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180 gallon. Time to get started.


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That pilar looks killer. Cant wait to see some color on that bad boy.


Youve inspired me to take pictures tomorrow so I can start my sorry attemp at a reef tank.


You will feel a lot better about your build when you see mine(scratch)

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Got the rest of my rock today.


Not as many huge pieces but lots of medium pieces. Good looking rock.


Must say, Im pretty happy with Marcorock.

Ordered on monday morning last week.

Shipped out a few hours later.

got the first box friday.

Second box got left behind in utah for some reason and didnt get it until today.


Eitehr way, 1 week to get 100lbs of rock seems pretty good to me for 10 bucks shipping.




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Yet another vote for that tower - it looks great. It really looks solid and like one big piece.


I'll be ordering some base rock soon as well. I had heard one negative thing about Marco from a while back, but I'll have to consider him given the great looking rock and your positive feedback.


Keep the pictures coming as you finalize your aquascaping.

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What was the negative, if you dont mind me asking?


I heard from some one on RC that it raised the ph or something and to cure it for some time. The new stuff is supposed to be "precycled". Not sure what that even means. Im soaking it in saltwater just to get all the dust and stuff off it right now. My tanks gonna cycle for a bit anyway, so Im not to worried about it.

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So I have ran into a couple of snags. Or rather annoying things I guess.


My pump is really loud. I realize once I have the walls up it will be muffled more, but not really sure how much. I placed a bit of foam padding under it and re attached it to the plywood and that cut a bit of noise.


Second, the huge amount of flow that is being put out is causing serious micro bubble issues. The entire tank is filled with micro bubbles even after running through the baffles. Im thinking maybe a sock on the end of the one return will help a bit. The return into the refugium I did a pvc TEE and drilled holes in the bottom to disperse the flow a bit, but it is still really pushing the water.


Last, Im not sure of the break in period of ASM skimmers, but it doesnt seem to be doing much at all. I dont really have any thing to really pull out of the water, but I was told even with no bioload you shoud get something.


Im guessing since I used marcorock and fully cured live rock from one tank to this one Im not going to get much die off and my cycling will be a bit quicker. I have yet to have any ammonia or Nitrite spikes at all. PH is a tad low, but seems to be coming up.


Anyone had similar issues with there set ups? Any suggestions?



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The Gen-X pumps are known for being a little noisy. Obviously the noise will be cut way down when you place sides on your stand.


Give things a couple more days and the bubbles should settle down.


In your pic it looks like you are using water straight out of the hose. Was that just for your trial or are you just using tap water in your tank?

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The Gen-X pumps are known for being a little noisy. Obviously the noise will be cut way down when you place sides on your stand.


Give things a couple more days and the bubbles should settle down.


In your pic it looks like you are using water straight out of the hose. Was that just for your trial or are you just using tap water in your tank?



Oh no, went that route the first time. I just filled it up with tap water to do a leak test and see how things worked.


I used RO/DI to fill it. Its all I use anymore.


Im bought ready to build some kind of insulated box to go around the pump. Its a bit more than annoying. I turned the flow down a bit and that seemed to cut it down some.

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So I have been sick with a nasty cold all week so I didnt get much accomplished.


I did get all the wire ran to the fish tank. Also running 220 to my hot tub, so ran it all at the same time. That was a chore.





So now I have a breaker dedicated to my fish tank.


Sump seems to be working pretty good.


THe bubble issue has settled quite a bit. I turned down the flow a little, but I think it just needed to settle.


Now to my rock work, which is killilng me.



honestly just have not felt well enough to work on it. Today was the first day all week I even did more then check water levels and feed my fish in the other tank.


But I cant seem to recreate that exact pillar under water. It was entirely to heavy to do in one piece. I tried:eek2: . i did a second pillar just playing around with some driveway markers that I was told on here work pretty good. Not bad, easy to work with. But now I just have a few big piles of rock to sort out.


Either way its rolling pretty good. Im still not getting any kind of cycle. The ph is down, but Im guessing thats because I dont have lights up yet. Funny story.


So I ordered my lights from Dr. foster's like two weeks ago. The next day they call me and say they dont have anymore and there not gonna get any. They cancel my order:mad2: I check there website last week and I see they are still advertising them. I call and the lady says "hmm, thats odd it says we have negative quantity". No go. So this week, I check, there back up there, for giggles I ordered them, and what do you know, there shipped and on the way:rolleyes: "were never getting them again". Dont trust the customer service I guess.


So in a few days Ill have my lights, finish my electrical and see how it goes.


Anyone got any ideas about aquascaping?

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Looking good! Its probably to late to mention I had a similar noise issue when I first set up and test ran my tank, It turned out the space beneath the cabinet was acting like a subwoofer. I filled it with rigid insulation and thet made it alot quieter. when I moved my tank 2 years later I lined the inside of the cabinet with 1/2" foam board. I'd wait until you get the doors on and see how it sounds, when I open the doors its loud but when they are closed alls quiet

good luck, keep posting

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Well this arrived today.


As big as it is I understand peoples reasoning with going with retrofit setups. But for the price I couldnt beat it. I could of bought 2 of these units for less then a retro setup would of cost me.


