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A place to buy famed coral?


A place to buy famed coral?  

  1. 1.

    • I would totally buy farmed rare corals dude!
    • That idea sucks!
    • I'm not sure?

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I like the sounds of the plan too.


But why no fish? I understand the no equip. and dry goods part. But why no fish? You could even house some of the more rare fish. IE golden angels, helfrichi firefish, black tangs, and such. Along with some of the more common reef fish to help pay for other things. People are just as likely to buy fish as they do corals.


Just wondering?



I am a sucker for the rare and unusual fish myself. It would be pretty cool to have a small stock of just the rare fish.

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Great concept


1. it will be expensive until you get through the grow out, like months if not years

2. have another source of income, since we are entering a period of the least disposable income any of us are likely to see


3. you may want to consider the business model of a cooperative to spread out the expenses like tubbs and all of them did in the bay area. as a bonus you are likely to have more le stock to start from, thus a lower initial livestock investement.



If you can make it work, prepare to get rich once the economy picks back up!

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I am a sucker for the rare and unusual fish myself. It would be pretty cool to have a small stock of just the rare fish.


Same here, you should have seen the Cirrhilabrus Linneatus Wrasse we had in our display tank. It was gorgeous! We had him for a year before he got spooked by something and jumped out. It really sucked because he would come right up to your hand and eat too. :(



Ricky Soutas Jr.

-Soutas Saltwater & Reef Inc.-

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also to consider is we work out of our homes and we other have other sources of incomes so if theres a bad month we can weather it with a store front you need to meet a set amount usaly every month I honestly think you should take up on the Waves offer sounds like a sound plan.

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Without stocking fish, inverts, and dry goods I think you would probably have a very hard time making any money or even keeping things a float with a store front. I think if you have the space and ability to start this in your own home or garage, you could probably make plenty to offset your costs and maybe even make a little. A retail front just has alot of overhead that needs to be taken care of by a decent selection of stock for customer needs. I myself and a coral guy and am not as big a fan of fish and drygoods. If I could open a shop that I thought would be successful off of simply propigated corals I would definately do so as it would be a blast!


I wish you luck Isaac. You have some great thoughts in your head that I can already see. I think if you get all your ducks in line and really think about this, you will have great success. Like others said, it will take a while to get stock growing and get enough of it to really start breaking even but it will be worth it. I myself enjoy it so much that I couldn't even stay out of coral propigation for 2 small months! LOL




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just my personal opinions not looking for arguments.


i love the idea and can see you doing it. my only concern is high end corals demands high end prices. there gonna take time. the cool part is that farming stuff out is going to bring the prices down a bit.if you can afford to do it. then go for it,but i would personally wait on the storefront till you have a bunch of stuff raised and see how its going.for sure i think more damage can be done online then in a storefront,with less stress and bills to boot.you could always start out of a garage or small warehouse setting grow try online and offer local pickup and some walk inns.it can be done, and if there's anyone on here with the determination and passion its probably you. good luck man i think it can work.

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Bud if I had the money I would back you up there your a proven comity lol anyone in this business knows a store is only as good as its owner and nothing against woody as I've heard nothing but great things as well but you can only have so many Generals in one building :)

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That means more to me than you know.:D



Bud if I had the money I would back you up there your a proven comity lol anyone in this business knows a store is only as good as its owner and nothing against woody as I've heard nothing but great things as well but you can only have so many Generals in one building :)
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