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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. I don't even know where to start... so i won't. My good deeds are mine and mine alone, i don't tout them to anyone. As are my bad deeds. In the end i care about those things that i see as important. I am tired of people giving me crap for what i beleive is right. I beleive that the Iraq conflict is right. yes lives are lost but in the end they will be better off without the dictator they used to have. you know, I would also support bitc* slapping Iran, and even Burma upside the head. The planet will take care of itself. it has survived far worse than anything we could hit it with (assuming you follow the eveloutionary chain of things). personally i don't beleive in evolution per se, I am a religous man. but i think the planet is fine, yes we should reduce pollution (especially 3rd world countries *china*) but in the end i am more concerned about mans inhumanity to man. how we can spend all out time focusing on 1 or 2 degrees when our brothers in humanity are suffering under opression NEXT DOOR. and then we think of ourselves as some kind of great savior of the friggin world while people next door have none of the most basic rights, even the right to live--> (I don't support stem cells because i don't support ABORTION aka the right to live for children).

    sure, there is corruption in all levels of government, your not gonna fix it. don't kid yourself. that was the problem of marxism and communism, they never took into account the actual attitude of the natural man, to get money and power however possible. we all see that when you put someone in power, most will begin to lord over anyone they can. Even if you were able to root out all the bad and corrupt groups and individuals in the governments of the entire world, their replacements will start the same crap. At one point you need to choose what you will fight against and for, I have chosen the plight of humanites indescretion over the global warming movement because the planet is stronger than all of us. THAT is why i support the war in Iraq and bush along with it. I have my reasons, i don't worship the guy by any means.


    Now let me ask you, would you give your life if asked, to help free an entire country of oppressed people? I would even if nobody ever knew i did it.


    but in the end perhaps George Carlin was right when he said that the only reason the earth created humans is because it wanted plastic and needed us to create it... now that it has plastic it's gonna kill us all :D

  2. Keep in mind that Bush is the first president to be caught doing these things, i highly doubt he is the only on who has ever done them.


    the war... how could anyone predict what would happen in Iraq? yes we have lost lives, but our boys knew what they were in for when they signed up for the military... it is not a free ride.


    as far as election fraud, stem cells, tax policy... that depends on the person. I personally agree with him on many of these points, not all, but many. Do we even need to discuss how many lives have been lost in prior wars? even the drug war has claimed more lives. the fact that we know about every mouse fart in Iraq (thanks to the media) is the main reason that everyone is freaking out. I wonder if the media had the same coverage during WWII would we have pulled out and just let Japan and Germany take over the friggin world?


    In the end Bush is the only one who had the guts to stand up to these dictators, and you have to admit, while they are somewhat aarogant, most of these other dictators have been a lot more careful. beligerint, but careful.

  3. Yawn... ok whatever.


    so maybe i will poke another question into the fray: assuming that the world is warming up (lol)... what gives any puny human the right to be so arrogant in thinking that this is the right temperature and climate for this planet??? i mean c'mon! this planet has spent a good portion of it's life being much warmer (consider the times of the dinosaures if you go with the evolution theory) and it finally gets cool enough for us to do ok and thrive and then some people decide to get their panties in a bunch when the planet starts heading back up to its historic climate which, i might add, spawned the beginning of life.


    so... where do ya'll get off in thinking your so special. and BTW, i still give more credence to bigfoot than global warming.

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