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water parameters testing schedule?


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I test my water with the help of kids before every two week water change. Nitrates, pH, KH, salinity, sometimes phosphates. I don't have a calcium reactor so I test calcium once a month. If you do not run sps tanks what routines do you all suggest for water testing to beginning teachers for good responsible maintenance?


Testing can be fun for kids but it can be time consuming(less time to teach curriculum).

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I definatley would keep to doing what you are doing now. In fact you test way more than most of us and I would imagine it is a great learning tool for both you and the kids! I love it! Calcium is fairly irrelivant until you start keeping alot of LPS or SPS. Regular water changes should replenish any needed calcium and I would argue trace elements. Salinity, nitrates, pH, and occasionally phosphates are all I would be worrying about in a well cycled tank.



Keep up the excellent work!


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Joel....do you have this scheduled posted? It would be really cool to see the "workings" of a subject tank. All the data documented etc. This would provide a learning tool to a lot of people! I would be great to see actual changing data, especially if something was added or changed in the tank!


Thanks also for the wiki! If you have not heard, we have just awarded our next Tank! I will post details in this forum.



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Cool. I have not started to record the parameters. I will get things rolling at school once I have kids trained up for the year. My one assistant is on vacation!! He went with his parents to the Carribean. lol My science elective course is into robotics right now but I will be cross training some of them in aquatic husbandry soon. I will have them post to the wiki once we are ready to go.

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