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Chalice photos!!!!!!!


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The Afterburner, mother colony!!!!




Awesome Afterburner Chalice! Looking forward to seeing more of your corals!

Ocean In A Box is our newest PNWMAS Sponsor.

Again, welcome to PNWMAS, Perry!

Your Sponsor forum should be up & running sometime Saturday!(you will just have to tolerate Toad Fish under your name till then (laugh))

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If you keep this one in a dim spot it shoud get a grey green base color with a red edge.


Yeah I read about how the intense light made it more red. Ive got it midway right now on my tank but I only have a 150DE on my nano.


How dim do you think Issac? Maybe on the sandbed? It will be in my frag tank setup soon but for the time being.

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My piece had turned almost solid red on the bottom under 400w radiums in a slightly shaded spot. I have since moved it to a very dim spot and it has regained a grey body color with the red edge. My guess is it was collected in pretty deep water.




Yeah I read about how the intense light made it more red. Ive got it midway right now on my tank but I only have a 150DE on my nano.


How dim do you think Issac? Maybe on the sandbed? It will be in my frag tank setup soon but for the time being.

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I think this is a good place to ask this question. Do any of you have photo's of the chalises tentacles?


mine never show tentacles even when feeding and complete black. wel the mycediums will but not the echino or oxypora(scratch) and whatever the others are. but the mycedium will get some extension like a favia.ill have to get some pics

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