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My reefing 2019 year in review


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As I look back over the past year, I'm pretty pleased with how things have progressed with my reef tank and my confidence in keeping it healthy and thriving.  One year ago on this date I had the flu, my tank was suffering from brown jelly syndrome, and I was in a panic over losing many corals.  Since that time I've learned a lot, taken careful steps, and exercised patience to let the tank recover.  I've also made a lot of new friends here in our local reefing community and established a pretty good reputation internationally for helping Apex users.  Overall it's been a good year, and I'm really looking forward to what the next year will bring.

Happy New Year to all my PNWMAS friends!

Screen Shot 2019-12-31 at 3.47.05 PM.png

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Congrats on making it through the year with the tank looking better than ever (at least to the casual viewer).  Would be interesting to hear what you might have changed with regards to equipment/husbandry/livestock and what impact it had.  I know the Trident was a big deal and you recently switched out the lighting...

Wish I could speak to the same success but sadly not the case 😞  Hoping for better things in 2020!

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