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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. I just built a new system and i am running XP pro, i have no intention of moving on at all in the next 2 years. i have too many programs i would lose...


    as far as mac...


    windows may have compatibility issues sometimes but at least they made it affordable. I wish Mac would have shrivled up and died a long time ago for their poor business strategy (closed architecture for years). plus you have to bend over and take it in the *** from steve just to be able to afford one of his overpriced pieces of junk. they just need to stick to music players and call it good.


    XP works, Vista needs a lot more time before i will bother.

  2. i followed it... as with anything, especially in genetics, there will be problems. starlink would be one of them. they just need to be more careful.


    at least foods are checked (for the most part) before they make it to the table) these stupid glowing fish seem to have no checks to see what harm they may cause.

  3. I don't mind realistic genetics such as grains and veggies... but when we start messing with animals i think we often cross the line (I am a purist when it comes to Gods work in this regard).


    as far as the salmon VS sea lions... give me a permit and i'll take my SKS and .270 down to the dam and make them dissappear real quick. if needed i can always get my friends 22-.250 with scope (we used to hit quarters at 100 yds with that thing.) Maybe we can do it as a club activity :D

  4. Ok, I am sorry that i keep changing, I really need to sell the tank so I am willing to part out but the tank must go first so here is the skinny.


    Tank $1,500 OBO It really is a nice setup. this price includes the tank, stand, hood, 1 sump, and the plumbing parts (bulkheads, locline, and any pipes). does not include the pump, skimmer, or lighting. I will throw in a scratch kit to fix the normal hairline scratches you get in an acrylic tank.


    the rest is not for sale until the tank sells.


    My prices are somewhat negotiable but understand i worked my butt off to get this tank cleaned and ready to go, i also spent good money to get the plumbing materials i have so far. If you want the whole package that is fine too.


    I cannot sell anything else until the tank goes. I will deliver myself if you pay the cost.

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