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Getting varied results from API and Salifert Cal & Alk Tests?!?!?!


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To make a long story short, I set my calcium reactor up about 2 weeks ago. It was maintaining my Cal/Alk pretty solid at 440 Cal, 10-11 dKH according to my API test kits.


I bought Salifert Cal & Alk test kits on Saturday. My water tested out at 610 Cal & 14 dKH! I immediately shut my reactor down to let my parameters settle down.


I have been testing my water daily with the Salifert test kits. My Alk has been coming down, but my calcium is hovering arround the 600 range.


Today I tested my water with both brands. I got the following results:



Salifert: 600

API: 440



Salifert: 9.1

API: 7


This is REALLY bothering me. How do I know what brand to trust? I might go buy a set of Elos tomorrow, just for piece of mind.


Has anyone else experienced these kind of variances between brands? I can understand a small variance between brands, but this is drastic!


Fortunately, I have seen no negative effects in my corals.



Quote from page 2:

Well, I just got my Elos Cal & Alk test kits from Waves....


I tested all 3 brands TWICE, just to confirm the results.



Salifert: 7.7

API: 6

Elos: 6



Salifert: 600

API: 400

Elos: 390


My Calcium reactor has been off-line since Saturday, and the results show it. Before I shut my reactor down, I was at 10-11 dKH, and 440 Cal (according to my API kits). Now my live stock has experienced an unnecessary fluctuation in parameters.


Now I will be getting my Cal/Alk back up with 2-part, then start my reactor back up.


I will be using the Elos kits from this point on. I will also be forwarding my findings to Salifert. They should not be in business, potentially thousands of dollars worth of livestock could be riding on the results of their tests.


I would not advise to buy ANY Salifert Products. If you cannot afford Elos, go with API.

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There was a bad batch of Salifert Alk kits out maybe a year or so ago. I switched over to Elos at that time (partially due to the Alk problem, and partially because the Salifert Mg kits were nowhere to be found) and haven't looked back.


Checking the dates is a good idea, Mike...

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waves does.....how frustrating it is though, you buy something and its sole purpose is to provide you with an accurate test result, and it can't even do that. There needs to be some standard or regulations so this doesn't happen. As far as which one to trust.....your gonna have to do more research, the cheapest way would be to take your water to a few different stores ask what test kits they are using and compare results and go from there.

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My Cal was had a 100ppm difference between the Salifert and Elos, Salifert was higher. My alk was also different. When I managed my alk and Ca reading to the Elos kit all these weird things started happening in my tank. My brown sticks started to get color and grow, so odd.


I'm Elos for Ca, Alk, Mg, and Phosphate, I still use API for nitrate. Hanna for pH.



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Well, I just got my Elos Cal & Alk test kits from Waves....


I tested all 3 brands TWICE, just to confirm the results.



Salifert: 7.7

API: 6

Elos: 6



Salifert: 600

API: 400

Elos: 390


My Calcium reactor has been off-line since Saturday, and the results show it. Before I shut my reactor down, I was at 10-11 dKH, and 440 Cal (according to my API kits). Now my live stock has experienced an unnecessary fluctuation in parameters.


Now I will be getting my Cal/Alk back up with 2-part, then start my reactor back up.


I will be using the Elos kits from this point on. I will also be forwarding my findings to Salifert. They should not be in business, potentially thousands of dollars worth of livestock could be riding on the results of their tests.


I would not advise to buy ANY Salifert Products. If you cannot afford Elos, go with API.

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