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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. Um, ok... i have asked and sent PM's and nobody has gotten back to me. I would like to get the sponser thing going but nobody seems to want my money :D i have some really nice stuff i want to show too.


    I am in favor of a proposition like this. instead of just outlawing harvest all together they need to manage things by sections. opening and closing harvest areas over time to allow the fish to repopulate. I also like the idea of limiting the harvest on adult breeding fish as a way to protect the population.


    I am amazed that they don't have a special permit besides the license to control the amount of people harvesting.

  3. I appreciate all the kind posts and interest in the shop. I have been quiet because i want to respect the sponsors of course, so i appreciate the press we have received so far. I promise we do plan on sponsoring the club as soon as we can. as you can imagine we are very tight on $$ right now.


    I will not be in the shop Sunday but my buddy will be there and anyone who knows him knows you will get a really good deal.


    Thanks to the mods and sponsors for your patience. I know without the years of knowledge gleaned from the sponsors and members of the club we would not have had a chance.


    Thats all i will say until i pony up my share :)

  4. Thereeftank.com has a reviews and equpment section too.


    the main things i look for is if it is UL listed and energy compliant. more and more of the electric items we use and being certified so it does pay to look, especially for the UL listing.

    • Like 1
  5. When you have 350 gallons of water in your house and are trying to figure out how to fit more (scratch)



    You have 650 gallons worth of tanks running and your just not there yet. Oh! i have 12 inches over there i haven't used yet!!!

  6. I spent 2 years in Siberia. if you get caught DUI you may not live through the process. The police over there will beat you bloody and leave you on the side of the road for being dumb enough to get caught. We also knew a few folks who were found frozen to death in the winter because they passed out drunk.


    it sounds like a bad punishment but trust me, it could be much worse.


    i don't think her boyfriend would have made it through the next day alive if it was my daughter. you may want to seek legal punishment for him if you can.


    good luck

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