Didnt expect the ballasts to be so bulky:confused:



I will have to rethink my canopy a bit.


Lights look good fired up though. Its on legs for now until I get the hood built, then I plan on hanging them.



Never having halides before I am wowed at how bright they are.


Only being 10k coralife 250 watt bullbs, im impressed. Im guessing I will up the bulbs when these wear out. Which should be good since I dont really plan on having any serious corals for a bit.


Good news is my electrical circuit I ran to the tank worked, I wired it all up last night and all my outlets work, no smoke:D .


And last shot is just some sponge growth I have on some of my rock.


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Your setup is looking awesome! I like the clean look of a fixture myself. I have found it less expensive to retrofit most of the time or I would run fixtures over my tanks. Of course I am usually buying slighitng used which helps there.


You may have already answered this but, is all of your rock Marco rock or is some of it live?

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100lbs of Marco and about 60lbs of live rock out of my old tank. I still have to aquascape, but have not really had the time. that and I was getting fustrated trying to figure out a layout. So I spend about an hour a day just staring at it thinking what I should do. I want a bit of an open swimming area for the fish with some pillars. One small pillar is done, and the other that Ihad pictured is giving me fits putting it back together underwater.


As far as the lights, I looked all over and couldnt beat the price on these at dr fosters and smiths. Once I got past them having them, not having them, having them, yada yada. But 650 shipped is hard to beat for 3 250 watt and antics, fans.

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Tank is really coming along nicely - I actually like the look of that fixture on there... very clean!


It looks like the tank will be viewable from both sides (which is very cool), have you thought about using some of that dark window film on the overflows? It is basically electrostatic so you could peel it off if need be to check the overflows (for wayward fish for instance... don't ask :D) then just wet the surface and put it back when you are done. You probably already have this covered but just a thought..


Keep up the pics! I love how this tank is coming together.

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That is one of the options I was considering for the overflows. The one against the wall wont be an issue, but the other something like that will work.


Thanks for the comments. Trying to plan the canopy now. Have to change it a bit for the ballasts Im thinking.

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Well I think I got my rock work done. Of course I found a bag of live sand I needed to add right after so its all cloudy. Will post more pics after the dust settles.





Still no cycle at all. PH came up and is sitting at about 8.3 or so. No nitrites, no ammonia.

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Got home and most of the dust has settled. So here is my sort of finalized aquascape.







I also picked up some new elbows to fix my bubble problem with that overflow.


Also was at the LFS and finally found a good sized Kole Tang and 3 clown gobies. 2 citron and one green. So in to qt they go. Ill post a pic once they get settled.

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So i got a bit done this weekend.


Started teh canopy. This is the frame that will mount to the ceiling. Get a better picture once I get it mounted.



Skimmer is starting to work good now.



I got some of my stuff moved over and got a small portion of my clean up crew. Of course when I got them, I had almost zero algae, litterally the next day I had a massive algae bloom, go figure.


Im pretty sure these really like the MH's



And I put my firefish pair in and my midas blenny. Blenny loves the nooks and places to roam. The second firefish decided to be non photgenic.




Thats about it for now. Hopefully get the canopy framed in this week

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Well not much done this week. I did get the top of the frame of the canopy mounted up tonight.


Sorry crappy pics, but it was dark when I took them.






Still trying to figure out my entire design.


did get a clean up crew in, about 60 various types of snails. Some hermits and stuff. Moved over my Hippo and my Blue throats. they seem to be enjoying the room.


My clown tang is out and not going in. He decided to become a complete *** this week and was harrassing everything in my other tank. Even fish 5 times his size. So hes in time out in the qt getting harrassed by my evil damsels.


Hope to get the rest of the hood framed out tommorrow, as long as the wife and kids let me get some work done.

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  • 1 month later...

So I have been pretty busy with work and other projects so I have not got a ton done with the canopy and the rest of the stand. Really have not updated in quite a bit.


Got a ATO from aquahub, but failed to realize I needed the longer piece of moldable plastic. :mad2: You would think that would be an option on there packages.



Got sheetrock up on 2 sides.




Got a few new toys. Koralia 4's



Still playing around with flow.

Had a nasty case of Cyno that has amazingling gone away since these have been put in.


This has kept me sidetracked for a while. refinishing a old hot tub. Tub itself is in great shape, but the skirting was trashed and had to be reworked. Nothing to do with fish, but oh well.



The rest are just my fish and stuff. Besides hopefully adding a pair of orange skunk clowns and a RBTA, I have offically just moved my last fish out of QT and into the tank.


List of fish.

Hippo tang

Pair of Blue throat triggers

Halfblack mimic tang

Mimic Eibli Tang

Kole tang

pair of firefish

Midas blenny

Lawnmower blenny(getting along so far)

Dragon goby

Xmas wrasse(big bully, may have to go.)









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I have seen people in So Cal, no BS, use those hot tubs for outdoor frag tanks\coral grow out. Using natural light to do the work, guess that is the cheapest way to replace bulbs huh? Nice looking tank too btw. Maybe I can snap some pic's when I am down there to share.

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