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Posts posted by Twitterbait

  1. I never said they were the same thing, but both are created by waste going through its cycles. and a remote DSB is just as dangerous because it will eat all the oxygen even faster than the tank and will go toxic. then when the water starts flowing again it will send the toxicity to your tank.

  2. I will disagree with some of you but oh well. Sand beds are not a good/safe choice IMO/IME for a few reasons.


    1) they trap waste and the goal to reduce nitrate and phosphate is to remove waste BEFORE it has a chance to break down in the water column and create these problems (BTW, this is also a problem with algae scrubbers and refugiums, trapping waste and holding it in the water)


    2) in the event of a low flow situation (power outage/pump problem) a deep sand bed will eat all the oxygen in the tank very fast and then go toxic. this is why you usually only see a sand filter on large commercial systems with backup generators.


    3) the bacteria that populate a sand bed will also make it necessary for you to buffer your water more to keep up with demand



    my suggestion is the same as it has always been, high flow with large efficient skimming. if you use filter socks make sure to change them every day within 20 min of feeding to remove the waste. stop the nitrate issue before it has a chance to enter the cycle and become nitrate (or phosphate).

  3. for some reason i read the title and waterboarding (torture) popped in my mind... could you imagine being strapped to a board while a st Bernard drools on your face for hours... :D

  4. I've got a project/business going on out in Hillsboro and i need someone who can come out on a daily basis during the week and do some work for me. There is compensation available depending on what i can have you do. this is not a full time job but could grow into it. person needs experience with saltwater aquariums and the ability to lift salt buckets and stuff. I Don't want to go into too much detail but PM me if your really interested in the position.


    Mods, feel free to move this to a better place if needed. please let me know by PM where you move it.

  5. keep in mind this weekend we have a full moon and the next day is a tidal moon.


    make sure you have your 72 hour kit in your car outside with extra cloths, matches, food, and medical supplies. I've had mine for a long time. it is nice knowing you have something to fall back on.also wouldnt hurt to have some water stored.

  6. So i set up a tank for my boss at the warehouse and he got a big itch for some critter shopping (since he already got what he wanted from my shop). Big props to the shops out there for great service!!





    and Rose City


    Who cares about competition in this town. the shops all have something you can love (besides, it is a nice circle through town to see them all)

  7. BREAKING NEWS: OSU football practice was delayed after a player found a white powdery substance on the field. Coach Mike Riley suspended practice and called the police & investigators. After a complete analysis, forensic experts determined that the white substabnce, unknown to the players, was the GOAL LINE. Practice resumed after the agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again this season.


    Just a friendly Civil War taunt. Lets see the beaver and duck jokes folks!


    Go Ducks!

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  8. The market is not good for a hobby startup, especially if you plan on living off it. I would start by going to a few of the shops and doing some wholesale business through them. they can hook you up with clients and let the word of mouth build up from there. There is a market, but it is very small and extremely picky right now so it is not ideal. you may do better in retrofitting existing tanks. im sure you can find a lot of people who want an overflow built in or some customization to make their tank run better.

  9. i have a fish at home in my personal fresh tank that needs a new home. he is a 7-8" ornate bichir. i cant keep him at home anymore so i need someone to take him and give him a good home. he is trained to eat beef heart and gets along well with most fishies. this is a really nice addition to a tank of larger fish. asking $55 OBO

  10. If it was a bacterial or fungus disease i would be more worried about stress. since it is a parasite it will not matter as much. the fish immune system will not help too much so i highly recommend a solid QT and heavy medication. all you need is tank, HOB filter, and a terra cotta pot or something to hide in. no heater or light.

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