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Setting up Apex


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I am having some problems getting fusion to work. It is hooked with a wired connection. It used to work just fine 3 years ago when I initially hooked it up.

If anyone can help me out I would be appreciated. I can change my settings using a ip address, just can not seem to be able to connect to fusion.



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1 hour ago, BrianB said:

I am having some problems getting fusion to work. It is hooked with a wired connection. It used to work just fine 3 years ago when I initially hooked it up.

If anyone can help me out I would be appreciated. I can change my settings using a ip address, just can not seem to be able to connect to fusion.

Which model is your Apex?

When you log into Fusion, does it show that you have an Apex linked to your account?

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5 minutes ago, BrianB said:

 I am not sure on the model #

When I go to the menu and it says fusion down. 

Since you said you used it 3 years ago, I need to know if it's the 2016 model, the Apex Classic, or the Apex Jr:

Apex 2016:


Apex Classic:


Apex Jr:


Next, I need to know what it says if you log in to https://apexfusion.com


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13 minutes ago, BrianB said:

I have the apex classic


OK.  Maybe you missed my other question above:  I need to know what it says if you log in to https://apexfusion.com

Also, what kind of device are you using to connect?  iPhone/iPad, Android, PC, Mac?  The newly updated IOS Fusion app greatly simplifies the setup process.

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I think you're misunderstanding my question.  Don't look at your blue Display module.  On your computer or your phone, browse to https://apexfusion.com and log in.  Once you've logged in, what does the screen show?  And let me know what kind of phone or computer you're using because that will dictate how we proceed with troubleshooting.

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So just FYI. My old classic did the same thing.  How long has it been out of operation?  I called neptune after exhausting all options and have some pretty talented people remotely log in and still could not get it to work. I opened a ticket and neptune tried logging in remotely and doing a software update and reboot, still nothing. They offered me an upgrade to the new version for 150$ which I did and worked like a charm 

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I'd recommend removing the Apex from Fusion, then walking through the basic setup process to re-link it. 

1. On your Fusion account, click the red dropdown button, then click Remove.


2. Follow the steps in the Getting Started Guide to link your Apex:  https://www.neptunesystems.com/getstarted/apexclassic/


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44 minutes ago, BrianB said:

Can I completly reboot my apex and restart everything. Basically set it up as if it were new?

Yes, but you still need to remove it from Fusion before you can add it back.

Follow this guide as if you are selling it to a new owner:  https://forum.neptunesystems.com/showthread.php?7399-Transfering-an-Apex-To-or-From-Someone-Else

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8 minutes ago, BrianB said:

Ok thanks I will work on it some more. I am getting a little frustrated. I did remove it from fusion, but I never reset it to factory defaults because I wasn't completly sure how to reset it. 

Follow these steps from the Neptune forums to reset it: 

4. If you have an Apex Classic model (Apex Classic, Apex Gold, Apex Lite, or Apex Jr): Do an Initialize All of the Apex using the classic web pages (Configuration->Misc Setup page-Initialize memory->Initialize All) or through the display module menu system (System->Init Memory->Init All).

source:  https://forum.neptunesystems.com/showthread.php?7399-Transfering-an-Apex-To-or-From-Someone-Else

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