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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. Hopefully this will help in the future.
  2. It seems to have crawled out all by itself. The strainer was floating this morning the anemone is on a rock looking kind of inverted but hey it crawled about 6" to the rocks so I think that might be good. Lights don't go on for in that tank until 6pm so I'll take some updated shots of it then. Here are some from last night. My wife thought I was sick for taking them. But knew you'd all like to see I'm off to get strainers and water.
  3. I've only had the anemone for a bit over a week. It has never settled in a place yet. Was in the same place for the last three days was hoping it had found a home. Tank Parameters are all good IMO. Phosphates were barely detectable but everything else was cool. pH was a bit low for me at 8.1 and the salinity was at 1.027 so I added some more RODI. I slowly removed the intake and placed it on the sand. There was no anemone in the impeller part, but you can see the bulbs in the strainer. Doesn't seem like there is anything to do but cross my fingers for the night. Will get strainers up tomorrow, thankfully it is my day off so that is cool. I didn't theink it would be able to get to the MJ due to the MJ's placement. Feel kinda foolish right now. :(
  4. So over the course of the day my green bubble tip walked 30" across the tank and seemed to have climbed up onto the intake of the MJ900 which is on a timer so it goes on 15 minutes every hour. The Nem is sucked into the intake strainer attachment. What should I do? Take the attachment off and see if it crawls out. Leave it attached and wait for it to crawl out. I did unplug the powerhead so it wouldn't get more sucked in. Help? Nem was an occupant in the wife's tank. Which, well see title. Pic from a few days ago.
  5. He used to live in Clackamas a couple years ago and did some research into a sustaining dwarf seahorse tank. Just wondering were he is at now?
  6. Joel always comes through on the deals. His advice alone has saved me more cash then his actual prices ever could. Last week I went in to buy a new skimmer and he just told me how to fix the one I already had. He's straight up and honest, can't ask for much more. I found Waves a year ago, I have gone to a few other stores since, but for some reason always go back to Waves (every Wednesday)to actually buy something. There is just something about being able to trust a guy who is helping you with your livestock. I don't really care what he wears. If I had that cool of a leg tat I'd probably always wear shorts too. JMO
  7. Joel said he'd order it for me, so I'm cool with that. Will be getting it soon. Thanks again for the tips. Would have never come up with that one on my own.
  8. Never would of thought of an Eheim. Did some research they look pretty cool. Think I'm looking a the 1250. Thanks for the help.
  9. So after nearly 5 yeas I believe my Mag5 died last night. Fiddled with it, it's dead. I need to replace it with a low flow pump around 300g or so, but the most important need of mine is that the pump be quite. The tank is 3 feet from where I sleep so the quieter the better. Anyone have any suggestion fo a new pump for me? Has to be able to push water about 4 feet and be abled to be dialed down to push less water then it is intended. Thanks.
  10. Did I mention it comes with a stand ? ? ?
  11. Using rocks can be a bad idea since many medications will kill the bacteria on the rocks and cause ammonia spikes. IMO the best is barebottom, so it is easy to keep clean. IME large water changes replacing the same amount of medication that is changed in the water change is the best way to go. I use plastic plants or other things that are easily bleached for this application. JME
  12. A few month ago I found a 55g acrylic tank on the side of the road. It has some scratches and is kinda yellowish, but it did hold water for me. No idea of tank history. If anyone is intrested in it, perhaps we could work out a trade. Not looking for much. Maybe a frag of something I don't have.
  13. Pic and location? What pump does it come with?
  14. Ha Ha Ha Joel is a dealer! ! ! ! ! ! (rock2) (nutty) (whistle)
  15. Thanks for the compliments. I try. Thanks fo the link to Izzy.
  16. So the tank has been up since March. I thought it might be time to post a FTS. Tank is a 65g. Little over 140 lbs of LR, all cooked for 8 months. There is a CL that runs through spray bars under the rocks pushing a bit over 1000gph. Seio 620, and some type of return pump, but I forget the name. It's T'd off with aprox 300 gph going through the display. I plan on replacing it with something a bit quieter next time I have the funds. Lighting is T5. There is a 20 sump which holds LR but no light at this point. Will turn it into a refugium some point down the road, but need to get Leng to send me some of his mud. I have the light collecting dust in the garage. Most all the livestock came from Waves, except the rock (which I moved with me from Cali) and a few corals I traded with some of you all (Impur blessed me with the eye of rah zoo's which already have 3 more polyps, and Garret hooked me up with a some frags as well for a trade all of which are doing great and are much larger then when I got them.) I've fragged a few of the corals as well to give out to friends, and trade with Garrett. There is currently no means of filtration, other then natural running on the system. This is the only fish I have not from Joel. I felt kinda bad going to a different fish store honestly, but have been waiting for one of these for some time and Rose City got one in, so I took the chance. He's been with me for a week and is doing well. Beatuiful speciment. This pic will be featured in an article about wrasses to be published soon. He's ( I think it's a he ) is a beaut. It's a good start IMO. I spent a long time making this tank to what I thought was right at my current experience level. I am really glad I did, it was worth the wait. I know that a few years down the line I'll have more knowledge and different opinions, but this really represents the best of what I know know, so I have no regrets. Tank is fed 1 cube of mysis, 1 cube of emerald entree, a squirt of Artic Pods, and a squrit of phyto daily. I do feed brine and blood worms three times a week. I add Ca as needed. I've been kinda lax on the WC's lately, but the tank seems to be handeling things well. Parameters Temp 81 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 0 pH 8.3 Ca is 450ish hard to read the colors kind of a guess. Would like to add a Kole Tang, a few chromis, and perhaps a pair of dragon faced pipefish in that order. Taking it slow to see how it handles everything. Also plan on adding a lobo, and perhaps a cynaria. Also want to add a recyliner chair for all the hours I spend staring at the tank. IMO the tank is awesome inspite of myself. Thanks to everyone for all the help.I've learned a lot since moving to Portland last year. This is really a great group of people. BTW Izzy, I still have the frags from you too, there just in a different tank.
  17. I think they are just trying to get more email addresses for there ongoing agenda's. JMO
  18. IMHO I would not suggest getting margarite snails. They are a temperate animal that slowly cooks until death in our warmer systems. In the wild they can live for over a hundred years, in our systems, well most less then a year. IMO there are better options and unless your running an extremely cool temperate tank maragrites have no place in captivity. JMO
  19. I kept WC reidi's, WC Comes, and a CB barbouri. Buying CB from an aquaculture facility like Seahorsesource.com will greatly improve your chances and increase the ease in keeping them. Dracomarine.org is also a good site. If you buy real CB (stay away from teh TR IME as many are bred in net pens in the ocean and have shown over the last year to have internal parasites as well as eating issues) they are not to tough to keep. I'd go with a 29g for the smallest tank for a pair. Try to keep the temp below 74F. You'll be able to feed frozen foods (will save you thousands). Relatively compared to other things I have kept seahorses are fairly easy if you setup the tank with there needs in mind. If you have more specific questions let me know or start a thread here and Pm it to me. I don't read on here as much as I should. HTH Kevin.
  20. My seahorse used to eat ghost shrimp in two snicks, the first would leave most of the shrimps head out. It was good then.
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