do to keep the more experienced reefers around, and also keep people in positions on the Board. I have talked to several people at meetings, on facebook, at the local shops, and in their or my home. The number one complaint about this club and the number one reason why people choose to leave is because of the fighting that goes on. It is the most common and predictable answer and consistent from just about everyone whom I speak with. I realize that some people like to stir the pot and enjoy those arguments, but many of us do not, myself included. The goal of the BOD is to make this a friendly site where people can come and learn about their hobby and how to better care for our animals. Over the past few years our site has had a lot of fighting, a lot of drama. Some months would see 30-40 reported posts where a member was calling for a moderator to intervene. Some nights we would see 10-15 in a single night. Since the removal of the unlimited edit feature, we have have had 3 reported posts. 3 in almost 4 months on the clubs forum. Even with the rise in participation, increase in members, increase in posts, increase in site logins, there has been a dramatic decrease in fighting since the edit button times out. For some reason removing someones ability to make personal attacks on other and then remove them later seems to stop them from making those personal attacks in the first place. It's not perfect, we have still had someone bait a member by making a personal attack and then editing it out in the 15 minute time frame. We still have had a member use the edit feature to add a variety of curse words to his post... but for the most part, this has been working. I realize loosing the edit button sucks. For what it is worth all of the Board of Directors have the same limitation, and abide by the same rules (unless it is an official club business thread and someone did something like, put the wrong address for where the meeting is taking place...) If we could change it so PNWMAS members could still edit in the classified section I would be in favor of that, but our software does not allow that specification. Did we recognize the need for the Growout Coordinator to be able to edit the posts, ya, and we put that exception in place to make the site more functional. If other scenario's come up where changes are necessary, we'll navigate that. For now though, this seems to be working, and in my mind, is a much better game plan then to just ban and remove everyone. It is a shame that so few ruin things for so many, but that seems to be the way of the World. Realize that this site is run by volunteers. We all pay our memberships the same way all of the other PNWMAS do, I think all of us have put out extra money out of pocket as well to make things run. Us Volunteers would much rather do things like work with the professionals in our industry to bring in things for the club, plan events like the speakers we have brought in or the trip to the Aquarium. No one wants to volunteer to continually have to step in between two adults, because they can't behave themselves. It's not fair to ask anyone to do. Once in awhile misunderstandings happen, but when the BOD is sending 30-40 PM's back and forth and 3 to 5 phone calls about a post it detracts from the overall goal of the club... these situations used to play out far more then most people would realize. While the Volunteers that make up the BOD have asked for and welcomed feedback on a variety of things some decisions affect a tremendous amount of volunteer hours, that we simply don't have to spend. The edit button is one of those decisions, and the volunteers who run this site for all of us approved keeping the time limit by a UNANIMOUS vote. If the next BOD wants to take on that undertaking, that's great, I'll wish them the best of luck, but for now there will be no changes to the way the edit button works. The volunteers who make up the BOD have spent hundreds (if not over a thousand) hours in the last year doing the work for the benefit of the club and the community. I am asking that you show them the appreciation and respect for their efforts by accepting the decisions that we have come to.
  5. Great tanks! Thanks for sharing. A fun video for sure
  6. I returned from vacation and all of my polyps from this are gone. Seems someone/something got hungry... I'm out
  7. I recommend a dive vacation somewhere nice... Like say Cancun or Hawaii. You can do your book work here and do your open water dives there. In Cancun 3 boat dives ran me $125 per person. So warm you don't even wear a wetsuit! As far as I know Padi certifications unless they are special verge do not expire. Once your in, your in. PADI is also internationally recognized so IMHO do that one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Just make sure to sell it to nice people. I live a block to the east Shame, never knew another reefer was so close Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I got your rock in my garage Chris. Box of Kent Salt for ya too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. I have my reactor draining right next to the intake for the protein skimmer, then it goes through the fuge, then to the return pump, in hopes of helping it out a bit. I'm still brand new at the reactor setup as well so this has been a great thread for me too. Thanks everyone Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I have an inverter that can attach to the car battery. I also have a few battery backups that could run a single powerhead for 4-5 hours. In a "crisis situation" a single powerhead oxygenating the water would be my priority. Temp would be #2. I wouldn't worry about lights until day 3 or 4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Looking good man! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I'm glad you figured it out. I didn't even know there were different options like that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. I thought the effluent changed pH as soon as it hit 02? That if you wanted to run a pH probe for the effluent you had to do so inside the reactor?
  15. What does the degassing cup do? I'm at 1 bubble every 1.5 seconds. Seems to work. Fed with a maxi jet. Reborn media. Needle gauge C02 regulator. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. IME Yes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Probably not. They are aggressive towards their own kind.
  18. I've done it and had no problems. I wouldn't make a tank out of the mix but for baffles I would be comfortable with it.
  19. If a teacher would like to coordinate this with you, I am sure we can put a few folks together to help with the move. Unfortunately right now the programs equipment is being run out of my garage and I do not have space to setup and care for a system like this until a school is able to take it.
  20. I would like the sea swirl. I am guessing you need to empty the tank before you sell it?
  21. Vodka. Vinegar might be better if you wanna set it up on a firing pump for a tank your size. You might only end up at 1mL a day in a 30g if your using vodka. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Corals look great! Pics are pretty good too. Since you asked for some tips, on macros try a higher f stop, and really be mindful about where you want the center of focus to be. Your depth of field with a macro lens is very shallow, so with colonies you need to choose which part will be completely in focus. Your doing great though. I'll warn you, the photography bug hobby can be more expensive than the reef keeping hobby. I love it though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Ugh! I just paid $400 for the same one 10 days ago! Someone's getting a killer deal. GLWS Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Tanks lookin great man! When I had rock leaching phosphate carbon dosing is what did it for me. I've noticed dosing small amounts during the day has a much larger benefit then all at once. I tried the water change thing in a 50% 2x a week for several months and it didn't work for my leaching rock either. (Was great for my quads though) Neither did GFO or Purigen. JME Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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