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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. if you have a standard furnace (forced air heating) Just go with a simple central air system. they run $2-4k on average and work fine. if you get the right person to install they will let you run the electric out yourself, that is what i did on my parents house. took 2 hours to run the line and saved about $1k off the install.

  2. oh... we were supposed to help...


    I would look at clearing your cookies and saved internet files. if your folder size has reached it's limit it may be dropping files as you go from page to page. give that a try and let me know. we will go from there. you may also have a virus.

  3. if you get tired of it i would just remove all the LR and do the cooking process in the garage for a few months to clean it up. when the rock is ready to go back in you should replace the sandbed and do a large WC. that will eliminate the phosphate sink and give you a clean slate to work off of. If i was dealing with what you are... that is what i would do now. the tank will be fine without the rock for a bit.

  4. I totally ignore their specifications. I simply take into account the following things and judge for myself.


    1.max/average size the fish will get in captivity

    2.waste production

    3.how much the fish actually like to swim around

    4.how fast the fish will swim

    5.special feeding requirements that may need a bigger tank to support the fauna


    so far i have done pretty good.

  5. You shouldn't even need to use a solution. just do a FW dip alone and it will kill the eggs and nudi's. give em 5 minutes and they will die. FW won't hurt the zoos either. I FW dip all my zoos before adding them to my tank. the eggs are white and laid in a spiral pattern.

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