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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Remember Saturday morning cartoons? Now I gotta a cup of joe, sleeping wife, and nothing to do for an hour but stare at this. Life is good today! (just a phone pic again) Let's see some FTS. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Oh that it man, now we gotta ban TheClark. Some people have taken to calling others "a" hole since you can't say the other so we added it to the swear filter. .. Guess that doesn't really work in a practical sense. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Sorry if you felt like I was trying to insult you, I was not. I just know you have been interested in being an officer for many years and the last 4 or 5 (whatever it was) elections did not work out for you. No disrespect was intended. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Stoked for ya Bro! Anytime you wanna help me reduce my " stockpile" in the garage come on over. I'm sure we could mod that sump to fit that CA reactor... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Officer position nomination ends before that, but the board positions will still be open. This might be your year to get elected, thus far there is minimal interest in running for club leadership, not even candidates for 3/5 of the spots. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Let's all give Moloko's a big PNWMAS as our newest sponsor. If you haven't been there your missing out on some great food, and some awesome tanks. Oh, that Christian guy (maxicurls) is pretty alright too... Very pleased to have you around fine Sir!
  7. Beautiful fish and pipefish, but I can't believe you tore down your tank!!! If you ever get back into salty things hit me up, and I'll help ya get restarted again with some nice frags.
  8. Where ya been? Great to see ya back around these parts. For the newer members, Randy is one of the best sellers I have dealt with on this forum. I'd have confidence in buying from him.
  9. pledosophy

    SPS Questions

    If your hammer is open, it is fine IME. I run pretty high flow systems as well and keep many LPS and SPS It's just a phone pic but you can see that large LPS colony right infront of the RW8. Only problem I have with it is it keeps growing. I also have some hammers and frogspawns in there built into that little valley. That tank runs two wp40's and an Rw8 plus the return at it's peak flow time. HTH One of these days I'll take a real pic of my tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. If they are accurate I'll take both. I'll text ya tonight Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 3 days with no light will kill it, but has shown some undesirable affects with acros and montis, often associated with a pH drop. Treating with antibiotics like the I clean can work, but if any of the bacteria survive the next round will be worse, so on and so forth. Cyano is a very efficient reproducer. It's able to round it's structure every 20 minutes. So leaving just a little bit will turn into a lot a bit quickly. IMO find the source of the problem and deal with that. Then if it were me and I didn't have all the sticks I have I'd do the 3 days with no light, and monitor the tanks pH as best you can. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Welcome Shane! I'm on RC with the same name too. Got any pics of the tank? Hope you like the club Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. I had the flipper, IME the Tunze is better. JMO
  14. There are several shades of Amber, you are likely using the "CTO" version, it seems to be the most popular. Some people also use a sheet for a neutral density filter between their LED's and the tank to not get that blue dot look that LED photos can give sometimes. Those gels do get bent up which makes them harder to shoot through. I think ideally getting them pressed onto acrylic or something like that would keep them more durable. The large sheets of gels are sold all around town. Usually 6-8 bucks IIRC. The phone app I use is the SmugMug Pro app but I think you have to have the Pro Smugmug account to download that and it's a bit pricey for most ($35 a month), but I use the account for business so, the app was an extra to me. If you really want to look into it I would suggest reading some things by Kalebra Kelby as she seems to be the current iPhone queen for pics. Also the Omni clips can be quite helpful, as is the magnifying app for macro shots. HTH Here is a link http://www.shotwithmytrustyiphone.com/
  15. That is my experience as well. I'd recommend taking it out between use. The metal blade does rust.
  16. I have an iPhone, and there are some camera apps that have some better features, including white balancing.
  17. Not sure where you thought you read that. Read the whole post maybe? The Edit option exsists, but was voted by a Unanimous vote by those who participated to keep it limited to it's current time frame. Your right it won't be my headache very much longer at all.
  18. Your getting Potbellies? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Are you going to try and keep photosynthetic cold water specimens or is the change in light just for aesthetics's? I'm expecting to see pots in there
  20. $8 is actually quite expensive for that. For $8 you can buy a sheet that is 20x24" local. Maybe I should pick one up before the next meeting. It is just a Roscoe CTO gel. Depending on your phone, there are apps that allow white balancing and color manipulation as well. I understand my CC Adobe subscription now comes with Lightroom for the iPhone, but I haven't had a chance to play/download it yet. Been to busy. Edit: ON second glance I did not realize you got 8 different colors for $8. I'm not sure why you would need 8 colors though, 1 color should work IME. (wow so much time to edit, it's amazing all the extra time I have)
  21. BRS Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Glad to see John. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. You would be eligible if you were a paid member. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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