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Everything posted by pledosophy

  1. I have a 55g acrylic tank in my garage that you can use. Catch is you have to keep it. I have tried to give it way, no one wants it. It's not pretty but it holds water, has a stand too, also ugly. Might work out for a sump or something afterwards. I just need to move it for the space and can't just toss it for some odd reason. I got it for free, was going to buff it out but . . . it's your if you want it. I'll deliver it for a frag or a beer. Sunday night or Monday works for me if you want it. LMK I'm at 714 757 3943
  2. James you're the man. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it. I think I will get a piece of scrap acrylic and "practice" on that first. Thanks Again. Very thorough advice, I think I can do this.
  3. Next time try plumbers grease on the gasket of the bulkhead. It works pretty well IME.
  4. So yesterday in cleaning I seemed to have scratched the bageezers out of my new tank. O.K there is like 4 or 5 scratches, but to a new tank that constitutes the bageezers to me. I'm pretty sure I did it with a Kent Pro Scraper, guarenteed not to scratch acrylic, based on where the scratches are. I guess I need to learn how to buff them out. Questions: Do I need to drain the tank? Is it something I can screw up to the point of needing a new tank? ( if it can be screwed up you can count on me to do it) Thanks. DOH!
  5. you'll be good. Just shoot some pics in RAW. Upload them with the software. There will be a white color bar, usually a slider, to adjust the temp. Adjust away until it looks right. You will also need to adjust sharpness. I find contrast and shadows come first, then sharpness for me. HTH
  6. That camera can shoot in a RAW mode. Do you have any software that can convert it?
  7. I would definetly cover the intakes of any powerheads. Otherwise you might end up like me. IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s306/pledosophy/neminperil1.jpg[/img] I made this out of some zip ties and some filter floss, worked well. IME mine did not stay put until I started target feeding it. Luckily it was in a good spot when I did. HTH
  8. If the camera has a Custom White balance setting you can use a piece of white plastic or acrylic in the aquarium. Fill the frame with the white piece of choice then set that to your camera's white balance. The white balance is what tells your camera what color white is, all other colors go off of that. Shooting in Raw is often the best IMO, as it allows you not only to modify the color tone, but you can also adjust the saturation and replace what the flash took out (if your using a flash). Raw is also good because you have the ability to adjust the sharpness of the image, although there are more then a few tricks for adjusting sharpness. If this doesn't make sense to you post what kind of camera you have and then maybe we can help more. I work with images all day so I might be able to help out. HTH
  9. My six line never touched bristleworms, flat worms or stomella's. I had tons of all three. I hyper dipped my LR due to a fireworm and took out probably close to 500 bristleworms back in 05'. The sixline could have been making a dent, but I doubt it. Never observed it myself.
  10. I shoot for 72 for the seahorse setup and 78 for the reef. I like things a bit colder, and different stock have different temperature needs. If I could keep the seahorses at a constant 69F I would, but it fluctuates to much without having a chiller. JMO
  11. I have one tht can be run in sump or HOB, but I have no pump. I'm never going to use it honestly so you can borrow it as ling as you need if you like. You can keep it for a couple of softie frags, even a cool zoa frag or something. I have no idea what it is I got it in a used pile at an LFS.
  12. The vodka is useful in feeding the anaerobic bacteria's that live deeper within the rock. These bacteria's are what convert nitrates into gas so they can be expelled from the aquarium. I have dosed vodka myself many times in very small amounts about 1mL per 10g's. Which results in about 1 shot for a 300g tank. I did so in a seperate bucket while I was cooking my LR. My results have been good in that the rock was healthy and I still test 0 for nitrates. I stopped using it when I setup the system and stocked it. If you are going to do this on a running system the reports I have read say that skimming is needed as the vodka affects 02 levels, but that is just what I have read. I did not keep 02 counts on the cooking rock. HTH
  13. Where did you find it for $18? I'd love to pick one up too. I paid more for mine a few months ago but it was there last one and they said they wouldn't be restocking them again.
  14. For you, I'd say go big. Better to spend the money now, then to have to sell the small one and then buy a bigger one later. I learned this lesson too.
  15. Is there a dead line. I have a few I am working on, but have been crazy busy.
  16. I just upgraged my 20g long to a more custom 29g setup. The tank is in good shape, the stand is five years old, has had some water spills, but is sound, the canpoy was built a year ago and is in alright condition. Honestly the stand and canopy could look much better after a coat of paint, but they will do. The canopy and stand are black. Tank is currently plumbed with a strainer style overflow and return. Since I have moved up I would like to get rid of the old system. I am keeping the lights but can toss in a dual 55w ballast or dual 96w ballast if someone likes. I used a 5g tall sump which I will include if your intrested. Also have a Mag3 which is working but about 5 years old to use as a return if your intrested. Make me an offer if your intrested. Would also be intrested in trades. Trade wise I need cool frags (zoo's, gorg's, RBTA's , other fun stuff) 36" T5 bulbs (whites and atnics) 14K 150w HQI bulb Smaller deresa clam ( I like the zebra ones) Liverock Ricordia's Colorful LPS really any other corals I don't have and would like or livesotck that's on my "list: Just make me an offer. I kinda want to get rid of it sooner then later. It was a cool nano I just needed more space.
  17. On my 20g long I have a 150w HQI and IME it does cover the area of the tank with a bit of lower light areas to the corners. Not noticable to my eye, but I can tell in photo's. JME If I had to do it over, I would have just raised the canopy a bit more. Right now the MH is only 5" off the waters surface. I keep T5's on my other tank, if you stack the T5's right it could work too. JME
  18. If you ever need something in PS let me know. I'm a little obsessed.
  19. All the frags are doing great. I lost one of the zoo's due to a turbo snail accident (he gets blamed for any disapperaing frags, but everything else is just dandy. I didn't realize the green mushroom would get so big. It was a bit larger then a quarter when I got it from you, it's well over 6" across now. Things are great!
  20. Tank is looking swell. I think I recognize a couple of those corals Thanks for taking such good care of them. That green with purple rim monti cap might be my favorite in that tank. Super nice. Great work.
  21. Damm homie that is sweet! ! ! Nice work!
  22. I got the American DJ brand on sale at guitar center a couple months ago for $20. They are currently there for $29. JME I do like mine alot. Really does make life easier.
  23. Chaeto will go sexual. Instead of turning white and going into a spore stage the clumps break apart and leave little strands of chaeto everywhere. It is just as frustrating if not more so then when caulerpra goes IME. If the white on the ends of caulerpra are limited to the tips, then it can be a sign of growth, and does not necsessarily mean it is going sexual. Many bulbs last for about a year before they start to shift spectrums IME. I foyu stopped using fertalizer that may be the issue. There are several types of F2 you can use. I have had luck with using pure ammonia myself. I put the ammonia in a 10g tank with cycled crushed coral and then add the water when the ammonia has been converted to nitrates. It is a poor man's way. When I was a macro farmer, this was my method of choice, been out of the business for a bit (lack of space in apartment living), there are some good F2's out there. JME
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