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Crazy Temp in May

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Ya, welcome to garage feeding. Like Richard said, I run a dehumidifier in fall/winter/half of spring. Now I need the AC unit in there. 

It does help that my detached garage is insulated so it’s a bit more efficient. But for the heat make sure you get a big box fan for the frag tank. It can usually handle bringing tank temps down about 4°. But just know you’re evaporating a grip of water to drop temps with fans, so best practice to have a good size RODI reservoir for ATO. 

Then for those really hot temps, have as many frozen RODI 1g ziplock bags of ice as possible. Make sure to use RODI and not tap because the ice freezing the bag often times rips small holes in the bags and you’ll feed tap water to your system. 

I’ve been keeping reefs in garages for 4 years at this point so I feel like I’ve been through it all and learned every lesson under the sun for garage reef keeping. 

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Last week, I realized I'd unplugged my chiller during the winter during some Maint.  How?   I've got my apex set to turn off my lights, if temp gets >79.   Idea is, lights add heat.. Plus, they're a good visual indicator that something might be wrong.  (like the year my chiller stopped working, and I got the phone call - Your tank lights have been off all day.  is everything okay?)

Remember my system is display tank in the house, with two 50 gallon frag tanks in the garage.  Connected by common sump, also in the garage.

Last line of light code is:

  • If T-Tank > 79.0 Then OFF

CHILLER code is:

  • Fallback OFF
    If T-Tank > 78.7 Then ON
    If T-Tank < 78.0 Then OFF
    If T-Frag < 77.0 Then OFF
    If Output vFeed_Main = ON Then OFF
    If Output vFeed_Frags = ON Then OFF
    Defer 001:00 Then ON
    Defer 000:15 Then OFF

Tank Temp, and heater/chiller actions in the last week.


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