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Bristle Worm...Fire Worm


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Hi All...this is my first post.

Yesterday I saw a 4" plus long worm crawl out from a piece of live rock. It has a peach/ pink body with while fuzzy feet/ legs. Near as I can tell it's a bristle worm of some type, and maybe a fireworm.


As of recent I have lost an entire colony of green button and one of my two Toadstoles also looks less than healthy.

Should I be concerned enough to try to trap and remove this little critter?


My tank is just a little 15 gallon nano with a fair collection of live rock, misc corals incluidng frog spawn, kenya trees, candy's, and misc mushrooms. Also have a few hermet crabs, an emerald crab, a cleaner shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, and a turbo snail. Oh yea, and one clown and a tang.


Tank seems quite healthy asside from my recent button die-off.




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I wouldn't blame the worm just yet IMO. It appears as there are some other things off in your husbandry that may be to blame.


My tanks have many bristle worms, and many corals. I have only ever had 1 bad worm IME.


Might look at water quaility with that stock you have. That is a lot for a 15g. Check your alk to for the leathers. Make sure they are getting enough flow to blow off the mucus on there head.

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Thanks for the input.

I test the water regularly and it seems to be in real good shape as far as Nitrates, PH, Alk, etc. Not saying it's perfect although.

I guess my concern is that if you read about fireworms, they attack polyps and other corals....that's why I thought it might be a problem.

My other question is do Bristle Worms multiply??? I think, and I'll restate, I think I have one. They are probably like rats, if you see one, you probably have more.

Thanks Again,


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In the book I have it only list 2, the "aquarium Fireworm" which eats food remains, dead animals, etc. I have one of these, the way to tell is it was out after dark (lights out) feeding on a piece of shrimp so I was pretty sure. The other worm unfortunatly is a "coral eating fireworm" which feeds on soft corals, zoas, polyps etc. Just for your info if you try to get it out they are both listed as Dangerous to touch

good luck

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15 years ago, people would have cried "MONSTER!!! Kill it!!!"


When I started back into this hobby 2 years ago, the hardest thing that I found to deal with was not all the new technology, but the attitude about bristle worms. Now they are considered to be good guys. A very valuable part of the clean up crew that eats the left over food and the waste that the fish make. For the first 6 months or so, I wanted to pull them out and kill them every time I saw one. Since then I have gotten used to them and actually enjoy watching them creep out of the rocks and search for food at night.



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It probably wouldn't hurt to try to coax it out and see if it will eat some shrimp. I have put some down in the sand wedged under a rock at lights out in the area i have seen it, it would help to put a few pieces around the tank for others critters also. if it eats and you can feed it once in a while it wont have to seek out other food, its possible its not getting enough from the tank so it goes for its second choice, your soft corals

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Lights were only out for a short time this evening and I caught the "Fireworm" chowing down on the colony of dying button polyps.

Now the question is, how does one remove a Fireworm? Do they go in Bristle Worm traps??? If their diet is polyps and anemones then I mights have to try something else.




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I got up several times last night and the best the worm ever did was come out about 2" from his caverns in the live rock. The large live rock is filled with holes, I assume, some interconnected? I have seen at least 4" of his body exposed (my first sighting), so I know he has some length, just not sure how long.

If he gets away from the rock I will catch him, if I can't get him from the rock, I am not sure what to do?

Once the buttons are gone I wonder what he will go after?


Go figure, he's back (9:45 PM)...again chowing on the buttons. I wish I knew how to catch him?


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Position your hand over the buttons with a pair of tweezers. When the bugger comes out of hiding, grab him. You will probably break him in half, but it won't eat your button polyps while it is trying to regrow a new head. That should give you a few days to rest and plan how to catch the bugger for good.



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I tried the tweezer trick. My worm just laughed at me and gave me the New Jersey State Bird. They are fast.

I also put some shrimp in a tube with floss at the entrance. A nass snail entered the tube before the worm. In a fit of arrogance the worm wrapped around the snail, stung him and pulled him out of the tube. Such a pleasant personality trait.

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I tried the tweezer trick. My worm just laughed at me and gave me the New Jersey State Bird. They are fast.

I also put some shrimp in a tube with floss at the entrance. A nass snail entered the tube before the worm. In a fit of arrogance the worm wrapped around the snail, stung him and pulled him out of the tube. Such a pleasant personality trait.


Man... you guys have some tough worms! Making me kind of nervous to stick my hands in the tank anymore... the mystery crab was bad enough! I already get smacked all the time by my overly protective Maroon clown... (threaten)

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Yea, (clap) I caught one of the Fireworms last night. I coaxed him out with a piece of razor clam and then was able to chase him under a rock where I could finally safely nab him. He is about 4" long, maybe longer when stretched out.

The bad news is that after I caught him I saw another crawling (feeding) around my buttons. (wife)

I guess I will keep on attempting to catch these buggers.(flame)


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