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My Zoo!!


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I know it has been done before but I thought I'd share my other animals that I own besides the aquarium.


My 2 Great Pyrnees, older picture as the girl isn't a puppy anymore.

Diesel and Dinky



Our 4 cats Twister, Austin, Cane, and Fritz (who I have no picture of)







Tank the Sulcata Tort



And here is Vance's home the Veiled Chameleon

The screen interfers with taking pictures





So what you got??

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The screen interfers with taking pictures


If you put the camera lens right up to the screen and use a low F stop you might be able to make the screen magically disappear. Nit sure of the mesh on the screen but if you can focus through it you might be able to get some close ups.



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If you put the camera lens right up to the screen and use a low F stop you might be able to make the screen magically disappear. Nit sure of the mesh on the screen but if you can focus through it you might be able to get some close ups.




I have a POS point and shot camera. I would have to look at it and see if I even have f-stop control. If I do I will try that.

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Racefan, those are some bold words there. Let's hope your wife doesn't get curious and read that one day(wife). May find yourself on dangerous ground.(hidesbehindsofa) or worse (jail). Trust me, my wife (hi honey) got an ich and signed on one day and had like 6 hours to think before I got home(plotting). Let's just say it was a very long night(threaten)

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My awesome totally GREEN lawnmowers...haven't mowed the lawn in three years.


Ozymandias my 29 1/2 inch stallion



Twoie my 30 inch mare



Nonki my mini donkey



Yellow Cheek Amazon Bubba



African Grey Pepper



Australian Cattle Dogs Maggie and Bog




Barn cats named Good cat and Bad cat !



Thinking about selling my mare and my amazon parrot this spring...just lifestyle changes and too many animals.

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You have quite the collection there! All look happy. Can you tell the difference between 'good cat' and 'bad cat' they look the same to me. LOL :)


actually YES hahah good cat is less hairy and is very well mannered and just does her own thing...BAD cat has a furry tail and will outright attack you when you go near, rip toilet paper and spread it all over the room, eats socks, rode in a truck engine for 20 miles to a doctors appointment and never goes into the barn to catch mice...although she has swiped my dogs a few times. She won't sit alone, has to be on your lap, spends hours tank watching, scratches my couch....


maybe I should be selling cats


(oh...and bad cat...is a shameless hussy and had a 3 day long love fest with some wild tom last weekend. So if anyone wants GOOOOOD mousers "FREE" with attitude - call me in 63 days lol)

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I've (sad) been thinking about it for a while. "Bubba" the yellow cheek (red lored) Amazon is the one that I'm thinking about. He/she (can't tell) is a wonderful bird, hand raised, loving, friendly but the two birds don't get along so I can no longer put them out in the aviery or on the "tree" to play and juggling them is becoming a pain. I feel sad for bubba because he's quieter, less demanding and quite happy to be alone he's getting neglected...(neglected in my view...I take good care of all my pets) He/She deserves more love than he's getting IMO.




edited to say I just placed an ad. in our out of bounds ad. forum

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