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Hey! New to community

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Hello everyone, I’m getting back into the hobby after a couple decades away. My kids saw some aquariums and showed interest so I am hoping they get to catch the bug.

I consider myself newbie since I am learning everything again from scratch. I have been gifted a nano 10g and a larger 55G tank, but might end up setting up a different size. I don’t want to jump quick and will be planning out all of equipment, plumbing, light, etc. 

Already been looking at all the great posts for inspiration and information. If there are any must view resources, sites, YT, blogs etc, please share. Would be great to review setup, equipment, and maintenance guides that review must haves for tank type, inhabitants, and size. If anyone can point me to that.

Thanks again 


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Welcome Glub.


You didn’t mention budget, but there are some screaming deals on equipment right now on the board, might be worth a look.


I personally think bigger is better when possible, stability tends to be easier on a larger volume, or at least is more forgiving.  The 55 is a challenging tank based on the dimensions and isn’t super popular these days.


I highly suggest getting to the meeting this month to meet some people, making a few connections can be a huge help in collecting current hobby information.


Go slow, enjoy the experience with your kids, and be a good steward for the animals in your care… the rest will sort of work its way out.

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Great guide Brittany, Thanks. Also, been watching BRS videos, those are helpful.

Thanks for the welcome Krux. I didn't mention budget because I DIY much of what I did before so I honestly dont even know what would be a realistic budget. I would ideally have a bigger tank 90g or 120g, as I’m sure most would. Makes sense to be more forgiving, less evaporation, less fluctuations and all. My better half has noted that the 55 is quote “a huge tank” and the nano is a good size, lol. 

Unfortunately can’t make the next meeting. Saw its on July 20th and have previous obligation, but hopefully the next one.

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In the old days my big worry was my corals would die.  As most of them got off plane and went in the tank, a lot of times did not make it.  My modern worry is that almost any coral I put in the tank will take over my tank.  Be really careful with things like aqua cultured pocillopora, I am still in battle trying to remove it as it loves spread via polyp bailout.   Aqua culture of select corals has made a huge difference along with the technology improvements.   The downside of this is a lot of our tanks kind of look the same because there are like 100 common sps corals out there that everyone has. 

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@Glubglub welcome back. I just took down my 75g with drilled eshopps eclipse overflows and returns and stand that I just took down from my 300g SPS system. 

I know you have a bunch of other tanks you’ve been given and not sure if you want to go with those or something a bit bigger (if you get a sump it can for sure raise up your water volume) but you’re welcome to reach out if interested. I’m basically just looking to get the money back from the costs of the overflow.   



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On 7/20/2024 at 9:58 AM, Stephen Sturges said:

In the old days my big worry was my corals would die.  As most of them got off plane and went in the tank, a lot of times did not make it.  My modern worry is that almost any coral I put in the tank will take over my tank.  Be really careful with things like aqua cultured pocillopora, I am still in battle trying to remove it as it loves spread via polyp bailout.   Aqua culture of select corals has made a huge difference along with the technology improvements.   The downside of this is a lot of our tanks kind of look the same because there are like 100 common sps corals out there that everyone has. 

Things going to well seems like a good problem to have. Thanks for the advice on selection.

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