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Clownfish not swimming well


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So one of my clowns passed a week ago. It was exhibiting similar behavior the remaining clown appears to be starting. Before the lights come on, he is not swimming strongly and is not in his usual spot in the tank. He will stop moving his fins altogether and then start to list sideways motionless until he gets almost fully sideways or the current carries him and then resumes swimming again. At first I put this off to odd behavior or spawning when there was the pair but this is what the other one did before I found it stuck on my overflow too weak to swim then perished a few minutes after I recused her.

All the other fish are acting normal and healthy. Ammonia and nitrite is zero. I got the new Hannah nitrate checker last week and my nitrates were above 5ppm after battling some algae issues that finally seem to be at bay. I've changed 20gallons of water in the past week to get those nitrates down. I was going to change another 10g this week as well. The only thing going into the tank besides a mineral or amininos is Vibrant for the algae issues.

Is there anything I should be doing to try to save this little guy?

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Thanks monkeyboy, I'll research. He's hiding now, not looking good but I did snap this pic. His caudal fin looks eaten up - perhaps my coral beauty is beating him up? He chases him a little but nothing that looked serious that I have observed.


Can't upload the image, weird


Edited by Cobalt
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