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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. I have a 6' shelving unit with 3 shelves. We can split up the maintenance duties but the question is how in depth do we want to go and are we planning on including livestock? I have a computer and the office suite and can throw together an excel sheet for the numbers and analysis. we should probably get together a list of what we want to find in the end.

  2. I don't have any money but my master bedroom is now the fish room and i would be willing to donate space to the project if you decide to go through with it. I am also just about to sign another year lease.


    I also have r/o, a refractometer, and may have enough whisper HOB filters to run 5-6 tanks (10g i assume)

  3. You're all a bunch of weenies!!! (enforcer)


    Nah, in the end it depends on where and when you collect. I went on a nice quiet morning to a clean beach-like area and grabbed a bucket. there was no ammonia but that may be present in the lagoonal areas. when i threw it in my tank ALL of my corals exploded with life. I think it all comes down to being selective on the conditions where you collect.

  4. A few things to keep in mind...



    1. this toxin is not present in all zoos (it could even be considered rare)

    2. gloves and careful prep will pretty much reduce the danger to zero.

    3. there is an antidote to the toxin so just make sure your family knows what to do if you have a problem.



    1. this is a toxin, not a poisin. that means it is carbon based and very different rules apply. poisons are protein based and can be destroyed/diminished with heat application. Toxins require an antidote.

    2. a lethal dose will kill you in minutes, usually before the antidote can be injected into your heart.

    3. the toxin breaks down the cell membrane of the heart/organs, that means that you may suffer permanent damage even if you do get saved.


    So be careful. Gloves are good but i would cover gloves with cut-proof gloves as well. you can never be too safe. I love zoos either way.

  5. If you know they have ignored your request not to call then report them. when they call just tell them to hold for a moment and set the phone down and go watch TV... you give the telemarketer a break and they will get the hint eventually.


    course you could always cuss at them.

  6. Hello all...


    As a member who doesn't post very often i do have a few things to say. Granted I have an excuse because I mod on another forum and that takes my time.


    I have had my issues with LFS's, the club, and other things but in the end I don't let it bug me. there are other resources and I always know i can come here for the local scene. It really comes down to what you want out of the club and what your willing to do for it. I volunteer to mod and it kills me when i look at the clock and realize that i have been working for 4 hours trying to help resolve a problem. On that note we need to understand that our club leaders have time constraints as well and they have to try to work within what their spouses will allow. I thank them for their desire and willingness to serve.


    So what to do? I have a few simple rules that i go by that i would like to share...


    1. If you want something done... Get it started by yourself.-- If you have an idea that is complicated make sure you are willing to get it rolling so the club leaders aren't left trying to get it going.


    2. If you don't like an LFS, don't go there and don't recommend them to anyone. If they are really bad to the level of animal abuse then report them to the ASPCA for quick legal resolution.


    3. Spread the love. if you have a problem or question post it here and on some of the other sites. then when you get info, refer to it on the other sites as well. that will let people know that there is a local and a national source for help and information.


    4. BE NICE!!! ... Unless you know the person is going to disappear soon then you should always be on your best behavior... you never know when you may meet them in a dark alley. I have seen too much crap about disagreements, fighting and such. There are times that i see stuff that i know i can't reply back nicely about so I JUST DON'T REPLY. Better to remain silent and let someone learn the hard way then start a fight and lose a potential friend (I have done this too many times). When you reply to a post make sure to read over it a few times before hitting the button. you may want to re-word it in the end.


    5. BE NICE #2-- When you read a post that burns your hide... read it a few times and try to always assume that the author means the best and may be upset or confused. Then if you reply make your reply as educational as possible. no problems then.


    Life is too short and this hobby can take a lot out of you especially when you've been up for 48 hours trying to keep the tank from dying (i had to do this recently... and failed). Be nice, contribute some of your own time to the club, and enjoy each others company and the rest will either fall into place or fall away. either way it's all good.

  7. I love Gen-x, I use a titanium and a crystal and they are rock solid and keep the temp well. you can turn the crystal on for 30 min and drop it in a bucket of icewater and it won't even phase it. my titanium is in its 3rd year and comes with a controller that has two plugs for an additional heater too.

  8. I always lay a 1" thick sheet of plywood under my tanks. the weight of the tank effectively seals water off from getting under the stand or anything. then use foam under you sump for noise and water absorbtion. if you leave a gap behind the tank and drill some holes in the base for air circ you should be fine.

  9. The first batch of these has not even gone out. it should be shipped by the end of the month. I spoke with one of the PFO folks whom i have tanked with before and she tells me that they have had some great growth with them. I mentioned the light dispersal issue and she said it is not that big of a problem. just a week or 2 and we will see what the buyers say.

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