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Epic Propagation System...Well Compactly Epic!


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I wish I would have found them before I purchased the rubbermaid again lol. I picked them up at Wal Mart. They are made of the same thick spun rubber as the rubbermaids but are an easier to work with and more efficient shape. $40 for each 50g storage container. They also come with a nice lid. I purchased two of them to use one as a stand for the other that is used as a sump.




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The first of my Metal Halides are up! After waiting a while for the bulbs I am really happy now that they have arrived. Here are a couple of pics taken with my cell phone as I left my cameras at home.



And a few corals under the lighting(they look much better in person. It will be great to see how they color up)



I spent a few hours a couple of nights ago making some frag racks form white eggcrate. I really want to do some in black but I just can't see spending the extra $$ for them at this point. They would definately make the colors of the corals pop but they provide less reflcetivity and are a 3rd again the price, plus they have to be shipped so who knows what could happen to them being so fragile.


I am debating on selling a new lighting unit I got to instead go with a couple more retrofit lighting setups. I really like the output on the ones I setup this evening and on the next row I setup I would eventually like to set 3 metal halides over the 6ft length, especially because I would love to grow some sps in a couple of the tanks and think the extra light would really be nice.


Soon I should have enough power over in the area to run all of the lighting at once. I have kind of been waiting to get a couple of 20 amp breakers installed and wireing run before I get all of the lighting setup more perminantly in configuration.



More to come soon...

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LOL soon enough my friend soon enough...


We will have to do a trade. You have alot of nice zoas/palys that I would love to trade for a some of mine. I have just sort of begun the restocking and hope to get my hands on a few of the old specimens that I once had. It would be nice to be able to have a few dozen varieties of zoas/palys to propigate and trade.


It will still be a little while before I will feel confident that my system is really ready for anything substantial when it comes to livestock. I have been adding a few things here and there but for the most part I think I still have a couple of months before the real cool stuff(besides zoas/palys) can be introduced.


Oh and I took a gamble and picked up a harliquen shrimp and a few chocolate chip stars. He is doing great thus far and has been just going nuts on a starfish leg over the last day.




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Looks great Garrett!


Thanks for showing me your tanks the other night!


My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by to check out the system. Tell the girl that I don't know if I can hold up my end of the promise not to let you take home any more corals ;) I have a terrible habbit of encouraging worthy reefers like yourself to go home with new corals, forcing them into upgrading their tanks(my main motive in your case as of the other night) :D

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My pleasure! Thanks for stopping by to check out the system. Tell the girl that I don't know if I can hold up my end of the promise not to let you take home any more corals ;) I have a terrible habbit of encouraging worthy reefers like yourself to go home with new corals' date=' forcing them into upgrading their tanks(my main motive in your case as of the other night) :D[/quote']


Evil Garrett... very evil (naughty)

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lol just wait until you get down here. My motive in your case may be very similar' date=' very similar indeed(naughty)[/quote']


Ha! 120 isn't enough for you eh? Of course, I have been considering adding a cube I would need to stock (scratch) I think the only thing I have of your old stock though (besides the clowns!) is that watermelon table acro via Curtis and a few shrooms. CA2OR is the zoa/paly addict!

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The first of my Metal Halides are up! After waiting a while for the bulbs I am really happy now that they have arrived. Here are a couple of pics taken with my cell phone as I left my cameras at home.

Nice quality pics for a cell phone! I also appreciate that you posted these for a 15" monitor. I hate having to scroll from side to side reading text because someone has posted the largest pics possible!(I am guilty of doing this before I caught onto this feature at photobucket(whistle))

Soon I should have enough power over in the area to run all of the lighting at once. I have kind of been waiting to get a couple of 20 amp breakers installed and wireing run before I get all of the lighting setup more perminantly in configuration.
We can hardy wait to move out of this apartment, and into a house. I have to turn off my T5 lighting when I run the microwave to prevent the circuit breaker from kicking off!
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Thanks Jon! Yah I can't stand it when I have to scroll from side to side to view an entire pic. Doesn't happen too much anymore with the monitor I use but back before I upgraded it wasn't too fun having to do so.


I got another 2x 20 amps of power run over to my prop system. Turns out that Ben happens to be a god among men. He helped me(he did 99% of the work) run a conduit from the breaker panel over to 6 new outlets that are independent from anything else in the house. This will make things really nice and provide enough power to run all the lighting, heating, and cooling I could need on this system. A huge thanks goes out to Ben for all of his amazing help! Pro!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I will have to snap a couple of update pics this weekend and get them up on here. I am hopeing for one of the bulbs to arrive for the fixture that is over the tank with the rock tower. I would love to grab pics with light above it .


It was good chatting with you Mike and I am glad that your tank is coming along. Thanks for the frag of pavona and the 2 cardinals!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a rock pillar I built.


I used a masonry bit to drill the rock and then carefully ran 3/4" pvc through the holes connecting the rock. I plan on doing another one in more of an elongated island format on the left side of the tank. This allows for pretty clean aquascaping with room for fish and lots of corals! Still some work to do as I was waiting on some bulbs to arrive before I made any final adjustments.


Taken with my iphone and is of my father and I's 90g inline display.




The left side is just a pile of rocks right now. Just wait, it will be sweet when I am done :)


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