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Turbo snail is a tank!


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I have a few big ones but they stay clear of most of them. my urchin does all the damage. Last night he had a big bush of xenia, 2 turbo snails and 3 hermits(wife) He gets on my nerves. He grabbed a frag of birdsnest the other day and set it down on another coral. birds nest is all but dead now(threaten)(threaten)(threaten)

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My turbo got banished to the sump after it was knocking over entire rocks' date=' not just frags anymore. I do have smaller rocks though (no wise cracks!)[/quote']



Oh you left that wide open (laugh). [language filter] snails...as expected all of my margarite snails have died off. Knew it would happen and the hermits do love there new digs. Unfortunate though, I lost one of my "big coral and rock knocker downer" in the form of a big zebra snail...those hermits are exicited about their new digs (and made quick work of any snail flesh remaining!).


The tank is doing well, but all of the rock stuck so close together limits the ability to get in and get rid of poop and junk. The psuedo closed loop cant penetrate the substrate under the rocks...I am in Nitrate Hell. I am vaccuming up my sand with every water change...filtering for snails as I go. I am sure the nitrates are a cause of the newest snail demise.


Sorry, a little off topic, but it was a "snail story" (whistle)



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How high are the nitrates? They would have to be really high for it be killing snails IME.


Can you adjust your flow to get the stuff out of the rocks? That way it will save you some maintence.


Your tank is newer right? Sometimes it takes some time for them to get stable.

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Maybe they were "old" snails...does anyone know the life expectancy of a snail? Any how...hard to say on the nitrates as I don't have an accurate test. I am picking up some tests this weekend however. As for flow...I have my to Hydors pointed directly at the rock and a closed loop blowing on them...


I will go with less rock and more open space in my next tank.



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